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Capillary morphogenesis involves cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. Proteases elaborated by capillary cells modify the extracellular matrix (ECM) to facilitate capillary tube formation. Previously, we detected the presence of fibronectin fragments (Fn-f) associated with the proform of matrix metalloprotease-2 (MMP-2) in conditioned medium of human retinal endothelial cells (HRECs). Association of this fragment to latent MMP-2 prevented autocatalytic activation of MMP-2, suggesting a modulatory role of Fn-f in MMP-2 activation. In this report, we examined the potential role of Fn-f on two processes involved in angiogenesis, proliferation and migration of vascular cells. The effects of Fn-f on proliferation were determined by DNA synthesis and cell counts. Their effects on migration were assessed using modified Boyden chambers. Seven Fn-f were tested on vascular cell migration and/or proliferation. Three Fn-f induced migration. Fn-f of 30-kDa and 120-kDa size positively affected proliferation of microvascular cells but not macrovascular cells. A 45-kDa gelatin binding fragment of Fn inhibited HREC proliferation but stimulated pericyte and smooth muscle cell proliferation. The potency of these fragments exceeded that of the known angiogenic growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), on HREC migration. ECM components such as fibronectin may influence capillary morphogenesis by the generation of fragments that can modulate proliferation, migration, and protease activation. In the setting of diabetes, excess Fn is generated and is available for degradation. Thus, the production of Fn-f may be specifically relevant to the angiogenesis observed in proliferative diabetic retinopathy.  相似文献   
We propose a new method for detecting conserved RNA secondary structures in a family of related RNA sequences. Our method is based on a combination of thermodynamic structure prediction and phylogenetic comparison. In contrast to purely phylogenetic methods, our algorithm can be used for small data sets of approximately 10 sequences, efficiently exploiting the information contained in the sequence variability. The procedure constructs a prediction only for those parts of sequences that are consistent with a single conserved structure. Our implementation produces reasonable consensus structures without user interference. As an example we have analysed the complete HIV-1 and hepatitis C virus (HCV) genomes as well as the small segment of hantavirus. Our method confirms the known structures in HIV-1 and predicts previously unknown conserved RNA secondary structures in HCV.  相似文献   
Cranial neural fold fusion in the chick embryo is known to commence in the midbrain region before progressing cranially and caudally to involve the fore- and hindbrain regions, respectively. The two epithelial layers at the tips of the neural folds that participate in fusion are the surface ectoderm and the neuroepithelium. We have examined and compared cranial neural fold fusion in both layers, and our results show that fusion of the neuroepithelial component of the neural folds, unlike that of the surface ectoderm, starts in the caudal portion of the forebrain. Second, contrary to the widely accepted opinion, we have demonstrated that in the hindbrain region, fusion of the neuroepithelial component of the neural folds does not occur. Soon after neural fold apposition, a neuroepithelial eminence appears in rhombomeres 1 and 2, and this, together with other neuroepithelial cells in the dorsal midline of the hindbrain, undergoes massive apoptosis. The absence of neuroepithelial fusion in the hindbrain may be due to the presence of massive apoptosis among neuroepithelial cells that should have participated in the fusion process. The events described above may predispose the hindbrain to the development of neural tube defects. The appearance of cranial neural crest cells in the midline during their migration may enhance the fusion of the surface ectodermal portion of the neural folds.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: Previous studies of monochromatic visual evoked potentials confirm the strong suppression of (the cortical representation of) paracentral retinal areas of functionally amblyopic eyes, by a flat response to a blue stimulus. A clinical trial stimulating these areas with blue light was encouraging, and justified a prospective comparison of this treatment with conventional classic treatment. