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There is a growing trend toward utilizing more label friendly ingredients in foods and beverages. In this study, we focused on the utilization of sucrose monopalmitate (SMP) as a non-ionic surfactant for stabilizing acidic beverages. Orange oil-in-water emulsions (5% (w/w) oil) stabilized by SMP were prepared using high pressure homogenization (pH 7). The minimum droplet diameter was around 130 nm, while the minimum mass ratio of SMP-to-oil required to produce small droplets was 0.1-to-1. Extensive droplet aggregation occurred when the pH of the emulsions was reduced from pH 7 to 3, with the mean particle diameter increasing from around 0.13 to 7.25 μm. This effect was attributed to an appreciable reduction in droplet charge when the pH was reduced (ζ ≈− 35 mV at pH 3 and − 2 mV at pH 3) thereby decreasing the electrostatic repulsion between droplets. It was proposed that the negative charge on the SMP-coated droplets was due to the presence of anionic substances within the droplets, such as palmitic acid (pKa ≈ 4.9). Palmitic acid may have been an impurity in the original ingredient or it may have been generated due to degradation of SMP during storage. The addition of anionic lyso-lecithin markedly improved the stability of the emulsions to droplet aggregation and phase separation at low pH, which was attributed to an increased electrostatic repulsion between the droplets. This study has important consequences for the formulation of acidic beverage emulsions with improved stability and physicochemical performance.  相似文献   
In this study we evaluate the potential of anaerobic granular sludge as an inoculum for the bioremediation of selenium-contaminated waters using species-specific analytical methods. Solid species formed by microbial reduction were investigated using X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy at the selenium K-edge. Furthermore, dissolved selenium species were specifically determined by ion chromatography (IC) and solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (SPME-GC-MS). Least-squares linear combination of the XANES spectra for samples incubated with the highest selenate/selenite concentrations (10(-3) M) show the predominance of elemental selenium and a Se(-I) selenide, such as ferroselite, the thermodynamically most stable iron selenide. In contrast, elemental selenium and Se(-II) selenides are the main species detected at the lower selenate/selenite concentrations. In each repeated fed batch incubation, most aqueous selenite anions were converted into solid selenium species, regardless of the type of electron donor used (acetate or H(2)/CO(2)) and the selenium concentration applied. On the other hand, at higher concentrations of selenate (10(-4) and 10(-3) M), significant amounts of the oxyanion remained unconverted after consecutive incubations. SPME-GC-MS demonstrated selenium alkylation with both electron donors investigated, as dimethyl selenide (DMSe) and dimethyl diselenide (DMDSe). Selenite was even more alkylated in the presence of H(2)/CO(2) (maximum 2156 μg of Se/L of DMSe + DMDSe) as compared to acetate (maximum 50 μg of Se/L). In contrast, selenate was less alkylated using both electron donors (maximum 166 and 3 μg of Se/L, respectively). The high alkylation potential for selenite limits its bioremediation in selenium laden waters involving H(2)/CO(2) as the electron donor despite the fact that nontoxic elemental selenium and thermodynamically stable metal selenide species are formed.  相似文献   
Dechloranes, including Dechlorane Plus (DP), Mirex (Dechlorane), Dechlorane 602 (Dec 602), Dechlorane 603 (Dec 603), and Dechlorane 604 (Dec 604), were determined using GC-MSD for water, sediment and oyster samples collected at 15 sampling sites near the Bohai and Huanghai Sea shore area of northern China in 2008. DP and Mirex were detected in most water, sediment, and oyster samples, which indicated widespread distribution of these two compounds. The mean concentrations in water, sediment and oyster samples, respectively, were 1.8 ng/L, 2.9 ng/g dry weight (dw) and 4.1 ng/g wet weight (ww) for total DP, and 0.29 ng/L, 0.90 ng/g dw, and 2.0 ng/g ww for Mirex. Dec 602 and Dec 603 were not detected in water but in small portions of the sediment and oyster samples, showing a low level of contamination by these two chemicals in the region. Strong and significant correlations were found between total DP and Mirex concentrations in water, sediment and oyster