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Revisiting the medical and social models of disability, this study adopted the integrated biopsychosocial approach to examine experiences of 25 mobility‐impaired respondents in Singapore with using mobile phones. We found that mobile phones provided respondents a greater degree of mobility, a sense of control, and opportunities to escape the stigma of disability, thus challenging the boundaries between the able‐bodied and the disabled. Mobile phone appropriation allowed the management of personal identities and social networks, leading to a sense of empowerment. However, mobile phone usage might act as a double‐edged sword for disabled people, creating mobile dependencies and a spatial narrowing of social connections. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
GC analysis was performed to determine regiospecific distribution and FA composition in seed oils of the Aceraceae species, Acer saccharum and A. saccharinum. The oil content in the seeds was low at 5.0% in A. saccharum and 5.8% in A. saccharinum, and the main FA were linoleic (30.8 and 29.4%), oleic (21.3 and 27.6%), palmitic (10.1 and 10.5%), and cis-vaccenic (9.4 and 7.9%) acids, respectively. In addition, both oils contained long-chain monoenes of the n−9 and n−7 groups, including 11-eicosenoic, 13-docosenoic, 15-tetracosenoic, 13-eicosenoic, and 15-docosenoic acids, whereas γ-linolenic acid accounted for 0.8% of total FA in A. saccharum, and 0.5% in A. saccharinum. Regiospecific analysis, performed using the methodology of dibutyroyl derivatives of MAG, indicated that linoleic, oleic, and linolenic acids were mainly esterified at the internal position of TAG in both seed oils, whereas long-chain monoenes of the n−7 group were almost exclusively esterified on the external positions.  相似文献   
The employment of an inverter to integrate a distributed generation system to the utility network is well known. In such a context, there is an increasing interest in developing an appropriate control strategy to derive a current with less distortion from the inverter. In this paper, a new current controller for inverters of this kind has been proposed. The proposed technique combines the benefits of a proportional-integral controller and a hysteresis limiter. The paper presents the development of such a controller and its structure. Inverter-output current waveforms of the proposed scheme are compared with that of a hysteresis alone and average current mode controllers. A better harmonic elimination and current tracking performance of the proposed controller is thereby established. Filter responses have also been compared to establish the superiority of the proposed approach.  相似文献   
An approach for efficient estimation of passive safety system functional reliability has been developed and applied to a simplified model of the passive residual heat transport system typical of sodium cooled fast reactors to demonstrate the reduction in computational time. The method is based on generating linear approximations to the best estimate computer code, using the technique of automatic reverse differentiation. This technique enables determination of linear approximation to the code in a few runs independent of the number of input variables for each response variable. The likely error due to linear approximation is reduced by augmented sampling through best estimate code in the neighborhood of the linear failure surface but in a sub domain where linear approximation error is relatively more. The efficiency of this new approach is compared with importance sampling MCS which uses the linear approximation near the failure region and with Direct Monte-Carlo Simulation. In the importance sampling MCS, variants employing random sampling with Box-Muller algorithm and Markov Chain algorithm are inter-compared. The significance of the results with respect to system reliability is also discussed.  相似文献   
The present study deals with the shear lag phenomenon in cold formed angles under tension, which are connected on one leg. A new expression for shear lag factor which represents the net section reduction coefficient has been suggested in the present paper. The proposed expression based on the regression analysis of 108 experimental results reported in the literature is validated by experiments involving net section failure in angles under tension. Totally 18 experiments were carried out on single angles fastened with bolts to the gusset plates under tension loaded upto net section rupture mode of failure. The experimental test parameters considered are number of bolts, pitch and shear lag distances and ratio of connected leg length to unconnected leg length. The tensile capacities are evaluated by various specifications such as AS/NZS:4600:2005, NAS:2001, AISC:2005, BS:5950-Part5:1998, IS:800-2007 and the proposed equation. A comparative study of tensile capacities predicted based on various codes and the experiment results is presented in this paper. For the tested range of specimens, both NAS:2001 and AISC:2005 standards over-predicted the capacities for all the specimens. The IS:800-2007 and AS/NZS 4600:2005 predictions are good for the specimens with three bolted connections and unconservative in the case of specimen with two bolts. Both BS:5950-Part-5:1998 and the proposed equation for IS:801 predict good estimate of the tensile capacity of cold formed angle members. The proposed equation for cold formed steel tension members, which is in the same format of IS:800 (2007) (Indian code for Hot rolled steel design), has been demonstrated to be good.  相似文献   
The decay heat removal (DHR) system removes the decay heat generated (by radioactive decay of fission products) in the core after the reactor is shut down, thereby ensuring proper cooling of the core sub assemblies and limiting main vessel, internals and sodium temperature within safe limits. There are two diverse paths for removal of decay heat from the reactor, namely, Safety Grade Decay Heat Removal System (SGDHRS) and Operation Grade Decay Heat Removal System (OGDHRS). OGDHR circuit is used when at least one secondary sodium loop, DHR related steam water circuit and off site power supply is available and SGDHR circuit is used when OGDHR system is not available or when both the secondary loops are not available for DHR. This paper provides brief details of the design and evaluation of OGDHRS.  相似文献   
CaO is an important inorganic material, which can be used as catalyst, toxic-waste remediation agent, adsorbent etc. In order to make use of CaO, nano-CaO was prepared by thermal-decomposition method using Ca(NO3)2.4H2O as precursor, NaOH aqueous solution as precipitant, and ethylene glycol as medium in this paper. Characteristics of samples were measured by TGA, XRD, TEM et al techniques. The results showed that the size of nano-CaO about 14 nm could be obtained under the conditions (calcinations temperature 500 °C, calcinations time 1.5 h, heating rate of calcinations 5 °C/min). It is a very simple and effective method to prepare nano-CaO.  相似文献   
Plates resting on an elastic medium are normally analyzed in a simplified way using the linear Winkler foundation approach. Nevertheless, plates resting on layered medium with vast differences in their moduli exhibit nonlinear behavior under pressure. The present technical note deals with a nonlinear finite-element procedure to analyze plates with linear strain displacement relations resting on a nonlinear elastic media. The coupled problem is formulated using the total potential energy (TPE) concept. The nonlinear foundation stiffness matrices have been derived using the Taylor expansion of the TPE at equilibrium and a symbolism of grouping the energy contributions. The nonlinear foundation stiffness matrices derived in the present technical note have been demonstrated to yield results that agree well with published results in the literature. A brief parametric study on the effects of nonlinearity of the foundation is also presented using the proposed foundation stiffness matrices.  相似文献   
We present our machine learning system, that uses inductive logic programming techniques to learn how to identify transmembrane domains from amino acid sequences. Our system facilitates the use of operators such as ‘contains’, that act on entire sequences, rather than on individual elements of a sequence. The prediction accuracy of our new system is around 93%, and this compares favourably with earlier results. This work was carried out with the support of a research grant from ISIS, Fujitsu Laboratories.  相似文献   
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