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This article proposes an approach for investigating the exponential stability of a nonlinear interval dynamical system with the nonlinearity of a quadratic type on the basis of the Lyapunov’s direct method. It also constructs an inner estimate of the attraction domain to the origin for the system under consideration.  相似文献   
The Yankee Atomic Electric Company test irradiation program was implemented to characterize the irradiation response of representative Yankee Rowe reactor vessel beltline plate materials and to remove uncertainties in the analysis of existing irradiation data on the Yankee Rowe reactor vessel steel. Plate materials each containing 0·24 w/o copper, but different nickel contents at 0·63 w/o and 0·19 w/o, were heat treated to simulate the Yankee vessel heat treatment (austenitized at 982°C (1800°F)) and to simulate Regulatory Guide 1·99 database materials (austenitized at 871°C (1600°F)). These heat treatments produced different microstructures so the effect of microstructure on irradiation damage sensitivity could be tested. Because the nickel content of the test plates varied and the copper level was constant, the effect of nickel on irradiation embrittlement was also tested. Correlation monitor material, HSST-02, was included in the program to benchmark the Ford Nuclear Reactor (University of Michigan Test Reactor) which had never been used before for this type of irradiation program. Materials taken from plate surface locations (versus 1/4T) were included to test whether or not the improved toughness properties of the plate surface layer, resulting from the rapid quench, are maintained after irradiation. If the improved properties are maintained, pressurized thermal shock calculations could utilize this margin. Finally, for one experiment, irradiations were conducted at two irradiation temperatures (260°C and 288°C) to determine the effect of irradiation temperature on embrittlement. The preliminary results of the irradiation program show an average temperature effect of 38°C for a 28°C difference in irradiation temperature. The results suggest that for nickel bearing steels, the superior toughness of plate surface material is maintained after irradiation and for the copper content tested, nickel has little effect on irradiation response. No apparent microstructure effect on irradiation response was noted and the HSST-02 material's response to irradiation was similar to results from power reactor and other test reactor tests, thus qualifying the Ford Test Reactor for irradiation experiments such as those conducted for the Yankee Atomic program.  相似文献   
This paper describes a simple and effective way to modify an existing hard-switched flyback power converter into a circuit with zero-voltage switching (ZVS) and zero-current switching (ZCS). The key improvement is to turn the unattractive features of the coupled inductor leakage inductance and snubber capacitor into attractive ones. The coupled inductor leakage inductance and snubber are used to form a quasi-resonant circuit to facilitate ZVS/ZCS of all power devices. The operating principles of the power converter and experimental results are presented  相似文献   
Studies the anomalous variations of the OFF-state leakage current (IOFF) in n-channel poly-Si thin-film transistors (TFTs) under static stress. The dominant mechanisms for the anomalous IOFF can be attributed to (1) IOFF increases due to channel hot electrons trapping at the gate oxide/channel interface and silicon grain boundaries and (2) IOFF decreases due to hot holes accumulated/trapped near the channel/bottom oxide interface near the source region. Under the stress of high drain bias, serious impact ionization effect will occur to generate hot electrons and hot holes near the drain region. Some of holes will be injected into the gate oxide due to the vertical field (~(V_Gstress V_Dstress)/T OX) near the drain and the others will be migrated from drain to source along the channel due to lateral electric field (~V_Dstress/LCH)  相似文献   
Our laboratory recently published several analytical equations that can be used to predict the melting rate of fully compacted solid polymers sliding on a heated metal surface, modeling the melting mechanism inside an extruder. These equations were obtained by seeking asymptotic solutions to the differential equations describing the melting mechanism, temperature, and shear-dependent viscosity of polymer melts. Following the same asymptotic approach, we successfully developed accompanying analytical equations for predicting the stress required to slide fully compacted solid polymers on a heated metal surface. The accuracy of these analytical stress equations was found to be reasonable, although not fully satisfactory, by comparing their predictions to the experimentally measured values. The accuracy of the stress calculation is directly related to the accuracy of the viscosity values at high shear rates. The consideration of the temperature and shear dependencies of melt viscosity is most important for accurate prediction of the stress, just as it is for the melting rate. The stress not only depends on the melt rheological properties of the polymer but also on the thermodynamic properties.  相似文献   
