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The striatum is implicated in response selection and performance, the dorsal striatum in sensorimotor control and habit learning, and the ventral striatum in motivation and rewarded behaviors. Ventral striatal lesions produce performance changes on food-reinforced, progressive-ratio (PR) schedules, but the effects of dorsal striatal lesions on this task are not known. In this study, neither medial nor lateral dorsal striatal lesions produced deficits on the main motivational indices of PR performance. In contrast, significant impairments were observed in motoric or "executive" aspects of performance. Motivationally related manipulations of the task (food deprivation and reward magnitude) produced some subtle lesion-specific changes in behavior on these motoric or executive aspects of performance. Findings are discussed in relation to the roles of the dorsal and ventral striatum in reward-related behaviors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Eagle 《微电脑世界》2003,(22):173-173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180
让每天的工作更轻松、更安全,甚至更开心?无可争议的软件经典 成就您的梦想。  相似文献   
Behavioral Inference across Cultures: Using Telephones as a Cultural Lens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most people carry mobile telephones, which automatically capture behavioral data and store it in service provider databases around the world. The different types of captured data can provide insight into human cultures. Examples from various cultures and hundreds of millions of individuals illustrate how phones can serve as a cultural lens, improving our understanding of social networks, outlier events, and a culture's pace of life.  相似文献   
Amounts of 137Cs in residents of Central Southern England were smaller during 1974–76 than at any time during the previous 17 years, and 17 times lower than those recorded during 1964–65. A simple model has been developed, empirically relating 137Cs in rainfall during 1957–76 to the ensuing burdens in man, and the results suggest that a slowly‐declining reservoir of deposited material from the weapons tests of 1955–63 currently contributes as much dietary contamination as the low levels of recent fall out. 137Cs burdens are therefore unlikely to decline by more than a factor of 2–3 during the next decade, even in the absence of additional weapons tests. The radiation dose rate from the current (early 1977) average level of 137Cs in these subjects is however only one percent of that delivered by the body's natural 40K.  相似文献   
An 89-year-old woman with recurrent conjunctival mucoepidermoid carcinoma developed intraocular inflammation and an elevated fundus lesion that simulated choroidal detachment in her affected right eye. Intraocular invasion of squamous cell carcinoma was suspected and the eye was enucleated. Pathologic examination of the enucleated eye showed intraocular invasion by conjunctival mucoepidermoid carcinoma that formed a suprauveal cyst lined with malignant epithelial cells. The patient developed an orbital recurrence 1 year later and underwent orbital exenteration. She died 2 years later from an unrelated cause. Conjunctival mucoepidermoid carcinoma can exhibit intraocular invasion and produce an intraocular neoplastic cyst.  相似文献   
How a chronic illness leads to emotional disorders in a child or adolescent is primarily defined by the style of coping within the family. coping style describes the inner confrontation and the way of coming to terms with the disease and its effective management. For the treating physician, knowledge of the determining factors is important not only to perceive disturbances in the patient-physician relationship but also between the child or adolescent and his family. This is important when deciding whether the physician himself can intervene or whether outside help is necessary. Of these determining factors, the cognitive understanding of the disease by the affected child or adolescent and the art of communication within the family are described. Most important is the parental coping style, formed in earlier crisis situations, into which the child or adolescent is now integrated. Pathological "pseudo" solutions together with reasonably successful forms of coping and their influence on the patient-doctor-relationship are discussed.  相似文献   
The results are reported of 50 experiments carried out by the National Agricultural Advisory Service comparing injected anhydrous ammonia with solid ammonium nitrate for arable crops and grass. Autumn-applied anhydrous ammonia was found to be inefficient for arable crops owing to winter loss by leaching. Spring injections for spring cereals and sugar-beet were as effective as ammonium nitrate provided that soil conditions allowed efficient injection. Spring injections for winter wheat were as effective as ammonium nitrate on light and medium textured soils but less so on clay soils. The slow-acting nature of anhydrous ammonia resulted in less lodging than did ammonium nitrate and less resultant yield depression under conditions leading to severe lodging in cereals. In grassland, the slow-acting nature of anhydrous ammonia gave a delayed response compared with ammonium nitrate but did not result in an even spread of growth throughout the season. Early spring injections resulted in a better seasonal distribution of response in high rainfall areas than in areas of low rainfall.  相似文献   
We describe a 23-year-old woman with iridocyclitis, enophthalmos, facial hemiatrophy, and transient numbness of her contralateral upper and lower extremities. The patient was found to have white matter densities in the right hemisphere in magnetic resonance T2-weighted images and vascular malformations involving right vertebral, right carotid, and right anterior cerebral arteries. Histopathologic evaluation of a biopsy specimen of anterior orbital fat and lacrimal gland revealed fibrosis and chronic inflammation. These findings were consistent with the diagnosis of progressive facial hemiatrophy (Parry-Romberg syndrome) in association with iridocyclitis and intracranial vascular malformations.  相似文献   
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