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Report is given on a metabolic investigation with non-radioactive and 14C-labelled methiothepin(1-[10',11'-dihydro-8'-(methylthio)-dibenzo mean value of b,f thiepin-10'yl]-4-methyl-piperazine) in rat, dog, and man. After i.p. and oral administration of the drug to the rat, the metabolites of methiothepin were excreted fecally. In the same species, a considerable biliary secretion of the compounds has been demonstrated. In dog and in man, excreted metabolites have been found both in urine and feces after oral application of the drug. The biotransformation of methiothepin within the species investigated proceeds via hydroxylation, sulfoxidation, O-methylation, N-demethylation, N-oxidation and formation of conjugates. The large number of metabolites is due to the various sites of action within the molecule, that are accessible to in vivo oxidation. Of a large number of isolated positionally isomeric compounds, merely the basal structures could be clarified. Possibly the mode of biotransformation to which methiothepin is subjected in the organism, proves determinant for the way of excretion. In the rat, all metabolites are hydroxylated and reach the intestinal tract as conjugates with the bile. In dog and man, however, non-hydroxylated, sulfoxidized metabolites were likewise found, which were excreted mainly renally in both species.  相似文献   
1. Using the technique of density-labelling with deuterium oxide, evidence has been obtained for the de novo synthesis of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (D-glucose-6-phosphate:NADPH+ 1-oxidoreductase, EC, during the culture of synchronously growing plant cells. 2. The entire increase in enzyme activity during the early cell cycles in this material can be accounted for by the appearance of an enzyme species with increased buoyand density. 3. A method is described for resolving overlapping distribution profiles after density centrifugation, which allows estimation of the amount of each species present at different times, and calculation of the loss of activity of the light species present from the start of culture. 4. Loss of activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in normal growing conditions in the presence of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid is very much faster than in conditions which do not lead to cell division: in the absence of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, or in the presence of the inhibitor of RNA synthesis, 6-methylpurine.  相似文献   
Herein we describe the first clinical treatment of renal cell carcinoma in humans with xenogeneic immune ribonucleic acid. Twelve patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma have been treated by appropriate operations to remove tumor bulk followed by specific passive immunotherapy. Xenogeneic specific immune ribonucleic acid was prepared from the spleen of normal sheep that had received 4 weekly injections of a homogenate of renal cell carcinoma. Results indicate that 1) xenogeneic specific immune ribonucleic acid can safely be given to humans without local or systemic toxicity, 2) there is a suggestion of clinical benefit, since only 2 patients have had progression of known metastases during treatment with immune ribonucleic acid and 3) xenogeneic immune ribonucleic acid can enhance the immune response to renal cell carcinoma, as demonstrated by in vitro lymphocytoxicity tests.  相似文献   
Morphological and physiological studies were made on chicken cecal isolates of the strictly anaerobic bacterial species Gemmiger formicilis. Structural features (phase-contrast and electron microscopy) of these microorganisms indicate they (i) are highly pleomorphic, (ii) possess a trilaminar cell wall like gram-negative bacteria, (iii) exhibit an unusual growth process characterized by polar swelling (resembling budding bacteria), and (iv) grow into elongated cells when exposed to a subinhibitory concentration of penicillin. The morphological data presented suggest that this species has a rod-shaped structure. These bacteria ferment a variety of sugars to produce formic, butyric, and lactic acids. There appear to be two groups of Gemmiger, one producing primarily lactate and the other producing formate as major fermentation metabolites. Growth of six strains in a basal medium, consisting of Trypticase, minerals, carbohydrate, Na2CO3 buffer, and cysteine as reducing agent, was stimulated by rumen fluid and yeast extract. Volatile fatty acids partially replaced the requirement for rumen fluid with some strains. Single deletions of vitamins (from a defined vitamin mixture) indicated that pantothenate, riboflavin, and thiamine were highly stimulatory to growth of the organism in a medium containing rumen fluid and Trypticase as source of vitamins. Other vitamin requirements were not studied.  相似文献   
Side effects of orally administered bismuthic salts have been known for many years. Many systems are involved, including the digestive and urinary. The authors discuss a recently discovered effect on the central nervous system, termed "bismuth encephalopathy". In the light of the medical literature reviewed, two original aspects are stressed: the clinical symptoms are stereotyped and completely reversible, and the distribution of the disease is almost epidemic, being limited in time and space. The prodromes include confusion, asthenia, slowing of mental functions and disturbance of gait. The clinical picture is dominated by four major symptoms: confusion (again), ataxia, dysarthria and, above all, myoclonic jerks. In conclusion, various pathogenetic hypotheses are considered. The purpose of this study is to enable the general practitioner to detect the development of this condition early in treatment with oral bismuthic salts. Withdrawal of the medication always results in normalization of the patient's condition.  相似文献   
Experiments have been made on 4 dragonfly species -- Sympetrum vulgatum, S. flaveolum, S sanguineum, S. danae. A pair of neurons was found in the thoracic ganglia and connectives, which has symmetrical contralateral receptive fields. These neurons are selectively sensitive to swift upward motion of a target of 3--10 degrees in size. This type of response was originally described by Zenkin and Pigarev [1, 2]. The receptive field, 120X25 degrees in size, is oriented horizontally from the medial rim of the eye. The center of sensitivity has the following polar coordinates: 15 degrees laterally from the medial plane and 20 degrees above the equatorial one. The relation of detecting properties of the observed neurones to key stimuli which trigger hunting behaviour is discussed. It is suggested that filtration of single and small optic stimuli by specialized detector neurons results not from the processes in the own receptive field of the neuron, but from the interaction with other neurons which are sensitive to motion of large objects and complex patterns.  相似文献   
A simple and rapid procedure to make yeast cells permeable by agitating with toluene-ethanol, (TE) 1:4, v/v was developed. The permeated cells retained their ability to catalyze certain enzyme reactions. Temperature and duration of agitation during TE treatment played an important role in retention of the catalytic potential of permeated cells. The in situ assay using permeated cell preparations was more sensitive even in the absence of added cofactors than in the vitro assay in detecting assimilatory nitrate reductase (NAD(P)H:nitrate oxidoreductase, EC (NAR) activity in Candida utilis. Using in situ assay technique, different mechanisms regulating the biosynthesis of NAR in C. utilis were investigated. Nitrogen starvation did not lead to derepression of NAR. NO3-ions were absolutely essential for induction and maintenance of high levels of NAR activity. Cells grown on ammonium nitrate possessed relatively lower levels of NAR. Kinetics of NAR induction were followed as a function of time and inducer concentration. The influence of various cations on the induction of NAR by nitrate was investigated. A wide range of D-amino acids induced NAR synthesis. Of 22 L-amino acids tested only phenylalanine induced significant levels of NAR. Various intermediates of the pathway of nitrate reduction influenced the rate of NAR induction. There was a rapid disappearance of in vivo activity of the enzyme of induced yeast cells on nitrogen starvation, and the rate of loss was accelerated by the presence of NH4+.  相似文献   
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