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This study examined whether gender differences exist in the exposure to select mainstream cigarette smoke toxins as a result of differences in smoking behavior or type of cigarettes smoked among 129 female and 128 male smokers. Smoking topography data indicated that, compared with men, women took smaller puffs (37.6 ml/puff vs. 45.8 ml/puff; p = .0001) of shorter duration (1.33 s/puff vs. 1.48 s/puff; p = .002) but drew more puffs per cigarette (13.5 vs. 12.0; p = .001) and left longer butts (36.3 mm or 40.2% of cigarette length vs. 34.3 mm or 39.2% of cigarette length; p = .01). These trends were similar in both African Americans and European Americans. The emissions of select toxins per cigarette, as determined by mimicking human smoking behaviors were greater among the male smokers than the female smokers and correlated significantly with delivered smoke volume per cigarette. The geometric means of emissions of nicotine from cigarettes were 1.92 mg/cigarette (95% CI = 1.80-2.05) for women versus 2.20 (95% CI = 2.04-2.37) for men (p = .005). Cigarettes smoked by women yielded 139.5 ng/cigarette of 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK; 95% CI = 128.8-151.0), compared with 170.3 ng/cigarette (95% CI = 156.3-185.6) for men (p = .0007); benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) emissions were 18.0 ng/cigarette (95% CI = 17.0-19.0) for women and 20.5 ng/cigarette (95% CI = 18.8-22.3) for men (p = .01). The gender differences with regard to cigarette smoke yields of toxins were more profound in European Americans than in African Americans. On average, African American men's smoking habits produced the highest emissions of select toxins from cigarettes, and European American female smokers had the lowest exposure to carcinogens and toxins. Several studies have suggested that women may be more susceptible than men to the ill effects of carcinogens in tobacco and tobacco smoke, whereas other studies have not found differences in lung cancer risk between men and women. The present study suggests that gender differences in exposure to tobacco smoke cannot account for a higher rate of lung cancer in female smokers compared with male smokers.  相似文献   
This study evaluated the incorporation of microcapsules containing nisin and avocado peel extract on the shelf life of ground beef. Ten treatments were studied and divided into two groups: one packaged under vacuum and the other in permeable packaging. Each group contained: (a) control, (b) extract, (c) nisin, (d) empty microcapsules (only wall microcapsule system), and (e) microcapsules with extract and nisin. The samples containing the microcapsules presented lower bacterial growth and less oxidation. On day 10, the vacuum‐packaged samples with microencapsulated preservative presented a reduction in the oxidation of proteins of approximately 45%, of 30% in the growth of mesophiles, and of 38% in the growth of coliforms, as well as a reduction in the changes in the pH and ɑW that occur during storage, compared with the permeable control. The combination of microcapsules with vacuum packaging reduced the physicochemical and microbiological changes that occur in the controls.  相似文献   
The IL-6 cytokine family is a group of signaling molecules with wide expression and function across vertebrates. Each member of the family signals by binding to its specific receptor and at least one molecule of gp130, which is the common transmembrane receptor subunit for the whole group. Signal transduction upon stimulation of the receptor complex results in the activation of multiple downstream cascades, among which, in mammary cells, the JAK-STAT3 pathway plays a central role. In this review, we summarize the role of the IL-6 cytokine family—specifically IL-6 itself, LIF, OSM, and IL-11—as relevant players during breast cancer progression. We have compiled evidence indicating that this group of soluble factors may be used for early and more precise breast cancer diagnosis and to design targeted therapy to treat or even prevent metastasis development, particularly to the bone. Expression profiles and possible therapeutic use of their specific receptors in the different breast cancer subtypes are also described. In addition, participation of these cytokines in pathologies of the breast linked to lactation and involution of the gland, as post-partum breast cancer and mastitis, is discussed.  相似文献   
