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文章介绍了热定型机的工作原理,及其定型过程中张力系统控制结构图,并以此为基础建立了张力控制系统的数学模型.基于比例积分微分(PID)控制器的原理,利用MATLAB软件设计了张力控制器,其编写的PID参数整定函数能作为MATLAB函数进行直接调用.实验和仿真结果表明:该控制器完全满足张力控制系统的性能要求,降低了超调量,提高了系统的动静态性能;同时设计简单、易于实现.  相似文献   
针对堆焊用药芯焊丝生产过程中的质量控制问题,从设备状态、合金粉末、包粉量、焊丝刚度、减径量、拔丝粉、拉拔力和拉拔速度等方面提出了相应的措施,以保证和提高药芯焊丝质量的稳定性。  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONIronaluminumbasedonFeAlintermetallicalloywasexpectedtobeanimportantandpotentialhightemperaturematerial,becauseitsgoodresistancetooxidationandcorrosion ,lowdensityandhightem peraturemelting point[12 ] .However ,theintrinsicpropertiesofFeAlintermetallicalloy ,suchaslowductilityandlowfracturestrength ,limiteditsindus trialapplications .Howtoimprovemechanicalproper tiesofFeAlintermetallicalloyandexpanditsindus trialapplicationrealmwasanimportantresearchas pectformaterialworke…  相似文献   
介绍一种新型气-液联合缸的工业机械手,气缸作为动力执行元件,而同轴连体的液缸作准确定位执行元件,并采用光电轴角编码器和工业控制微机(PLC)作控制系统,实现了多点预定位控制.采用了开环控制而能达到一般闭环伺服控制系统的定位精度.其造价明显降低,很适合于中小型企业中的小型锻造冲压生产线上使用.  相似文献   
A novel method was applied to the surface modification of the metal hydride(MH)electrode of MH/Ni batteries.Both sides of the electrode were plated with a thin silver film about 0.1μm thick using vacuum evaporation plating technology,and the effect of the electrode on the performance of MH/Ni batteries was examined.It is found that the surface modification can enhance the electrode conductivity and decrease the battery ohimic resistance.After surface modification,the discharge capacity at 5C(7.5A)is increased by 212 mA.h and the discharge voltage is increased by 0.11 V,the resistance of the batteries is also decreased by 32%.The batteries with modified electrode exhibit satisfactory durability.The remaining capacity of the modified batteries is 89%of the initial capacity even after 500 cycles.The inner pressure of the batteries during overcharging is lowered and the charging efficiency of the batteries is improved.  相似文献   
本文对混凝土尿素池的腐蚀原因、规律及影响因素进行了阐述,提出了混凝土尿素池的腐蚀及防腐蚀措施,延长了设备的寿命,保证了尿素生产的正常运转。  相似文献   
Metallographic sample prepared by ion beam etching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ion beam etching technique was used to reveal the metallograhpic microstructure and interface morphology of electroplating chromium coating, in particular, whose substrate surface layer was treated in advance by laser quenching. Chemical etchings were also conducted for comparison. The reveal microstructures were observed and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The results show that ion beam etching can reveal well the whole microstructures of composite coating-substrate materials.  相似文献   
The 5Cu40Zn55Al and 15Cu20Zn65Al alloys were prepared in the AI-Zn-Cu system, There exist the metastable phases ε and θ in the two alloys after homogenization treatment and furnace cooling, respectively. It is shown that the particles are refined from 3 mm to less than 10 μm after hammering the two alloys but there are still metastable phases. This means that the phase constituents of the two alloys have no changes by the deformation, which is different from that by balling. The phase constituents are not changed at room temperature by hammering, which is dependent on the deformation mechanism of hammering.  相似文献   
陈鹤飞 《轧钢》2003,20(6):55-56
分析了广州钢铁企业集团公司高线厂精轧机平衡油缸漏油的危害和原因,指出了这种油缸在设计上存在的缺陷,并提出了改进措施,改进后漏油问题得到了解决。  相似文献   
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