River water has been sampled under baseflow conditions in both summer and winter at c. 250-m intervals along the length of each of seven rivers in northeast Scotland, and the nitrate contents have been determined. The resultant data have been examined in the context of the nitrogen saturation hypothesis. Capacity of the catchment soils to retain nitrate was generally minimal in winter. Although biological uptake of nitrate was evident in summer, in the upper part of each catchment substantial nitrate leaching still occurred. The phenomenon was most marked in water draining from hill peats, except where these were conspicuously waterlogged. The results are discussed in the context of possible nitrogen saturation effects on upper catchment slopes. 相似文献
In February 1989, the Massachusetts Water Resource Authority (MWRA) began the design and construction of a 15.3-km subsea tunnel and ocean riser system to discharge effluent in conjunction with the design and construction of a large secondary treatment plant. The court-mandated schedule required the tunnel and risers to be completed in July 1995. The paper discusses the project from the viewpoints of management, concept design and construction methods, including the ocean riser system. Key to th success of the project is the accuracy of the location of the risers. The design calls for a final tunnel alignment to be driven within 10 m of the riser shafts, beginning at a distance of 13.1 km from shore. 相似文献
After the Chernobyl accident in April 1986, considerable deposition of radionuclides occurred regionally in eastern, central and northwestern Sweden. Locally, the fallout of radiocesium exceeded the remainder from atmospheric nuclear weapons tests by several magnitudes. Since the end of the 1960s samples of organs from various plant and animal species, annually collected at different localities, have been preserved in the Swedish Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB). In this work samples from the ESB have been used for retrospective studies of radioactive pollution. The activities of Cs-134 and Cs-137 in muscle tissues from reindeer, Rangifer tarandus, and pike, Esox lucius, preserved in the ESB, were measured. The samples were collected annually; the reindeer at three localities in northern Sweden and the pike at one of them. In material collected prior to the Chernobyl accident, the levels of Cs-137 were 57-180 Bq/kg in reindeer and 14-24 Bq/kg in pike, fresh weight basis. These levels relate to earlier nuclear bomb tests. A significant decrease was found in pike during the pre-Chernobyl period (1971-86). In post-Chernobyl samples the burden of Cs-137 varied from amounts equal to the former levels in the northernmost locality and up to 80 times higher for the maximum values in the southernmost locality. The highest value recorded was 18,425 Bq/kg in reindeer. The geographic variations in reindeer from Chernobyl fallout were in accordance with the pattern of deposition estimated by aircraft surveys performed in May 1986. The ratio between 'new' and 'old' radiocesium burdens in pike, caught in 1987, approached the corresponding ratio for reindeer grazing in the precipitation area of the lake; 33 and 19, respectively. 相似文献
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - Precambrian layered rocks consisting of quartzites, phyllites and metagreywackes of the Aravallis having a large variation in thickness,... 相似文献
The dynamics and optimal feedback control of biological waste treatment processes are examined. Modern feedback control theory is applied and results are obtained for both proportional and proportional plus integral control. A dynamic mathematical model of the system is developed by employing a Monod kinetic model, which is modified to account for endogenous metabolism, and a complete mixing flow model in the growth chamber. The feedback control is implemented via the flow rate so as to maintain desired effluent concentrations. External disturbances which cause changes in substrate concentration and/or cell concentration are considered and optimal control effort is applied. Results are also presented for impulse and step changes in the influent substrate concentration. It is found that by changing the values of the weighting factors in the objective function, it is possible to obtain good control of either the effluent substrate concentration or cell concentration. 相似文献
The purpose of this paper is to present a formulation of a curved thin-walled box beam finite element having a variable cross-section with at least one vertical axis of symmetry.
To allow for the effects of warping and distortion, three degrees of freedom have been included in the formulation. These degrees of freedom have been designated as the rate of change of twisting angle, the distortional angle of the cross-section, and the rate of change of distortional angle. The effect of shear lag has also been included.
The element may be used for the elastic analysis of a variety of thin-walled structures and in particular for the preliminary analysis of box bridge decks where a three-dimensional analysis may be unnecessary. The accuracy of the element has been demonstrated by comparison of the results obtained with known results from other methods for some examples. 相似文献
Although it is extensively researched, flocculation in the water-treatment industry lacks a design procedure to assess accurately the performance of the different types of agitator impeller which are available. New high-efficiency, hydrofoil-type impellers offer substantial potential for flocculation duties in many areas, provided that they are applied correctly. This paper highlights the importance of the 'velocity gradient'and the distribution of shear within the agitation system. The objective of the paper is to help engineers to evaluate different types of proprietary impeller designs, using various techniques to examine the shear distribution applied to the system. 相似文献
Quantities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), some of which are carcinogens, enter natural waters in effuents of coke production and other high-temperature industrial pyrolysis processes. Because of their low water solubilities. PAH compounds are generally considered to occur in particulate form in lakes and rivers. However, present studies of 14C-anthracene adsorption by autoclaved yeast cells indicated that significant fractions of both dissolved and particulate forms of PAH may exist in natural waters. Quantities of anthracene adsorbed exceeded values for PAH adsorption onto mineral surfaces by more than an order of magnitude: suspended organic material may thus be more important than mineral particles in adsorption of PAH compounds. Adsorption was highly dependent upon the yeast cell concentration, and varied widely through the range of suspended organic solids normally encountered in natural waters. The heat of adsorption (5.2 kcal/mole) was characteristic of a physical adsorptive process. Because ecological effects and pathways of dissolved and particulate PAH may differ, adsorptive partitioning may be important in determining PAH hazards to higher organisms in aquatic food chains, and ultimately to man. 相似文献
A method of evaluating the stress-strain state of frozen soils, which takes into account the existence of elastoviscoplastic
and temperature deformations over time under variable external effects, is described.
Translated from Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, No. 4, pp. 10–13, July–August, 1997. 相似文献