The Liver-Expressed Antimicrobial Peptide 2 (LEAP-2) has emerged as an endogenous GHS-R antagonist and blunts the orexigenic action of ghrelin. This study aimed to determine the Ghrelin/LEAP-2 ratio in humans and rats during pregnancy. In humans, we conducted a nested case-control study within an observational prospective cohort. Healthy and mild preeclamptic pregnant women were studied at each trimester of gestation and three months postpartum. In addition, a group of non-pregnant women was studied into the follicular and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle. Furthermore, Ghrelin/LEAP-2 ratio was investigated in non-pregnant rats and at different periods of rat pregnancy. Human and rat serum ghrelin and LEAP-2 levels were determined using the commercially available ELISA kits. The Ghrelin/LEAP-2 ratio peak around the second trimester of gestation in healthy pregnant women (p < 0.05). Additionally, there were no statistically significant differences in Ghrelin/LEAP-2 ratio between healthy and preeclamptic pregnant women at each trimester of gestation (p > 0.05). The Ghrelin/LEAP-2 ratio in pregnant rat reached the peak around mid-gestation with a similar pattern to the human pregnancy. LEAP-2 was visualized by immunohistochemistry in human term placenta and rat placentas on days 12, 16 and 21 of pregnancy. In conclusion, this study provides the first evidence of a Ghrelin/LEAP-2 ratio peak around the half-way point of pregnancy onwards during human and rat pregnancy, and it might be associated with increased rates of weight gain during pregnancy. Thus, this study suggests that LEAP-2 and Ghrelin/LEAP-2 ratio might play an important role in maternal physiology adaptation of weight gain during pregnancy.  相似文献   
The Giant panda communicates with conspecifics by depositing a mixture of volatile compounds (called scent marks) on trees and rocks. Using mass spectrometry, we identified 951 chemical components from scent glands, urine, vaginal secretions, and scent marks made by pandas. The scent marks of the two genders contained a similar array of chemicals but varied in concentration; specifically, males possessed a significantly greater amount of short chain fatty acids (F(1, 29) = 18.4, P = 0.002). Using stepwise discriminate analysis on the relative proportions of a subset of these chemicals, it was possible to classify gender (94% for males and females) and individuality (81% for males and 91% for females) from scent marks. The power to identify individual males was reduced due to the relatedness of two subjects. By cracking the identity code of Giant panda communication, we show insights into how these animals can match individuals with unique chemical profiles. Since radiocollaring is currently banned in China, the techniques described in this paper give field biologists a new means to identify and track pandas in the wild.  相似文献   
We continue the study of robust reductions initiated by Gavaldà and Balcázar. In particular, a 1991 paper of Gavaldà and Balcázar [7] claimed an optimal separation between the power of robust and nondeterministic strong reductions. Unfortunately, their proof is invalid. We re-establish their theorem. Generalizing robust reductions, we note that robustly strong reductions are built from two restrictions, robust underproductivity and robust overproductivity, both of which have been separately studied before in other contexts. By systematically analyzing the power of these reductions, we explore the extent to which each restriction weakens the power of reductions. We show that one of these reductions yields a new, strong form of the Karp—Lipton theorem. Received November 1997, and in final form March 1999.  相似文献   
Schulze and ranked-pairs elections have received much attention recently, and the former has quickly become a quite widely used election system. For many cases these systems have been proven resistant to bribery, control, or manipulation, with ranked pairs being particularly praised for being NP-hard for all three of those. Nonetheless, the present paper shows that with respect to the number of candidates, Schulze and ranked-pairs elections are fixed-parameter tractable to bribe, control, and manipulate: we obtain uniform, polynomial-time algorithms whose running times’ degrees do not depend on the number of candidates. We also provide such algorithms for some weighted variants of these problems.  相似文献   
We study the isomorphic implication problem for Boolean constraints. We show that this is a natural analog of the subgraph isomorphism problem. We prove that, depending on the set of constraints, this problem is in P, or is NP-complete, or is NP-hard, coNP-hard, and in PNP. We show how to extend the NP-hardness and coNP-hardness to PNP-hardness for some cases, and conjecture that this can be done in all cases. Supported in part by grants NSF-CCR-0311021 and DFG VO 630/5-1 and VO 630/5-2. An extended abstract of this paper appears in Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2005), pp. 119–130, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science #3618, August 2005. Work of M. Bauland done in part while visiting CASCI’s Laboratory for Complexity at Rochester Institute of Technology. Work of E. Hemaspaandra done in part while on sabbatical at the University of Rochester.  相似文献   
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