Pseudoternary (Ge,Sn,Pb)Te compounds display favorable thermoelectric properties. Spinodal decomposition in the quasiternary (Ge,Sn,Pb)Te system is at the origin of a wide solubility gap at low Sn concentrations. The structural evolution of the spinodal decomposition was investigated as a function of aging time at 500°C, using x-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. The evolution of the structure at 500°C consists initially of a short diffusion-controlled demixing stage into Pb- and Ge-rich coherent areas, with compositions corresponding to the inflection points of the free-energy curve. The Pb-rich areas adopt configurations associated with the directions of the soft elastic moduli of the cubic compound. Both the Pb- and Ge-rich areas are supersaturated and undergo in a second stage a nucleation and growth process and give rise to a biphased structure with equilibrium compositions corresponding to the boundaries of the miscibility gap. The resulting Pb-rich areas display a relatively stable microstructure suggesting the presence of long-range interactions between the Pb-rich precipitates in the Ge-rich matrix. 相似文献
The search for alternative energy sources is presently at the forefront of applied research. In this context, thermoelectricity
for direct energy conversion from thermal to electrical energy plays an important role. This paper is concerned with the development
of highly efficient p-type GexPb1−xTe alloys for thermoelectric applications, using spark plasma sintering. The carrier concentration of GeTe was varied by alloying
of PbTe and/or by Bi2Te3 doping. Very high ZT values up to ~1.8 at 500°C were obtained by doping Pb0.13Ge0.87Te with 3 mol% Bi2Te3. 相似文献
Traditionally, metaphors such as "my job is a jail" have been treated as implicit similes (i.e., this metaphor would be treated as if it were a comparison statement, "my job is like a jail"). A. Tversky's (1977) account of similarity is applied to such nonliteral similarity expressions, and is shown to apply as readily to nonliteral comparisons as to literal comparisons. But treating metaphors as comparison statements fails to account for certain important phenomena, including metaphoricity itself (the judgment that a comparison statement is nonliteral). We argue that metaphors are exactly what they appear to be: class-inclusion assertions, in which the topic of the metaphor (e.g., "my job") is assigned to a diagnostic category (e.g., entities that confine one against one's will, are unpleasant, are difficult to escape from). In such assertions, the metaphor vehicle (e.g., "jail") refers to that category, and at the same time is a prototypical exemplar of that category. This account of metaphor provides a basis for a theory of metaphor comprehension, and also clarifies why people use metaphors instead of similes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The formation of nonlinear axisymmetric waves on inviscid irrotational liquid jets in the presence of radial electric fields is considered. Gravity is neglected but surface tension is considered. Electrohydrodynamic waves of arbitrary amplitude and wavelength are computed using finite-difference methods. Particular attention is paid to nonlinear traveling waves. In the first class of problems, an electric field generated by placing the liquid jet inside a hollow cylindrical electrode held at constant voltage, its axis coinciding with that of the jet, is studied. The jet is assumed to be a perfect conductor whose free surface is stressed by the electric field acting in the hydrodynamically passive annulus. In the second class of problems, the annular gas is a perfect conductor that transmits a constant voltage onto the liquid/gas surface. The liquid axisymmetrically wets a constant-radius cylindrical rod electrode placed coaxially with respect to the hollow outer electrode, and held at a different constant voltage. The fluid dynamics and electrostatics need to be addressed simultaneously in the inner region. Axisymmetric interfacial waves influenced by surface tension and electrical stresses are computed in both cases. The computations are capable of following highly nonlinear solutions and predict, for certain parameter values, the onset of interface pinching accompanied with the formation of toroidal bubbles. For given wave amplitudes, the results suggest that, for the former case, the electric field delays bubble formation and reduces wave steepness, while for the latter case the electric field promotes bubble formation, all other parameters being equal. 相似文献
Synchronized manufacturing as in the OPT system (Optimized Production Technology, by Creative Output Inc.) is a relatively new concept for production management.
