Experiments were conducted in an annular flume using a commercially available kaolinite clay as well as contaminated bed sediment from Hamilton Harbour (Ontario) to assess their stability against erosion. Critical shear stress for erosion was measured under different conditions of bed formation (quiescently deposited beds and shear deposited beds) as well as with and without the presence of a biostabilized bed. Results suggest that a biostabilized bed and a bed formed under a flowing condition, similar to a river scenario, will be more resistant against erosion than will a non-biostabilized bed and a bed formed under quiescent conditions. Up to three cycles of erosion and flocculation/deposition were observed to occur within one experiment. These results suggest that the depositional history and biostabilization of river bed sediments need to be seriously considered within sediment and contaminant transport models if meaningful estimates of sediment and contaminant source, fate and effect are to be generated and used for the management of our aquatic ecosystems. 相似文献
This paper deals with the analysis of the point load compression test made on irregular-shaped rock fragments, proposed in
the late 50’s by Protodiakonov.
An ample revision of the literature on the subject has been made, and a series of tests, using seven different types of rock
materials, has been developed.
The results obtained from these tests showed that parameters generally used in literature to relate the unconfined compressive
(or tensile) strength of materials, resulting from point load tests, can lead to scattered results, due mainly to the scale
effect, of great evidence in such tests.
It seems possible to obtain compressive (and tensile) strength of rocks, if the ratio between failure load and the distance
between load application poins, with a 3/2 exponent, is considered, in field work, as being the "point load strength index".
Resume L’article présente une analyse critique de l’essai de compression sur échantillons irréguliers de roche, proposé par Protodiakonov
vers la fin des années 50.
Tout d’abord on a fait une révision de la littérature disponible sur le sujet et, après, une série d’essais sur sept types
différents de matériaux.
Les résultats obtenus ont montré que les paramètres plus utilisés, dans la littérature, pour définir la résistance à la compression
(ou traction) des roches, d’après les essais ponctuels, peuvent provoquer une dispersion très importante des résultats.
Cependant, il nous semble valable de suggérer la possibilité de déterminer, sur le chantier, la résistance à la compression
(ou traction) des roches, si l’on considère le quotient entre la charge de rupture et la distance entre les deux points d’application
de cette charge, le dénominateur à la puissance 3/2, comme "l’indice de charge ponctuelle".
Concentrations of 222Rn were measured in ancient copper mines which exploited the Faynan Orefield in the South-Western Jordanian Desert. The concentrations of radon gas detected indicate that the ancient metal workers would have been exposed to a significant health risk and indicate that any future attempt to exploit the copper ores must deal with the hazard identified. Seasonal variations in radon concentrations are noted and these are linked to the ventilation of the mines. These modern data are used to explore the differential exposure to radon and the health of ancient mining communities. 相似文献
In order to estimate the spatial variation within well-defined study areas, nitrogen dioxide was measured with diffusion samplers (Palmes tube) in 40-42 sites each in Germany (Munich), the Netherlands and Sweden (Stockholm County). Each site was measured over four 2-week periods during 1 year (spring 1999 to summer 2000). In each country, one reference site was measured during all periods and the results were used to adjust for seasonal variability, to improve the estimates of the annual average. Comparisons between the chemiluminescence method (European reference method) and Palmes tube measurement indicated a good agreement in Germany (with a ratio of 1.0 for Palmes tube/chemiluminescence) but underestimation for Palmes tube measurement in the Netherlands and Sweden (0.8 for both countries). The r2 values were between 0.86 and 0.90 for all three countries. The annual average values for NO2 for different sampling sites were between 15.9 and 50.6 (mean 28.8 microg/m3) in Germany, between 12.1 and 50.8 (mean 28.9 microg/m3) in the Netherlands and between 6.1 and 44.7 (mean 18.5 microg/m3) in Sweden. Comparing spatial variation between similar sites in the three countries, we did not find any significant differences between annual average levels for urban traffic sites. In Sweden, annual average levels in urban background and suburban backgrounds sites were about 8 microg/m3 lower than comparable sites in Germany and the Netherlands. Comparing site types within each country only urban traffic sites and suburban background sites differed in Germany. In the Netherlands and Sweden, the urban traffic sites differed from all other sites and in Sweden also the urban background sites differed from the other background sites. The observed contribution from local traffic was similar in the Netherlands and Sweden (10 and 8 microg/m3, corresponding to 26-27% of the NO2 concentration found in the urban traffic sites). In Germany, the contribution from local traffic was only 3 microg/m3, corresponding to 9% of the NO2 concentration found in the urban traffic sites. The spatial variation was substantially larger for NO2 than the variation for PM2.5 and similar to PM2.5 absorbance, measured in the same locations. 相似文献
The kinetics of nitrite-nitrogen oxidation by enriched Nitrobacter cultures were examined under various temperatures (9°–35°C), pH (6.0–8.5), and microbial concentrations. For the substrate concentrations examined (100–1100 mg N1−1) the reaction was zero order and correlations between temperature, pH, microbial concentrations and reaction rates were formulated. Inhibition by free ammonia and nitrous acid is discussed. This study of enriched cultures of nitrobacter organisms also provide some insight into the growth characteristics of this fastideous organism under conditions of dense population and severe environmental conditions (temperature and pH). 相似文献
Segregated areas may occur around an attractive park or a waste incinerator, but the magnitude and group membership of the people in closest proximity will likely be difierent. We therefore introduce a local segregation measure that can be applied to any location within a metropolitan area, and that can identify the group that is relatively more concentrated around that reference location. We further introduce an inference approach to identify the statistical significance of a particular segregation value. In an exploratory setting the index can be used to generate a map of hot spots, and seed the question: “why is this group significantly concentrated around that location?” 相似文献
Titanium alloys are processed to develop a wide range of microstructure configurations and therefore material properties. While these properties are typically measured experimentally, a framework for property prediction could greatly enhance alloy design and manufacturing. Here a microstructure-sensitive framework is presented for the prediction of strength and ductility as well as estimates of the bounds in variability for these properties. The framework explicitly considers distributions of microstructure via new approaches for instantiation of structure in synthetic samples. The parametric evaluation strategy, including the finite element simulation package FEpX, is used to create and test virtual polycrystalline samples to evaluate the variability bounds of mechanical properties in Ti-6Al-4V. Critical parameters for the property evaluation framework are provided by measurements of single crystal properties and advanced characterization of microstructure and slip system strengths in 2D and 3D. Property distributions for yield strength and ductility are presented, along with the validation and verification steps undertaken. Comparisons between strain localization and slip activity in virtual samples and in experimental grain-scale strain measurements are also discussed.