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Journal of Materials Science - Nitrogen doping of carbon nanomaterials has emerged as a method to develop novel material properties, though limitations in the form of extended treatment times,...  相似文献   
We discuss the shape resonance in the superconducting gaps of a two-band superconductor by tuning the chemical potential at a Lifshitz transition for Fermi surface neck collapsing and for spot appearing. The high temperature superconducting scenario for complex matter shows the coexistence of a first BCS condensate made of Cooper pairs in the first band and a second boson-like condensate made of bosons like bipolarons, in the second band where the chemical potential is tuned near a Lifshitz transition. The interband coupling controls the shape resonance in the pair exchange between the two condensates. We discuss the particular BCS–Bose crossover that occurs at the shape resonance tuning the Lifshitz parameter (the energy difference between the chemical potential and the Lifshitz topological transition) like tuning the external magnetic field for the Feshbach resonances in ultracold gases. This superconducting phase provides a particular case of topological superconductivity with multiple condensates of different winding numbers.  相似文献   
Carbon nanotubes are emerging as innovative tools in nanobiotechnology. However, their toxic effects on environment and health have become an issue of strong concern. In the present study, we address the impact of functionalized carbon nanotubes (f-CNTs) on cells of the immune system. We have prepared two types of f-CNTs, following the 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction (f-CNTs 1 and 2) and the oxidation/amidation treatment (f-CNTs 3 and 4), respectively. We have found that both types of f-CNTs are uptaken by B and T lymphocytes as well as macrophages in vitro, without affecting cell viability. Subsequently, the functionality of the different cells was analyzed carefully. We discovered that f-CNT 1, which is highly water soluble, did not influence the functional activity of immunoregulatory cells. f-CNT 3, which instead possesses reduced solubility and forms mainly stable water suspensions, preserved lymphocytes' functionality while provoking secretion of proinflammatory cytokines by macrophages.  相似文献   
Colloidal semiconductor-magnetic hybrid nanocrystals with topologically controlled composition are fabricated by heterogeneous nucleation of spherical epsilon-Co domains onto anatase TiO2 nanorods. The latter can be selectively decorated at either their tips or at multiple locations along their longitudinal sidewalls, forming lattice-matched heterointerfaces regardless of the metal deposition sites. The possibility of switching between either heterostructure growth modes arises from the facet-dependent chemical reactivity of the oxide seeds, which is governed mainly by selective adhesion of the surfactants rather than by small differences in misfit-induced interfacial strain at the relevant junction points.  相似文献   
In this study, microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) and dendritic copper were used as binder and conductive phase for the elaboration of self-standing conductive films and coatings. A filtration technique was used to prepare MFC/Cu films from particle dispersions in water and ethanol. In aqueous slurries copper oxidized and an additional corona treatment or the use of zinc particles as sacrificial anode were necessary to obtain films with conductivities ranging from 70 to 2500 S m?1, respectively. In ethanol-based MFC/Cu slurries, copper was subjected to limited oxidation. However, the low packing density of conductive particles (below the percolation threshold) led to resistive films which, after densification by calendering, displayed extremely high conductivities, up to 70000 S m?1. Aqueous MFC/Cu slurries were successfully used for the deposition of conductive coatings on copy paper by Mayer rod coating and screen printing, which were subsequently treated by corona discharge and calendering. The obtained coatings displayed intermediate conductivity (i.e. 95 and 570 S m?1 for rod coating and screen printing, respectively), which can be further increased using zinc particles or ethanol-based formulations.  相似文献   
In this paper a unified methodology is presented for the modelling of the evolution of road safety in 30 European countries. For each country, annual data of the best available exposure indicator and of the number of fatalities were simultaneously analysed with the bivariate latent risk time series model. This model is based on the assumption that the amount of exposure and the number of fatalities are intrinsically related. It captures the dynamic evolution in the fatalities as the product of the dynamic evolution in two latent trends: the trend in the fatality risk and the trend in the exposure to that risk. Before applying the latent risk model to the different countries it was first investigated and tested whether the exposure indicator at hand and the fatalities in each country were in fact related at all. If they were, the latent risk model was applied to that country; if not, a univariate local linear trend model was applied to the fatalities series only, unless the latent risk time series model was found to yield better forecasts than the univariate local linear trend model. In either case, the temporal structure of the unobserved components of the optimal model was established, and structural breaks in the trends related to external events were identified and captured by adding intervention variables to the appropriate components of the model. As a final step, for each country the optimally modelled developments were projected into the future, thus yielding forecasts for the number of fatalities up to and including 2020.  相似文献   
A novel application of capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection (CE-LIF) was proposed to efficiently detect and monitor the interaction between polymeric nanoparticles and the β-Amyloid peptide (Aβ(1-42)), a biomarker for Alzheimer's Disease (AD), at concentrations close to physiological conditions. The CE-LIF method allowed the interaction between PEGylated poly(alkyl cyanoacrylate) nanoparticles (NPs) and the soluble Aβ(1-42) peptide monomers to be highlighted. These results were confirmed by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Whereas SPR showed an interaction between the NPs and the Aβ(1-42) peptide, CLSM allowed the formation of large aggregates/assemblies at high NP and peptide concentrations to be visualized. All these results suggested that these nanoparticles could bind the Aβ(1-42) peptide and influence its aggregation kinetics. Interestingly, the non-PEGylated poly(alkyl cyanoacrylate) NPs did not alter the aggregation kinetics of the Aβ(1-42) peptide, thus emphasizing the high level of discrimination of the CE-LIF method with respect to NPs.  相似文献   
In this paper we report the accuracy evaluation of the Italian primary frequency standard IEN-CsF1. We discuss the shifts the frequency standard is corrected for and the procedure used for the accuracy evaluation. In the last section we report frequency comparisons of our fountain with those of remote laboratories and with International Atomic Time.  相似文献   
Autonomous Robots - This paper presents a novel system for autonomous, vision-based drone racing combining learned data abstraction, nonlinear filtering, and time-optimal trajectory planning. The...  相似文献   
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