samples, probably suggesting similar local sources of these two chemicals. Dec 604 was not found in any samples. The biota-sediment accumulation factor (BSAF) of DP, Mirex, and Dec 602 declined along with the increase of their logarithm of octanol-water partition coefficients (log Kow), possibly indicating that compounds with lower log Kow (like Mirex and Dec 602) accumulated more readily in biota. The mean fractional abundance of syn-DP (fsyn) was 0.34 in water samples, a value lower than that in Chinese commercial mixture (0.41), while the mean fsyn for surface sediment (0.44) and oyster (0.45) samples were higher than technical values. Enrichment of syn-DP in oyster was in agreement with previously reported findings in Great Lakes fish. Enrichment of syn-DP in marine surface sediments, however, is contrary to data reported for fresh water sediments. To our knowledge this is the first report of Dec 602, Dec 603, and Dec 604 in a marine environment and also the first report of Dechloranes in marine biota.  相似文献   
The inactivation and sublethal injury of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Campylobacter jejuni and Pseudomonas aeruginosa at three temperatures (22 °C, 4 °C and −18 °C) were studied using traditional microbiological tests and mid-infrared spectroscopy (4000-400 cm−1). Bacteria were cultivated in diluted nutrient matrices with a high initial inoculation (∼107 CFU/ml) levels. Both E. coli O157:H7 and P. aeruginosa survived and cell numbers increased at 22 °C for 5 days while C. jejuni numbers decreased one log10 CFU/ml. A two log CFU/ml decrease was observed for the three pathogens held at 4 °C for 12 days. C. jejuni survived poorly following incubation at −18 °C for 20 days while levels of E. coli O157:H7 and P. aeruginosa remained high (104 CFU/ml). Temperature stress response of microbes was observed by infrared spectroscopy in polysaccharide, protein, lipid, and nucleic acid regions and was strain specific. Level of cold injury could be predicted using cluster, discriminant function and class analog analysis models. Pathogens may produce oligosaccharides and potentially other components in response to stress as indicated by changes in spectral features at 1200-900 cm−1 following freezing.  相似文献   
Rapid CO2 hydrate formation was investigated with the objective of producing a negatively buoyant CO2-seawater mixture under high-pressure and low-temperature conditions, simulating direct CO2 injection at intermediate ocean depths of 1.0-1.3 km. A coflow reactor was developed to maximize CO2 hydrate production by injecting water droplets (e.g., approximately 267 microm average diameter) from a capillary tube into liquid CO2. The droplets were injected in the mixing zone of the reactor where CO2 hydrate formed at the surface of the water droplets. The water-encased hydrate particles aggregated in the liquid CO2, producing a paste-like composite containing CO2 hydrate, liquid CO2, and water phases. This composite was extruded into ambient water from the coflow reactor as a coherent cylindrical mass, approximately 6 mm in diameter, which broke into pieces 5-10 cm long. Both modeling and experiments demonstrated that conversion from liquid CO2 to CO2 hydrate increased with water flow rate, ambient pressure, and residence time and decreased with CO2 flow rate. Increased mixing intensity, as expressed by the Reynolds number, enhanced the mass transfer and increased the conversion of liquid CO2 into CO2 hydrate. Using a plume model, we show that hydrate composite particles (for a CO2 loading of 1000 kg/s and 0.25 hydrate conversion) will dissolve and sink through a total depth of 350 m. This suggests significantly better CO2 dispersal and potentially reduced environmental impacts than would be possible by simply discharging positively buoyant liquid CO2 droplets. Further studies are needed to address hydrate conversion efficiency, scale-up criteria, sequestration longevity, and impact on the ocean biota before in-situ production of sinking CO2 hydrate composite can be applied to oceanic CO2 storage and sequestration.  相似文献   
