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Conventional logic gates (e.g. AND gates) cannot be used for building a reversible computer. An appropriate design approach is necessary. Both small building blocks and a more complex circuit in MOS technology are presented. Today, these are useful in low-power digital electronics. Tomorrow, these may be useful in quantum computers.  相似文献   
Ba/MgO is an active catalyst for the oxidative coupling of methane to form ethane and ethylene. It has been proposed that activation of methane occurs via reaction with peroxide species present at the surface of the catalyst. In the present work, Raman spectroscopy has been used to investigate the formation, decomposition, and reduction of BaO2 on 4 mol% Ba/MgO. The presence of BaO2 is evidenced by the presence of a band at 842 cm–1. The peroxide forms above 300°C but is stable to decomposition at temperatures up to 500°C. Reduction of BaO2 to BaO proceeds via Ba(OH)2. BaCO3 forms when either BaO or BaO2 is exposed to CO2. Once formed, BaCO3 is stable to decomposition in He or O2 at temperatures up to 500°C. Only BaCO3 is observed when a mixture of CH4 and O2 is passed over the catalyst at 500°C.  相似文献   
A package for analysing two-dimensional finite fringe interferograms is described. Through a combination of automatic and interactive routines, an interferogram can be processed to extract the phase shift imparted on the recording light by a transparent object. The package consists of routines to condition and pad the original image for Fourier transform analysis, to filter the image and obtain the phase, to unwrap the phase, and to remove the background phase ramp. A sample image recorded using holographic interferometry is successfully analysed.Program summaryProgram title: FRINGECatalogue identifier: AEMM_v1_0Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AEMM_v1_0.htmlProgram obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen’s University, Belfast, N. IrelandLicensing provisions: Standard CPC licence, http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/licence/licence.htmlNo. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 134006No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 4029801Distribution format: tar.gzProgramming language: Java.Computer: Personal Computers.Operating system: Mac OS X, Windows XP, Linux and any other system that can run Java Jar files.RAM: 1GB recommendedClassification: 18.Nature of problem: A standalone multi-platform program to perform analysis of finite fringe interferograms.Solution method: Fourier filtering approach with phase unwrapping and background subtraction.Restrictions: Designed to analyse square images.Running time: Interactive processing takes several minutes. Minimal cpu time.  相似文献   

We have defined the Cassiopeia method, whose specificity is to focus the analysis and design of a multiagent system on the notion of organization. This article reports the use of this methodological framework for designing and implementing the organization of a robot soccer team in the context of a research project on collective robotics. We show why we chose this application, and we discuss its interest and inherent difficulties, in order to clearly express the needs for a design methodology dedicated to distributed artificial intelligence.  相似文献   
This study focuses on the implementation of different aluminum oxide coatings processed by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition from aluminum tri-isopropoxide on commercial Ti6Al4V titanium alloy to improve its high temperature corrosion resistance. Films grown at 350 °C and at 480 °C are amorphous and correspond to formulas AlOOH, and Al2O3, respectively. Those deposited at 700 °C are composed of γ-Al2O3 nanocrystals dispersed in a matrix of amorphous alumina. Their mechanical properties and adhesion to the substrates were investigated by indentation, scratch and micro tensile tests. Hardness and rigidity of the films increase with increasing deposition temperature. The hardness of the coatings prepared at 350 °C and 480 °C is 5.8 ± 0.7 GPa and 10.8 ± 0.8 GPa respectively. Their Young's modulus is 92 ± 8 GPa (350 °C) and 155 ± 6 GPa (480 °C). Scratch tests cause adhesive failures of the films grown at 350 °C and 480 °C whereas cohesive failure is observed for the nanocrystalline one, grown at 700 °C. Micro tensile tests show a more progressive cracking of the latter films than on the amorphous ones. The films allow maintaining good mechanical properties after corrosion with NaCl deposit during 100 h at 450 °C. After corrosion test only the film deposited at 700 °C yields an elongation at break comparable to that of the as processed samples without corrosion. The as established processing–structure–properties relation paves the way to engineer MOCVD aluminum oxide complex coatings which meet the specifications of the high temperature corrosion protection of titanium alloys with regard to the targeted applications.  相似文献   
Anzaldo  Alexis  Andrade  Ángel G. 《Wireless Networks》2022,28(8):3613-3620
Wireless Networks - Beyond five generation (B5G) systems will demand strict and heterogeneous service requirements for the emerging applications. One solution to meet these demands is the dense...  相似文献   
Speech comprehension is resistant to acoustic distortion in the input, reflecting listeners' ability to adjust perceptual processes to match the speech input. This adjustment is reflected in improved comprehension of distorted speech with experience. For noise vocoding, a manipulation that removes spectral detail from speech, listeners' word report showed a significantly greater improvement over trials for listeners that heard clear speech presentations before rather than after hearing distorted speech (clear-then-distorted compared with distorted-then-clear feedback, in Experiment 1). This perceptual learning generalized to untrained words suggesting a sublexical locus for learning and was equivalent for word and nonword training stimuli (Experiment 2). These findings point to the crucial involvement of phonological short-term memory and top-down processes in the perceptual learning of noise-vocoded speech. Similar processes may facilitate comprehension of speech in an unfamiliar accent or following cochlear implantation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
A detailed stratigraphic investigation of the intercalation mechanism when graphite electrodes are immersed inside diluted perchloric(HClO4)and sulfuric(H2SO4)electrolytes is obtained by comparing results when graphite crystals are simply immersed in the same acid solutions.By combining time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry(ToF-SIMS)and in-situ atomic force microscopy(AFM),we provide a picture of the chemical species involved in the intercalation reaction.The depth intensity profile of the ion signals along the electrode crystal clearly shows a more complex mechanism for the intercalation process,where the local morphology of the basal plane plays a crucial role.Solvated anions are mostly located within the first tens of nanometers of graphite,but electrolytes also diffuse inside the buried layers for hundreds of nanometers,the latter process is also aided by the presence of mesoscopic crystal defects.Residual material from the electrolyte solution was found localized in well-defined circular spots,which represent preferential interaction areas.Interestingly,blister-like micro-structures similar to those observed on the highly oriented pyrolytic graphite(HOPG)surface were found in the buried layers,confirming the equivalence of the chemical condition on the graphite surface and in the underneath layers.  相似文献   
The heat of formation of beryllium chloride has been determined, by the direct combination of the elements in a calorimeter, according to the process, Be(c)+Cl2(g)=BeCl2(c),ΔH°(25°C)=493.85±2.35kj/mole,=118.03±0.56kcal/mole.The data obtained by other investigators are discussed briefly.  相似文献   
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