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The weatherability of the basalts in the Capivara Dam site, Rio Paranapanema, São Paulo State, Brazil, has been studied by means of saturation-drying tests. A great number of samples have disaggre — gated intensively with production of fines. The behavior of these rocks is related to their petrography, especially to their content in expansive clay minerals. These studies were performed in order to obtain data for the utilization of this material as rock fill, including ripraps.  相似文献   
An investigation is being developed by the Camitato Nazionale per la Ricerca e per lo Sviluppo dell'Energia Nucleare e delle Energie Alternative, ENEA, to assess the indoor exposure of the Italian population. The programme, which started in 1982, includes regional and local surveys in all the administrative districts and intensive investigations of factors which influence indoor radon levels. The survey is organized by statistical areas of sampling to obtain representative samples of houses. The definition of the areas takes into account basic parameters e.g. geolithological environments, radon soil gas from underlying soils and rocks, specific activities of local building materials, climatic and seasonal variations, building technology, types of houses and town planning. The collected data may also be used for the compilation of radon risk maps to plan special monitoring and remedial actions if needed. Preliminary results concerning the above items are discussed.  相似文献   
The paper describes experimental tests carried out on three tube-stiffened prolate hemi-ellipsoidal domes under external water pressure.The tubes were stuck to the internal surfaces of these three domes, in their flanks, and the experimental tests showed that the tubes increased the buckling pressures of these domes, especially in one case, when the tube was subjected to an initial internal pressure.All three domes failed by lobar buckling, in their flanks, and showed buckling resistances much larger than similar unstiffened domes.  相似文献   
An automatically controlled high-energy flux heater has been developed and utilized in an NBS Smoke Density Chamber.  相似文献   
A study has been made of the coagulation of a 50 mg l−1 aqueous suspension of kaolinite for a range of aluminium sulphate and hydrogen ion concentrations. The rate of flocculation was determined from jar tests after stirring for 1 h. The data permitted a stability limit diagram to be drawn from which some indication of the coagulation mechanisms of the system could be ascertained.  相似文献   
Engineering decisions concerning the performance of existing structures must be made in the presence of uncertainties. The remaining capacity of corroded steel structures provides a good example of different aspects of uncertainty. These include: an unknown or partially known extent of damage; a variability in loading and an uncertain reserve of structural capacity depending on the mode of failure. The theory of structural reliability has been developed to provide a method of analysis for structural safety. In this paper, methods are proposed to compute the component reliability of corrosion-damaged steel members. The application of a recently developed theory called interval probability theory for system reliability is illustrated using the data obtained from actual samples of corroded beams.  相似文献   
Flow measurements using tracer gas techniques were made on the exterior doorway of a test house for indoor-outdoor temperature differences of 0.5–45 K. The time for door opening and closing was constant at 3.75 s, and fully open hold time varied from 0.5 s to 120 s. Predictions of a variable density steady flow model were in good agreement with the measurements when adjustments were made for the time-varying size of the opening and for the effect of cross-stream mixing between the incoming and outgoing air streams. The flow rate is shown to be governed by an effective density very close to the average of inflow and outflow densities, and the control condition at the doorway is fixed by the jet-like behavior of the inflow stream. Dependence of cross-stream mixing on interfacial stability caused the orifice and coefficient to increase from 0.4 to 0.6 as temperature difference increased. This varying orifice coefficient is well represented by the combination of a discharge coefficient for streamline contraction combined with a mixing coefficient which accounts for mixing between the inflow and outflow.  相似文献   
Results are presented for laboratory and field tests of weak saturated soils serving as beds for embankments in Ho Chi Min City and various regions of the Mekong River Delta (Vietnam). A method is outlined for quantitative evaluation of the stress-strain state (SSS) of the weak saturated clayey beds (plane problem). A method is described for quantitative evaluation of the deformation and stability of weak beds in the initial, intermediate, and stabilized stages of the formation and transformation of the SSS. __________ Translated from Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, No. 5, pp. 2–6, September–October, 2005.  相似文献   
Diurnal variations in physical and chemical concentrations, including nutrients, are observed in river ecosystems. Understanding these cycles and separating the effects of physical loading (from point and non-point sources) and biogeochemical processes are necessary for water management and the TMDL process. A chloride mass balance approach is used to separate the relative influences of physical loading and biogeochemical processes in the Bow River through Calgary, Canada, which has a significant influence on the river water chemistry. Sampling campaigns were conducted in December 2005, when minimal photosynthesis and respiration occur, and in July 2006, when river discharge is high and some photosynthesis and respiration activity is present. Samples in each campaign were collected at point source input and output along the river reach through the city every hour for a 24-hour period, allowing for time of travel. The two wastewater treatment facilities within the city contributed the majority of physical mass loading to the river, with temporal variations in effluent discharge, chloride, and nutrient concentrations. Wastewater effluent chloride to nutrient (as well as other parameter relationships) concentrations also varied diurnally. An hourly chloride mass balance was achieved, within 0.5% (average, S.D.=4.4) for December and 7.7% (average, S.D.=4.2) for July, between estimated cumulative sum values from all inputs and measured values at the river output downgradient of the city, allowing for the investigation of other parameter conservativeness. Some slight diurnal variations associated with photosynthesis and respiration were observed even with limited productivity in the river. Nitrate mass fluxes appeared to be most strongly influenced by photosynthesis and respiration processes, with phosphate being less influenced. Ammonia mass fluxes appeared to be most strongly influenced by wastewater effluent loading. Physical loading can mask or enhance biogeochemical diurnal fluctuations, creating errors in river process interpretations. Chloride was a useful tracer in the mass balance to distinguish between and assist in separating physical loading and biogeochemical processes in the river.  相似文献   
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