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The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of nanoporous structure of polymeric biomaterials on the in vitro osteogenic induction of human stem cells. An electronic search in three databases (MEDLINE, SCOPUS, and Web of Science) was performed for articles that were published before May 2018. In vitro studies were included if they met the following criteria: (1) the use of polymeric scaffolds (natural or synthetic); (2) the co-culture of human stem cells with the scaffold; and (3) cell viability, proliferation, and osteogenic differentiation assays. The main characteristics of the published studies were summarized, and a quality assessment tool was used to analyze methodological features. Eighty-eight potential articles were firstly retrieved. Thirteen were eligible for qualitative analysis. Only three studies characterized cell stemness. Nanostructure of the scaffolds showed a significant influence on viability, proliferation, and osteogenic differentiation of human stem cells. Combination of porosity between 72 and 93% and a large range diameter between 50 and 224 μm resulted in more remarkable cellular proliferation and differentiation. Porous polymeric scaffolds can be functionalized by stem cells leading to osteogenic induction. High standards of laboratory practice and accurate methodological reporting are essential for the credibility of the results.  相似文献   
This paper introduces the Dual Electro/Piezo Property (DEPP) gradient technique via Micro-Fabrication through Co-eXtrusion (MFCX) which pairs a high displacement lead zirconate titanate (PZT) piezoceramic with a high permittivity barium titanate (BT) dielectric. By grading with this material combination spatially across an actuator, the electric field is concentrated in the more active region for improved efficiency, higher displacements, and complex motions. To aid in synthesis and analysis of any gradient profile, compositional maps are provided for key material properties (density, stiffness, permittivity, and piezoelectric coefficients). The DEPP technique was validated, independent of the MFCX process, by powder pressing a conventional bimodal gradient beam which demonstrated through experiments high displacement capabilities at lower driving potentials than comparable functionally graded piezoceramic actuators. For more complex gradients, the MFCX process was adapted to the DEPP gradient technique and illustrated by the fabrication of a linearly graded prototype whose monolithic nature and gradual material variation significantly reduces internal stresses, improves reliability, and extends service lifetime.  相似文献   
The carrier screening effect occurs commonly in dielectric materials. It reduces the electric potential gradient, thus negatively affecting the functionality of resistive random access memory (RRAM) devices. An Au/ZnO film/Al-doped ZnO device fabricated in this work exhibited no resistive switching (RS), which was attributed to the carrier screening effect. Therefore, annealing was used for alleviating the screening effect, significantly enhancing the RS property. In addition, different on/off ratios were obtained for various bias values, and the screening effect was accounted for by investigating electron transport mechanisms. Furthermore, different annealing temperatures were employed to modulate the free carrier concentration in ZnO films to alleviate the screening effect. The maximal on/off ratio reached 105 at an annealing temperature of 600 °C, yielding the lowest number of free carriers and the weakest screening effect in ZnO films. This work investigates the screening effect in RS devices. The screening effect not only modulates the characteristics of memory devices but also provides insight into the mechanism of RS in these devices.
Silicon solar cells with cover glass irradiated by 1 MeV electron beams at various fluences were investigated using photocarrier radiometry (PCR) combined with lock-in carrierography (LIC, spectrally gated dynamic photoluminescence). The minority carrier transport properties (i.e., minority carrier lifetime τ, diffusion coefficient D, surface recombination velocities S) and the degradation of these properties were studied using PCR. The relative damage coefficient obtained by LIC was consistent with the PCR measurement. The local series resistance of the solar cell before and after irradiation was characterized by LIC. The results showed that the series resistance increased with electron fluences.  相似文献   
Optimization of abrasive water jet cutting of ductile materials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Full factorial design of experiments was developed in order to investigate the effects of jet pressure, abrasive mixing rate, cutting feed, and plate thickness upon three response variables, surface finish of cutting wear zone, percentage proportion of striation free area, and maximum width of cut. The set of sixteen experiments was performed on each of the following two ductile materials: AISI 4340 (high strength low alloy steel, hardened to 49HRc) and Aluminum 2219. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was performed on experimental data in order to determine the significance of effects of different parameters on the performance measures. It was found that cutting feed and thickness were highly influential parameters, while abrasive mixing rate is influential upon surface roughness only. Strong interaction was found between jet pressure and workpiece material. Multi-criteria numerical optimization was performed in order to simultaneously maximize/minimize different combinations of performance measures.  相似文献   
DCAF: An MPEG-21 Dynamic Content Adaptation Framework   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
Universal Multimedia Access aims at providing a gratifying end user-experience by either adapting the content, be it static or dynamic, to suit the usage environment or adapting the usage environment, be it client- or server-centric, to suit content. This paper presents our MPEG-21 Dynamic Content Adaptation Framework, acronym DCAF, which uses a fusion of Genetic Algorithms and Strength Pareto Optimality to adapt content in order to suit the usage environment.
Marios C. Angelides (Corresponding author)Email:
Previously unexplored resonance conditions are shown to exist for the classical hydrogen atomic system, where the electron is treated as a classical charged point particle following the nonrelativistic Lorentz-Dirac equation of motion about a stationary nucleus of opposite charge. For circularly polarized (CP) light directed normal to the orbit, very pronounced subharmonic resonance behavior is shown to occur with a variety of interesting properties. In particular, only if the amplitude of the CP light exceeds a critical value, will the resonance continue without radius and energy decay. A perturbation analysis is carried out to illustrate the main features of the behavior. The present phenomena adds to a growing list of other nonlinear dynamical behaviors of this simple system, that may well be important for more deeply understanding classical and quantum connections.  相似文献   
Chinese calligraphy is a unique visual art, and and is one of the material basis of China’s traditional cultural heritage. However, time had caused the old calligraphy works to weathering and damages, so it is necessary to utilize advanced technologies to protect those works. One of those technologies is digital imaging, and the obtained images by digital imaging can preserve the visual information of calligraphy works better, furthermore, they can be used in further researches. While the basic works for those researches are to extract the artistic features which include two elements, i.e., form and spirit. However, most of the existing methods only extract the form and ignore the characters’ spirit, especially they are insensitive to the slight variation in complex ink strokes. To solve these problems, this paper proposes an extraction method based on regional guided flter (RGF) with reference images, which is generated by KNN matting and used as the input image for RGF. Since RGF is sensitive to the slight variation of ink, so the detailed information of the inside of strokes can be detected better. Besides, unlike the past works, which filter the whole strokes, RGF filters the inside of strokes and edges in different windows respectively, which results in that the edges are preserved accurately. Results from a deployment of several famous Chinese calligraphy works demonstrate that our method can extract more accurate and complete form and spirit with lower error rate.  相似文献   
Business process work-arounds are specific forms of incompliant behavior, where employees intentionally decide to deviate from the required procedures although they are aware of them. Detecting and understanding the work-arounds performed can guide organizations in redesigning and improving their processes and support systems. Existing process mining techniques for compliance checking and diagnosis of incompliant behavior rely on the available information in event logs and emphasize technological capabilities for analyzing this information. They do not distinguish intentional incompliance and do not address the sources of this behavior. In contrast, the paper builds on a list of generic types of work-arounds found in practice and explores whether and how they can be detected by process mining techniques. Results obtained for four work-around types in five real-life processes are reported. The remaining two types are not reflected in events logs and cannot be currently detected by process mining. The detected work-around data are further analyzed for identifying correlations between the frequency of specific work-around types and properties of the processes and of specific activities. The analysis results promote the understanding of work-around situations and sources.  相似文献   
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