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Bill Andrews 《Desalination》1978,25(3):227-231
A reverse osmosis desalination system will provide excellent service if care is taken in the design, selection, installation and operation of the system. Precautions should be taken not to overly complicate the design and operation. The environment dictates that the highest quality components should be used. Satisfactory operation is highly dependent upon the experience of the manufacturer and the preparations taken prior to installation and commissioning of the system.  相似文献   
The fifth abdominal segment of femaleEriocrania semipurpurella (Stephens) andE. sangii (Wood) contains a pair of exocrine glands. Hexane extracts of this segment were prepared from both species and analyzed by gas chromatography with simultaneous flame ionization and electroantennographic detection (EAD). For both species, the EAD active peaks were identified as nonan-2-one, (Z)-6-nonen-2-one, and (Z)-6-nonen-2-ol by means of mass spectrometry and comparison of retention indices with those of synthetic standards. Enantiomeric separation of chiral alcohols from the female extracts was achieved by gas chromatographic analysis on a cyclodextrin column. InE. semipurpurella, a mixture of (2S,6Z)-nonen-2-ol and (2R,6Z)-nonen-2-ol (2: I) was found, whereas inE. sangii (2S,6Z)-nonen-2-ol was the predominant enantiomer and only traces of theR enantiomer were indicated by the antennal response. In field tests, a blend of the three compounds was not attractive to conspecific males. A subtractive assay showed that the alcohol in various enantiomeric mixtures was the only attractive compound, whereas addition of (Z)-6-nonen-2-one to the alcohol completely inhibited the attraction of both species. A trapping experiment including a wide range of ratios between theR andS enantiomers showed that baits containing 95–100% of theS enantiomer were attractive to maleE. sangii, whereas males ofE. semipurpurella were attracted to all tested ratios of the enantiomers. However, the response profiles of maleE. semipurpurella differed between populations from southern Sweden, south Finland, and the Kola Peninsula in Russia. In south Sweden males were maximally attracted to a racemic mixture of the alcohols. At the Kola PeninsulaE. semipurpurella was attracted to baits containing 95–100% of theR enantiomer. In south Finland all tested ratios between 0 and 100%R enantiomer trappedE. semipurpurella, but the trap catches appeared to be bimodally distributed with peaks around 15 and 70%R enantiomer. The trapping results suggest the existence of pheromone races or sibling species among the specimens identified asE. semipurpurella.Dedicated to Prof. H. J. Bestmann on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  相似文献   
对于企业社会责任,ERP如何应对? 面对ISO 26000社会责任国际标准,以ERP为代表的企业软体如何应对人权、环境、公平等诉求的挑战?  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine whether sedentary obese women with knee OA initiating an exercise and weight loss program may experience more beneficial changes in body composition, functional capacity, and/or markers of health following a higher protein diet compared to a higher carbohydrate diet with or without GCM supplementation.


Thirty sedentary women (54 ± 9 yrs, 163 ± 6 cm, 88.6 ± 13 kg, 46.1 ± 3% fat, 33.3 ± 5 kg/m2) with clinically diagnosed knee OA participated in a 14-week exercise and weight loss program. Participants followed an isoenergenic low fat higher carbohydrate (HC) or higher protein (HP) diet while participating in a supervised 30-minute circuit resistance-training program three times per week for 14-weeks. In a randomized and double blind manner, participants ingested supplements containing 1,500 mg/d of glucosamine (as d-glucosamine HCL), 1,200 mg/d of chondroitin sulfate (from chondroitin sulfate sodium), and 900 mg/d of methylsulfonylmethane or a placebo. At 0, 10, and 14-weeks, participants completed a battery of assessments. Data were analyzed by MANOVA with repeated measures.


Participants in both groups experienced significant reductions in body mass (-2.4 ± 3%), fat mass (-6.0 ± 6%), and body fat (-3.5 ± 4%) with no significant changes in fat free mass or resting energy expenditure. Perception of knee pain (-49 ± 39%) and knee stiffness (-42 ± 37%) was decreased while maximal strength (12%), muscular endurance (20%), balance indices (7% to 20%), lipid levels (-8% to -12%), homeostasis model assessment for estimating insulin resistance (-17%), leptin (-30%), and measures of physical functioning (59%), vitality (120%), and social function (66%) were improved in both groups with no differences among groups. Functional aerobic capacity was increased to a greater degree for those in the HP and GCM groups while there were some trends suggesting that supplementation affected perceptions of knee pain (p < 0.08).