Evolutionary algorithms are used widely in optimization studies on water distribution networks. The optimization algorithms use simulation models that analyse the networks under various operating conditions. The solution process typically involves cost minimization along with reliability constraints that ensure reasonably satisfactory performance under abnormal operating conditions also. Flow entropy has been employed previously as a surrogate reliability measure. While a body of work exists for a single operating condition under steady state conditions, the effectiveness of flow entropy for systems with multiple operating conditions has received very little attention. This paper describes a multi-objective genetic algorithm that maximizes the flow entropy under multiple operating conditions for any given network. The new methodology proposed is consistent with the maximum entropy formalism that requires active consideration of all the relevant information. Furthermore, an alternative but equivalent flow entropy model that emphasizes the relative uniformity of the nodal demands is described. The flow entropy of water distribution networks under multiple operating conditions is discussed with reference to the joint entropy of multiple probability spaces, which provides the theoretical foundation for the optimization methodology proposed. Besides the rationale, results are included that show that the most robust or failure-tolerant solutions are achieved by maximizing the sum of the entropies.  相似文献   
The hydrodynamic and gas mixing characteristics have been determined in a FCC regenerator (0.48 m I.D.x3.4 m high) with FCC particles. Solids holdup in the dense bed decreases with increasing gas velocity, but it increases in the freeboard region. The bubble/void fraction increases with an increase along the bed height at a given gas velocity and increases with increasing gas velocity at a constant bed height. Backmixed tracer gas at the wall region is higher than that at the center region of the bed. The gas backmixing coefficient decreases with increasing gas velocity.  相似文献   
In the environment of space radiation, the high-energy charged particles or high-energy photons acting on a spacecraft can cause either temporary device degradation or permanent failure. The traditional probability model is difficult to obtain reliable estimation of unit radiation resistance performance with small samples. Considering that different products will change differently after high-energy particle radiation, we construct a model based on the gamma degradation process. This model can efficiently describe the law of unit radiation resistance variation with the total radiation dose levels under the effect of the total dose and displacement damage. Finally, the proposed model is used to assess the anti-radiation performance of the N-channel power MOSFET device STRH60N20FSY3 produced by STM to obtain average unit radiation resistance, survival probability, survival function, etc.  相似文献   
The viscous damping coefficient(VDC) of hydraulic actuators is crucial for system modeling,control and dynamic characteristic analysis.Currently,the researches on hydraulic actuators focus on behavior assessment,promotion of control performance and efficiency.However,the estimation of the VDC is difficult due to a lack of study.Firstly,using two types of hydraulic cylinders,behaviors of the VDC are experimentally examined with velocities and pressure variations.For the tested plunger type hydraulic cylinder,the exponential model B=αυ~(-β),(α0,β0)or B=α_1e~(-β_1υ)+α_2e~(-β_2υ)(α_1,α_20,β_1,β_20),fits the relation between the VDC and velocities for a given pressure of chamber with high precision.The magnitude of the VDC decreases almost linearly under certain velocities when increasing the chamber pressure from 0.6 MPa to 6.0 MPa.Furthermore,the effects of the chamber pressures on the VDC of piston and plunge type hydraulic cylinders are different due to different sealing types.In order to investigate the VDC of a plunger type hydraulic actuator drastically,a steady-state numerical model has been developed to describe the mechanism incorporating tandem seal lubrication,back-up ring related friction behaviors and shear stress of fluid.It is shown that the simulated results of VDC agree with the measured results with a good accuracy.The proposed method provides an instruction to predict the VDC in system modeling and analysis.  相似文献   
Gold nanoparticles used in most experiments (1–10 nm) in gold catalysis show varying degrees of reactivity, with particles below 5 nm generally being more reactive. The origin of this activity is a subject of a number of model experiments and theoretical studies on either clusters of a few atoms in size or extended surfaces (smooth or stepped). In the work described here, a classical theory for the variation of the metal workfunction with cluster size, Extended Hückel Theory (EHT) calculations combined with DFT calculations, as well as a carbon monoxide (CO) chemisorption model are combined to develop a relationship between metal particle size and the particle's reactivity towards CO. For gold, it is shown that while the contribution of the d-band hybridization energy to the total CO chemisorption energy is unfavourable for bulk gold, this is not true for gold particles below 5–6 nm. That is, the d-band hybridization energy is negative for small gold particles. This is believed to be explanation of the onset of high reactivity for small gold particles.  相似文献   
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