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In this paper, the authors present the results of experiments which clearly demonstrate a technical basis confirming that the carrier frequency harmonics data can be used for diagnostics relative to motor stator insulation degradation.  相似文献   
Third generation mobile radio systems are currently being deployed in different regions of the world. Future systems beyond the third generation are already under discussion in international bodies and forums such as ITU, WWRF and R&D programmes of the European Union and in other regions. These systems will determine the research and standardisation activities in mobile and wireless communication in the next years. Based on experience of the third generation, future systems will be developed mainly from the user perspective with respect to potential services and applications including traffic demands. Therefore, the Wireless World Research Forum was launched in 2001 as a global and open initiative of manufacturers, network operators, SMEs, R&D centres and the academic domain. WWRF is focused on the vision of such systems - the Wireless World-and potential key technologies. This paper describes the international context of activities on systems beyond third generation, the goals, objectives and structure of WWRF, the user perspective as the starting point for a future system design and the key enabling technologies for the Wireless World.  相似文献   
(U,Gd)O2 sintered pellets are fabricated by different methods. The homogeneity characterisation of the Gd content seems to be necessary for a production control to qualify the process and the final product obtained. In this paper, we propose an analysis of the X-ray diffraction powder patterns through the Rietveld method, in which the differences between the experimental and the calculated data proposed from a crystalline structure model are evaluated. This result allows us to determine the cell parameters, that can be correlated with the Gd concentration, and the existence of other phases with different Gd contents.  相似文献   
It is established that the capillary rise of a liquid has an oscillatory character, in contrast to the commonly accepted opinion that a vertical capillary is filled at a monotonically varying velocity. The value of the tangential shear stress arising in an ascending liquid is evaluated for ethyl alcohol and distilled water.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Aufnahmen von Lichtenbergschen Figuren mit kurzen Spannungsstößen zeigen, daß bisher bekanntgewordene Bilder solcher Entladungsfiguren bereits ein verhältnismäßig weit vorgeschrittenes Stadium darstellen. Es gelingt mittels kurzer Stöße erste lawinenartige Anfänge der Figuren festzuhalten und einiges über Vorgänge im Anfangsstadium herauszulesen. Die negative Figur beginnt lawinenförmig an bevorzugten Stellen der Kathode. Bei nebeneinander entstandenen Lawinen ist sehr gut die gegenseitige Abstoßung infolge gleicher Ladung zu beobachten. Die Entladung hat einen geschichteten Aufbau. Die positiven Figuren bilden sich später aus. Es sprechen jedoch bisher keinerlei Anzeichen für ein Hinwachsen der Fäden zur Anode. Die Kanäle verjüngen sich zur Anode hin und selbst bei kurzen Stoßzeiten endet kein einziger vor der Anode. Auch die Art der gegenseitigen Abstoßung der positiven Fäden spricht mehr für ein Vorwachsen von der Anode aus. Aus den Farbaufnahmen ergibt sich für die filmschwärzende Strahlung eine Wellenlänge unter 450 m.  相似文献   
This paper deals with accurate recipe implementation for abnormal condition management in a batch process using a case‐based reasoning (CBR) approach. A set of new problems can be solved by reusing proven process solutions. The proposed system integrates quantitative and qualitative parameters for adaptation of cases. A novel methodology to generate accurate recipes and to adapt to the processes is introduced during normal and abnormal conditions. In particular, the differences between current conditions and the references (recipes) should be managed to prevent any hazardous conditions arising. The processes are evaluated using their similarity to the past cases. This intelligent approach distinguishes plausible cases, generates accurate recipes, and adapts to new situations. The aim is to use the offline historical process data and safety related information in order to propose changes and adjustments in the processes.  相似文献   
The latest developments and in particular important synthetic aspects for the preparation of modern poly(styrene‐divinylbenzene) (PS‐DVB) based liquid chromatography (LC) supports are reviewed. In this context, the chemistry of particular porous and nonporous, functionalized, monolithic, coated silica and more specialized mixed organic PS‐DVB media is covered. Special consideration is given to modern approaches such as micro‐(μ)‐HPLC and coating techniques and their most important applications. Synthetic particularities relevant to the corresponding applications are outlined.  相似文献   
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