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: In 50 strabismic children with amblyopia, the blue filter treatment protocol (flash stimulation with, and the wearing of, a blue filter during occlusion of the better eye for one hour daily) was compared with the classical treatment (full time total occlusion by patch) in a prospective matched and randomized study. Patients 3 to 7 years old without previous treatment and a visual acuity up to 0.3 were admitted to the study. Visual acuity and fixation behavior were used as the parameters of comparison. Visual Evoked Potentials by monochromatic flashes were also studied. Results of treatment were compared after 6 months. RESULTS: The visual acuity outcome for the blue filter treatment was "statistically significantly" better (p=0.005). The greatest improvement was seen in the subgroup of children with eccentric fixation (p=0.01). Fixation behavior also showed a better outcome from the blue filter treatment (p=0.05) favoring especially children between 3 and 5 years. In children of this age with a visual acuity better than 0.1 we found a very "statistically significant" difference between the two treatments (p=0.004). In children 3 to 5 years old with poorer visual acuity we also found a "statistically significant" difference in the two treatments (p=0.04). The interocular difference of amplitude on the Visual Evoked Potentials also demonstrated more improvement in children treated with the blue filter. This treatment improved especially the cortical response to blue flash stimulation, correlating to paracentral retinal areas. CONCLUSIONS: The blue filter treatment protocol provided better results for treating amblyopia than the conventional classic occlusion treatment method. We propose that stimulation of these paracentral retinal areas triggers a better disinhibition of a functionally amblyopic eye.  相似文献   
Genotoxic stress triggers signalling pathways that either mediate cell killing or protection of affected cells. While induction of p53 is observed for most of the genotoxins, activation of MAPK/SAPK cascades is not a general response. The role of MAPK/SAPK activation on cell fate, seems to be dependent, in some systems, on the balanced response among both cascades. We have here examined the effect of cis and trans-DDP on the activation of ERK and JNK activities. While no significant induction of ERK was observed with the compounds, both of them are able to strongly activate JNK. Trans-DDP response is rapid and transient while the cis-DDP one is slow and persistent. In contrast with the observed nuclear translocation of JNK in response to U.V. light, none of the platinum compounds induces translocation, on the contrary, activation of JNK occurs in both the nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments. Inhibition of tyrosine phosphatases by orthovanadate pretreatment prolongs the time of JNK induction in response to both platinum compounds. The positive modulation of JNK activation correlates with an increase in toxicity that, for cis-DDP corresponds to a tenfold decrease in the IC50. A strong increase in MKP-1 levels was observed only in response to trans-DDP suggesting the involvement of this activity in the downregulation of JNK activity in response to this compound. Altogether the results suggest that the prolonged activation of JNK in response to cis-DDP contributes to cell death induction.  相似文献   
Cystic lesions of the pancreas are relatively uncommon. We describe the case of a young man with a complex cystic mass located within the head of the pancreas. The patient underwent exploration with resection of the mass. Pathology revealed a ciliated epithelial cyst, a rare cystic lesion of the pancreas.  相似文献   
The mu-opioid receptor (mu-OR), like most G-protein-coupled receptors, is rapidly internalized after agonist binding. Although opioid peptides induce internalization in vivo, there are no studies that demonstrate mu-OR internalization in response to natural stimuli. In this study, we used laser-scanning microscopy to demonstrate that estrogen treatment induces the translocation of mu-OR immunoreactivity (mu-ORi) from the membrane to an internal location in steroid-sensitive cell groups of the limbic system and hypothalamus. Estrogen-induced internalization was prevented by the opioid antagonist naltrexone, suggesting that translocation was largely dependent on release of endogenous agonists. Estrogen treatment also altered the pattern of mu-ORi at the bright-field light microscopic level. In the absence of stimulation, the majority of immunoreactivity is diffuse, with few definable mu-OR+ cell bodies or processes. After stimulation, the density of distinct processes filled with mu-ORi was significantly increased. We interpreted the increase in the number of mu-OR+ processes as indicating increased levels of internalization. Using this increase in the density of mu-OR+ fibers, we showed that treatment of ovariectomized rats with estradiol benzoate induced a rapid and reversible increase in the number of fibers. Significant internalization was noted within 30 min and lasted for >24 hr after estrogen treatment in the medial preoptic nucleus, the principal part of the bed nucleus, and the posterodorsal medial amygdala. Naltrexone prevented the increase of mu-OR+ processes. These data imply that estrogen treatment stimulates the release of endogenous opioids that activate mu-OR in the limbic system and hypothalamus providing a "neurochemical signature" of steroid activation of these circuits.