This paper analyses the nine OPT rules, the OPT concepts and OPT philosophy in order to establish an analytical, theoretical basis for the OPT system. The analysis is based on systems theory concepts, mathematical programming theory and techniques, as well as queuing theory, the Pareto rule, and the Japanese production experience.
It is shown that the OPT rules reflect substantial integration of well established MS/OR techniques with the whole OPT philosophy. The paper analyzes the OPT classification of VAT plants and the Drum-Buffer-Rope concept used in OPT.
Our analysis makes a clear distinction between BIG OPT (the management system) and its subsystem SMALL OPT (the scheduler). The paper suggests that while the BIG OPT concepts may be applied in all types of processes, job shop processes and very complex assembly lines are the most suitable ones for the SMALL OPT scheduling system. The paper then shows the management by constraints methodology as a natural enhancement of the OPT concepts. 相似文献
The paper focuses on mining clusters that are characterized by a lagged relationship between the data objects. We call such clusters lagged co-clusters. A lagged co-cluster of a matrix is a submatrix determined by a subset of rows and their corresponding lag over a subset of columns. Extracting such subsets may reveal an underlying governing regulatory mechanism. Such a regulatory mechanism is quite common in real-life settings. It appears in a variety of fields: meteorology, seismic activity, stock market behavior, neuronal brain activity, river flow, and navigation, but a limited list of examples. Mining such lagged co-clusters not only helps in understanding the relationship between objects in the domain, but assists in forecasting their future behavior. For most interesting variants of this problem, finding an optimal lagged co-cluster is NP-complete problem. We present a polynomial-time Monte-Carlo algorithm for mining lagged co-clusters. We prove that, with fixed probability, the algorithm mines a lagged co-cluster which encompasses the optimal lagged co-cluster by a maximum 2 ratio columns overhead and completely no rows overhead. Moreover, the algorithm handles noise, anti-correlations, missing values, and overlapping patterns. The algorithm is extensively evaluated using both artificial and real-world test environments. The first enable the evaluation of specific, isolated properties of the algorithm. The latter (river flow and topographic data) enable the evaluation of the algorithm to efficiently mine relevant and coherent lagged co-clusters in environments that are temporal, i.e., time reading data and non-temporal. 相似文献
We consider the problem of scheduling a set of pages on a single broadcast channel using time-multiplexing. In a perfectly periodic schedule, time is divided into equal size slots, and each page is transmitted in a time slot precisely every fixed interval of time (the period of the page). We study the case in which each page i has a given demand probability , and the goal is to design a perfectly periodic schedule that minimizes the average time a random client waits until its
page is transmitted. We seek approximate polynomial solutions. Approximation bounds are obtained by comparing the costs of
a solution provided by an algorithm and a solution to a relaxed (non-integral) version of the problem. A key quantity in our
methodology is a fraction we denote by , that depends on the maximum demand probability: . The best known polynomial algorithm to date guarantees an approximation of . In this paper, we develop a tree-based methodology for perfectly periodic scheduling, and using new techniques, we derive
algorithms with better bounds. For small values, our best algorithm guarantees approximation of . On the other hand, we show that the integrality gap between the cost of any perfectly periodic schedule and the cost of
the fractional problem is at least . We also provide algorithms with good performance guarantees for large values of .
Received: December 2001 / Accepted: September 2002 相似文献
Virtual Reality - Heads-up displays that are ‘see-through’ and ‘curved’ and capable of displaying 3D contents are considered crucial for augmented reality-based navigation... 相似文献
Abstract. The paper deals with the asymptotic variances of the sample covariances of autoregressive moving average processes. Using state-space representations and some matrix Lyapunov equation theory, closed-form expressions are derived for the asymptotic variances of the sample covariances and for the Cramer-Rao bounds on the process covariances. The main results obtained from these expressions are as follows: For ARMA ( p, q ) processes with p ≥ q , the sample covariance of order n is asymptotically efficient if and only if 0 ≤ n ≤ p – q . For ARMA ( p, q ) processes with p < q , none of the sample covariances is asymptotically efficient. 相似文献