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In this first investigation of genetic and environmental influences on children's values, 271 German twin pairs (50.2% boys) reported their values at ages 7–11 years using the Portrait Values Questionnaire (Schwartz & Rubel, 2005). We distinguished between gender-neutral (conservation vs. openness to change) and gender-typed (self-transcendence vs. self-enhancement) values. Boys differed from girls in the importance given to gender-typed benevolence, achievement, and power values. Gender-neutral values showed moderate (.34) and gender-typed values showed higher (.49) heritability, with nonshared environment and error accounting for the remaining variance. For both sexes, substantial genetic effects accounted for the importance children gave to their respective gender-stereotypical end of the self-transcendence versus self-enhancement dimension. However, dramatic sex differences emerged in the gender-atypical end of the distribution. For girls, low self-transcendence (high gender-atypical values) showed a large (.76) group heritability. For boys, gender-atypical values (high self-transcendence) showed no heritability and a modest (.10) shared environment effect. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Children's affective perspective-taking (APT) may provide a basis for efficient social interaction. The APT abilities of 83 children from 46 same-sex sibling pairs (ages 36 to 72 months, M = 52.8; SD = 12.6) were assessed through their reactions to affectively loaded story situations, and children whose APT ability (but not general cognitive abilities) was low relative to other children of their age were designated as Low-APT children. These children were not less pro-social when specific social cues or requests for pro-social behavior were given by experimenters. However, low APT may hinder children's ability to infer the need for pro-social action from relatively subtle social cues. Although 46.9% of nonlow APT children behaved pro-socially in at least two of three opportunities they were given to perform a self-initiated pro-social behavior, none of the children who were low on APT did. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
De Cremer David; Brockner Joel; Fishman Ariel; van Dijke Marius; van Olffen Woody; Mayer David M. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2010,95(2):291
Prior research has shown that procedural fairness interacts with outcome fairness to influence employees’ work attitudes (e.g., organizational commitment) and behaviors (e.g., job performance, organizational citizenship behavior), such that employees’ tendencies to respond more positively to higher procedural fairness are stronger when outcome fairness is relatively low. In the present studies, we posited that people’s uncertainty about their standing as organizational members would have a moderating influence on this interactive relationship between procedural fairness and outcome fairness, in that the interactive relationship was expected to be more pronounced when uncertainty was high. Using different operationalizations of uncertainty of standing (i.e., length of tenure as a proxy, along with self-reports and coworkers’ reports), we found support for this hypothesis in 4 field studies spanning 3 different countries. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
This paper presents a reliability-based framework for the configuration of priority systems that control the risks of extreme transaction latencies. Modeling of priority systems can be computationally complex and lack robustness with respect to the feasible variations of such systems. The analyses tend to be ad hoc and overly particular to the application at hand. Furthermore, modeling of priority systems has focused on assessment of the average latencies, rather than on the potential for extremes of latency. The developed framework includes (i) a compact notation useful for modeling of priority systems, (ii) assessment of the risk of extreme latencies, and (iii) multiobjective analysis for the tuning of system parameters. An acceptable balance is sought among multiple risks of extreme transaction latencies. The framework is demonstrated in the configuration of an e-business server to minimize the lost transactions, e.g. ‘purchase’ requests for which a customer needs to wait longer than 8 s. 相似文献
Santosh K. Nanda Ariel L. Rivas William M. Trochim J. David Deshler 《Scientometrics》2000,48(1):45-64
The emphasis of validity as a publication content was investigated in dissertations and journal articles. The time of first publication, longitudinal publication profile, ratio of articles to dissertations, and time lag between dissertations and articles emphasizing validity were compared within and among various fields. A three-decade gap separated the first field adopting validity-related contents in its dissertations from the latest fields that did so. The longitudinal data suggested three groups of fields (Agricultural Sciences, Applied Sciences and Social Sciences) which showed consistent differences among groups and consistent similarities within groups in their emphasis on validity-related content. Adoption of validity-related content in dissertations always preceded adoption of validity-related content in journal articles. On average, less than 4% of journal articles included validity-related content across fields. These findings support the hypothesis that validity has been introduced and disseminated within fields following patterns predicted by diffusion of innovations theory. It is argued that this pattern is inconsistent with an efficient and interdisciplinary utilization of available knowledge. Policy recommendations are made for developing strategic communication and education programs for academicians and journal reviewers. 相似文献
Ciesielczyk Tomasz Cabrera Alberto Oleksiak Ariel Piątek Wojciech Waligóra Grzegorz Almeida Francisco Blanco Vicente 《Journal of Scheduling》2021,24(5):489-505
Journal of Scheduling - Rapid growth of demand for remote computational power, along with high energy costs and infrastructure limits, has led to treating power usage as a primary constraint in... 相似文献
Robert P. Kurshan Michael Merritt Ariel Orda Sonia R. Sachs 《Formal Methods in System Design》1994,5(3):227-244
In [11], an induction principle for processes was given which allows one to apply model-checking techniques to parameterized families of processes. A limitation of the induction principle is that it does not apply to the case in which one process depends directly upon a parameterized number of processes, which grows without bound. This would seem to preclude its application to families ofN processes interconnected in a star topology. Nonetheless, we show that if the dependency can be computed incrementally, then the direct dependency upon the parameterized number of processes may be re-expressed recursively in terms of a linear cascade of processes, yielding in effect a linearization of the inter-process dependencies and allowing the induction principle to apply.A previous version of this paper appears in the Proceedings of CAV 1993 (LNCS 697). 相似文献
Ariel Felner Uzi Zahavi Robert Holte Jonathan Schaeffer Nathan Sturtevant Zhifu Zhang 《Artificial Intelligence》2011,175(9-10):1570-1603
In the field of heuristic search it is usually assumed that admissible heuristics are consistent, implying that consistency is a desirable attribute. The term “inconsistent heuristic” has, at times, been portrayed negatively, as something to be avoided. Part of this is historical: early research discovered that inconsistency can lead to poor performance for A? (nodes might be re-expanded many times). However, the issue has never been fully investigated, and was not re-considered after the invention of IDA?.This paper shows that many of the preconceived notions about inconsistent heuristics are outdated. The worst-case exponential time of inconsistent heuristics is shown to only occur on contrived graphs with edge weights that are exponential in the size of the graph. Furthermore, the paper shows that rather than being something to be avoided, inconsistent heuristics often add a diversity of heuristic values into a search which can lead to a reduction in the number of node expansions. Inconsistent heuristics are easy to create, contrary to the common perception in the AI literature. To demonstrate this, a number of methods for achieving effective inconsistent heuristics are presented.Pathmax is a way of propagating inconsistent heuristic values in the search from parent to children. This technique is generalized into bidirectional pathmax (BPMX) which propagates values from a parent to a child node, and vice versa. BPMX can be integrated into IDA? and A?. When inconsistent heuristics are used with BPMX, experimental results show a large reduction in the search effort required by IDA?. Positive results are also presented for A? searches. 相似文献