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Vascular anomalies, including hemangiomas and vascular malformations afford complex diagnostic and therapeutic challenges when gastrointestinal (GI) manifestations are present. METHODS: Twenty-one patients evaluated or treated in our Vascular Anomalies Program from 1993 through 1997 were reviewed retrospectively with regard to presentation, treatment modalities, and outcome. RESULTS: Four patients had hemangiomas, and 17 had various vascular malformations. GI symptoms began in infancy or early childhood in all patients. Manifestations included GI bleeding (n = 15), obstruction (n = 2), diarrhea (n = 2), ascites (n = 2), pain (n = 1), emesis (n = 1), ileo-ileal intussusception (n = 1), protein-losing enteropathy (n = 1), and hypersplenism (n = 1). Four patients had proven portal hypertension. Fourteen had associated musculoskeletal or cutaneous lesions. Congestive heart failure, partial anomalous pulmonary venous return, pulmonary edema, and pleural or pericardial effusion occurred in one patient each. Bleeding was the most common symptom of both hemangiomas and malformations. Of four patients with hemangiomas, three were treated with corticosteroids or interferon. Endoscopic banding and embolization of an associated arterioportal hepatic shunt were each used in one patient. One patient died. The malformations were treated with resection (n = 8), endoscopic banding or sclerosis (n = 7), percutaneous or intraoperative sclerosis (n = 5), embolization or device interruption (n = 3), and portosystemic shunt (n = 2). GI symptoms were ameliorated in 12 patients with malformation, improved in two, unchanged in two, and one died after prolonged palliation. CONCLUSIONS: Vascular anomalies with gastrointestinal manifestations are heterogeneous in their presentation and type. Although bleeding is the most common symptom of both hemangiomas and vascular malformations, treatment differs. Pharmacological angiogenesis inhibition is the mainstay of hemangioma therapy. Resection, endoscopic or radiologic vascular obliteration, and portal decompression are important in treating vascular malformations. An individualized and interdisciplinary approach is often required to successfully diagnose and treat these complex lesions.  相似文献   
7-(2-Hydroxypropyl)guanine (7-HPG) constitutes the major adduct from alkylation of DNA by the genotoxic carcinogen, propylene oxide. The levels of 7-HPG in DNA of various organs provides a relevant measure of tissue dose. 7-Alkylguanines can induce mutation through abasic sites formed from spontaneous depurination of the adduct. In the current study the formation of 7-HPG was investigated in male Fisher 344 rats exposed to 500 ppm of propylene oxide by inhalation for 6 h/day, 5 days/week, for up to 20 days. 7-HPG was analyzed using the 32P-postlabelling assay with anion-exchange cartridges for adduct enrichment. In animals sacrificed directly following 20 days of exposure, the adduct level was highest in the respiratory nasal epithelium (98.1 adducts per 10(6) nucleotides), followed by olfactory nasal epithelium (58.5), lung (16.3), lymphocytes (9.92), spleen (9.26), liver (4.64), and testis (2.95). The nasal cavity is the major target for tumor induction in the rat following inhalation. This finding is consistent with the major difference in adduct levels observed in nasal epithelium compared to other tissues. In rats sacrificed 3 days after cessation of exposure, the levels of 7-HPG in the aforementioned tissues had, on the average, decreased by about one-quarter of their initial concentrations. This degree of loss closely corresponds to the spontaneous rate of depurination for this adduct (t 1/2 = 120 h), and suggests a low efficiency of repair for 7-HPG in the rat. The postlabelling assay used had a detection limit of one to two adducts per 10(8) nucleotides, i.e. it is likely that this adduct could be analyzed in nasal tissues of rats exposed to less than 1 ppm of propylene oxide.  相似文献   
Natural killer (NK) cells preferentially lyse targets that express reduced levels of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I proteins. To date, the only known mouse NK receptors for MHC class I belong to the Ly49 family of C-type lectin homodimers. Here, we report the cloning of mouse NKG2A, and demonstrate it forms an additional and distinct class I receptor, a CD94/NKG2A heterodimer. Using soluble tetramers of the nonclassical class I molecule Qa-1(b), we provide direct evidence that CD94/NKG2A recognizes Qa-1(b). We further demonstrate that NK recognition of Qa-1(b) results in the inhibition of target cell lysis. Inhibition appears to depend on the presence of Qdm, a Qa-1(b)-binding peptide derived from the signal sequences of some classical class I molecules. Mouse NKG2A maps adjacent to CD94 in the heart of the NK complex on mouse chromosome six, one of a small cluster of NKG2-like genes. Our findings suggest that mouse NK cells, like their human counterparts, use multiple mechanisms to survey class I expression on target cells.  相似文献   
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