Circuit style resistance-training and weight loss improved functional capacity in women with knee OA. The type of diet and dietary supplementation of GCM provided marginal additive benefits.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01271218  相似文献   
This report describes the application of a recently developed polyolefin characterization tool based upon gradient adsorption high‐temperature liquid chromatography (HT‐LC) using a graphitic carbon stationary phase to polyolefin homopolymer and previously unreported copolymer systems. Polyolefin‐based materials find utility in a broad range of applications and are differentiated by parameters such as molecular weight and comonomer content. Polymer comonomer distribution is commonly determined by crystallinity‐based separations (ATREF, CRYSTAF). These techniques, however, are time consuming. In addition, some semicrystalline polymers undergo cocrystallization, impacting the techniques' universal utility. Adsorption‐based HT‐LC can ideally overcome the limitations of crystallinity‐based separations, shedding new light on the composition of randomly‐polymerized polyolefins. In this report the basic separation capability of the adsorption HT‐LC technique, using a graphitic carbon column, is demonstrated for poly (ethylene‐co‐octene) and poly(ethylene‐co‐propylene) systems and compared with select precipitation/redissolution HT‐LC and ATREF results. Select results in this paper are also compared and contrasted to other recent publications on similar separations of polyolefins. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2011  相似文献   
Amorphous Si-B-C-N ceramic powder samples obtained by thermolysis of boron-modified polysilazane, {B[C2H4Si(H)NH]3} n , were isothermally annealed at different temperatures (1400–1800°C) and hold times (3, 10, 30, and 100 h). A qualitative and semiquantitative analysis of the crystallization behavior of the materials was performed using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The phase evolution was additionally followed by 11B and 29Si MAS NMR as well as by FT-IR spectroscopy in transmission and diffuse reflection (DRIFTS) modes. Bulk chemical analyses of selected samples were performed to determine changes in the chemistry/phase composition of the materials. It was observed that silicon carbide is the first phase to nucleate around 1400–1500°C, whereas silicon nitride nucleates at and above 1700°C. Crystallization accelerates with increasing annealing temperature and proceeds with increasing annealing time. Furthermore, the surface area of the powders strongly influences the thermal stability of silicon nitride and thus controls overall chemical and phase composition of the materials on thermal treatment.  相似文献   
Random or tapered solution styrene–butadiene copolymer (SSBR) is very difficult to prepare in an isothermal batch process without the use of polar modifiers because of the diverse reactivity ratios of the styrene and the butadiene in hydrocarbon solvents. In the presence of polar modifiers, the random SSBR can be synthesized by anionic living polymerization with the variety of microstructures, which results in the change of glass transition temperature (Tg). This article will discuss the use of sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate as a polar modifier in isothermal batch process that controls the microstructure of the SSBR resulting in a random as well as tapered SSBR with low Tg (?67°C to ?80°C). The Tg of SSBR was controlled by the styrene content rather than the microstructure of polybutadiene. Physical properties of SSBR compounding were discussed for tire tread applications. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2013  相似文献   
A "green" route to ultrahigh-temperature Si–B–C–N ceramic from vacuum-degassing waste gas of polyborosilazane {B[C2H4Si(CH3)NH]3} n (T2-1) has been developed. After gas-to-gel transformation, an amorphous ceramic Si5.3B1.0C19N3.7 was derived from the gel by dehydrocoupling and polymer-to-ceramic transformation. The ceramic started to form a nanostructure at 1700°C and resisted thermal degradation up to 2200°C in argon. This suggests that vacuum-degassing waste gases of polymer precursors may be perfect raw materials for various advanced ceramics.  相似文献   
Induced seismicity associated with Enhanced Geothermal Systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) have the potential to make a significant contribution to the world energy inventory. One controversial issue associated with EGS, however, is the impact of induced seismicity or microseismicity, which has been the cause of delays and threatened cancellation of at least two EGS projects worldwide. Although microseismicity has in fact had few (or no) adverse physical effects on operations or on surrounding communities, there remains public concern over the amount and magnitude of the seismicity associated with current and future EGS operations. The primary objectives of this paper are to present an up-to-date review of what is already known about the seismicity induced during the creation and operation of EGS, and of the gaps in our knowledge that, once addressed, should lead to an improved understanding of the mechanisms generating the events. Several case histories also illustrate a number of technical and public acceptance issues. We conclude that EGS-induced seismicity need not pose a threat to the development of geothermal energy resources if site selection is carried out properly, community issues are handled adequately and operators understand the underlying mechanisms causing the events. Induced seismicity could indeed prove beneficial, in that it can be used to monitor the effectiveness of EGS operations and shed light on geothermal reservoir processes.  相似文献   
虽然单绕线双极步进电机比较贵,但它们能在额定物理尺寸下提供很强的转矩.但是.进步电机两个绕组的每一个都需要8个驱动晶体管,并在H桥路结构中连接成4个一组.每个晶体管都必须承受过载和短路状况并迅速从中恢复,因此驱动器必须包含复杂庞大的分立元件保护电路.  相似文献   
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