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In an open railway access market, the Infrastructure Provider (IP), upon the receipts of service bids from the Train Service Providers (TSPs), assigns track access rights according to its own business objectives and the merits of the bids; and produces the train service timetable through negotiations. In practice, IP chooses to negotiate with the TSPs one by one in such a sequence that IP optimizes its objectives. The TSP bids are usually very complicated, containing a large number of parameters in different natures. It is a difficult task even for an expert to give a priority sequence for negotiations from the contents of the bids. This study proposes the application of fuzzy ranking method to compare and prioritize the TSP bids in order to produce a negotiation sequence. The results of this study allow investigations on the behaviors of the stakeholders in bid preparation and negotiation, as well as evaluation of service quality in the open railway market.  相似文献   
Varying-coefficient models are popular multivariate nonparametric fitting techniques. When all coefficient functions in a varying-coefficient model share the same smoothing variable, inference tools available include the F-test, the sieve empirical likelihood ratio test and the generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) test. However, when the coefficient functions have different smoothing variables, these tools cannot be used directly to make inferences on the model because of the differences in the process of estimating the functions. In this paper, the GLR test is extended to models of the latter case by the efficient estimators of these coefficient functions. Under the null hypothesis the new proposed GLR test follows the χ2-distribution asymptotically with scale constant and degree of freedom independent of the nuisance parameters, known as Wilks phenomenon. Further, we have derived its asymptotic power which is shown to achieve the optimal rate of convergence for nonparametric hypothesis testing. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate the test procedure empirically.  相似文献   
Existing spatiotemporal indexes suffer from either large update cost or poor query performance, except for the B x -tree (the state-of-the-art), which consists of multiple B +-trees indexing the 1D values transformed from the (multi-dimensional) moving objects based on a space filling curve (Hilbert, in particular). This curve, however, does not consider object velocities, and as a result, query processing with a B x -tree retrieves a large number of false hits, which seriously compromises its efficiency. It is natural to wonder “can we obtain better performance by capturing also the velocity information, using a Hilbert curve of a higher dimensionality?”. This paper provides a positive answer by developing the B dual -tree, a novel spatiotemporal access method leveraging pure relational methodology. We show, with theoretical evidence, that the B dual -tree indeed outperforms the B x -tree in most circum- stances. Furthermore, our technique can effectively answer progressive spatiotemporal queries, which are poorly supported by B x -trees.  相似文献   
Reverse nearest neighbors in large graphs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A reverse nearest neighbor (RNN) query returns the data objects that have a query point as their nearest neighbor (NN). Although such queries have been studied quite extensively in Euclidean spaces, there is no previous work in the context of large graphs. In this paper, we provide a fundamental lemma, which can be used to prune the search space while traversing the graph in search for RNN. Based on it, we develop two RNN methods; an eager algorithm that attempts to prune network nodes as soon as they are visited and a lazy technique that prunes the search space when a data point is discovered. We study retrieval of an arbitrary number k of reverse nearest neighbors, investigate the benefits of materialization, cover several query types, and deal with cases where the queries and the data objects reside on nodes or edges of the graph. The proposed techniques are evaluated in various practical scenarios involving spatial maps, computer networks, and the DBLP coauthorship graph.  相似文献   
A new type of manufacturing cell, with characteristics of reconfigurability, reusability and scalability, needs to be developed. To achieve the agile reconfiguration of a manufacturing cell, the cell control system must be rapidly and efficiently generated or modified. In this paper, a multi-agent based architecture is defined that supports the design and implementation of highly reconfigurable control systems for agile manufacturing cells, which are comprised of resource agents (material processing agents, material handling agents, and material storage agents), a control agent, and an information agent, in order to reduce costs and increase the control system's agility with respect to the changing environment. Different agents in the cell control system can be organized dynamically, communicate with each other through messages, and cooperate with each other to perform flexibly the task in the cell control system. The structure of the agents is proposed and the message-passing between agents is discussed in detail.  相似文献   
Epoxy dispensing is a popular way to perform microchip encapsulation for chip-on-board (COB) packages. However, the determination of the proper process parameters setting for a satisfactory encapsulation quality is difficult due to the complex behaviour of the encapsulant during the dispensing process and the inherent fuzziness of epoxy dispensing systems. Sometimes, the observed values from the process may be irregular. In conventional regression models, deviations between the observed values and the estimated values are supposed to have a probability distribution. However, when data is scattered, the obtained regression model has too wide of a possibility range. These deviations in processes such as epoxy dispensing can be regarded as system fuzziness that can be dealt with satisfactorily using a fuzzy regression method. In this paper, the fuzzy linear regression concept with fuzzy intervals and its application to the process modelling of epoxy dispensing for microchip encapsulation are described. Two fuzzy regression models, expressing the correlation between various process parameters and the two quality characteristics, respectively, were developed. Validation experiments were performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method for process modelling.  相似文献   
Under‐pricing in construction tenders is a common phenomenon and is commonly explained by the need of cash flows and penetration strategy. However, these explanations involve profit cutting and therefore are not plausible in explaining a long‐term persistent phenomenon of under‐pricing. A real options model is proposed and using the binomial lattice method a real‐life construction project tender was analysed to examine how management flexibility and uncertainty provide real options value. When uncertainties of cost items in a tender exist and choices are available to defer and switch modes of construction, then a valuable option is available to the bidders. It amounts to about 4% of the lump sum tendered in our case. The under‐priced portion is the options value which the bidder is willing to pay for the flexibility and the uncertainty. These findings enable contractors to be more competitive and to estimate construction costs more accurately in devising their bid strategies.  相似文献   
Buildings are part of the built environment in which many activities are performed. One of the critical part of a development process is the physical construction of the proposed facility. As such an efficient construction process is invaluable. Moreover, due to the inherent divergence in interest, conflict among the contracting parties appears inevitable. Escalating conflict level may turn into psychological struggles between the contracting parties and manifests as dispute. The unfortunate outcomes are loss of productivity and increase in cost of construction. This paper describes the dynamic change in construction conflict behavior based on the catastrophe theory. How conflict behavior is affected by conflict level is first discussed. As such a catastrophe model of construction conflict behavior with tension level, behavioral flexibility as control variables is proposed. It is suggested that conflict is positively correlated to the tension level among the project team and subject to the moderating effect of the behavioral flexibility displayed by the project team members. The model suggests a sudden jump in conflict level will occur when tension reaches a threshold. Once this happens the conflict level will not subside even the tension level returns to the threshold just reached. The proposed model was tested by an empirical study that affirms: (1) The appropriateness of the use of tension and behavioral flexibility as control variables; (2) catastrophe model is a better fit to describe construction conflict behavior than the linear and logistic model; and (3) the bimodal nature of construction conflict behavior. The model reinforces the conventional wisdom of ‘prevention is better than cure’ as far as construction conflict resolution is concerned.  相似文献   
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