A novel fossil fuel pollution indicator based on the 13C/12C isotopic composition of plants has been designed. This bioindicator is a promising tool for future mapping of the sequestration of fossil fuel CO2 into urban vegetation. Theoretically, plants growing in fossil-fuel-CO2-contaminated areas, such as major cities, industrial centers, and highway borders, should assimilate a mixture of global atmospheric CO2 of delta13C value of -8.02 per thousand and of fossil fuel CO2 of average delta13C value of -27.28 per thousand. This isotopic difference should, thus, be recorded in plant carbon. Indeed, this study reveals that grasses growing near a major highway in Paris, France, have strikingly depleted delta13C values, averaging at -35.08 per thousand, versus rural grasses that show an average delta13C value of -30.59 per thousand. A simple mixing model was used to calculate the contributions of fossil-fuel-derived CO2 to the plant tissue. Calculation based on contaminated and noncontaminated isotopic end members shows that urban grasses assimilate up to 29.1% of fossil-fuel-CO2-derived carbon in their tissues. The 13C isotopic composition of grasses thus represents a promising new tool for the study of the impact of fossil fuel CO2 in major cities.  相似文献   
Under anaerobic conditions, such as those typically found in buried sediments, the primary metabolic pathway for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) is reductive dechlorination in which chlorine removal and substitution with hydrogen by bacteria result in a reduced organic compound with fewer chlorines. Vertical sediment cores were collected from Lake Hartwell (Pickens County, SC) and analyzed in 5-cm intervals for 107 PCB congeners in a total of more than 280 samples from 18 sediment cores and surface samples. This paper reports on extensive PCB dechlorination measured in Lake Hartwell sediments and the characterization of dechlorination end-member (EM) patterns using chemical forensic methods. PCB congener fingerprinting and a multivariate receptor modeling method, polytopic vector analysis (PVA), were used for identification and characterization of weathered and dechlorinated PCB congener patterns. Dechlorination resulted in a substantial shift in buried sediments from tetra- through decachlorobiphenyl congeners to mono- through trichlorobiphenyl congeners. Mono- through trichlorobiphenyls comprised approximately 80% of the PCBs in buried sediments that underwent maximum dechlorination as compared to approximately 20% in surface sediments. The major concentration decreases were seen in the tetra- through hexachlorobiphenyl homologues, which accounted for over 90% of the dechlorination. Octa- through decachlorobiphenyl congeners also were dechlorinated, but their overall contribution to dechlorination was relatively small due to their low initial concentrations (< 5%). The net accumulation of 2-CB, 2,2'/2,6-DCBs, 2,4'-DCB, 2,2',4-TCB, and 2,2',6-TCB at Lake Hartwell matched characteristic PCB dechlorination products reported in the literature, such as those for Processes M, Q, and C; and the persistence of tetrachlorobiphenyls (TeCBs) that contained 24- and 25-congener groups resembled dechlorination Processes H or H'. Although dechlorination tended to be very extensive in most of the cores, it was not always consistent from core to core or at various depth intervals within a single core. The reason for this variability in dechlorination extent could not be determined from the existing data and did not appear to correlate with such factors as PCB concentration, total organic carbon, or age. The authors used fingerprinting analysis and a PVA multivariate receptor model as exploratory data analysis tools to characterize PCB sources and their alteration patterns. Dominant sources and alteration patterns were determined in this large data set by comparing PVA EM patterns with known source patterns (i.e., Aroclors or Aroclor mixtures) and literature-reported alteration patterns. PVA also afforded an opportunity to characterize the vertical and lateral distributions of the weathered and unweathered PCB source patterns and dechlorination patterns, a task that would have been much more difficult to accomplish through comparison of chromatograms alone.  相似文献   
Abiotic reduction of 0.1 mM U(VI) by Fe(II) in the presence of synthetic iron oxides (biogenic magnetite, goethite, and hematite) and natural Fe(III) oxide-containing solids was investigated in pH 6.8 artificial groundwater containing 10 mM NaHCO3. In most experiments, more than 95% of added U(VI) was sorbed to solids. U(VI) was rapidly and extensively (> or = 80%) reduced in the presence of synthetic Fe(III) oxides and highly Fe(II) oxide-enriched (18-35 wt % Fe) Atlantic coastal plain sediments. In contrast, long-term (20-60 d) U(VI) reduction was less than 30% in suspensions of six other natural solids with relatively low Fe(III) oxide content (1-5 wt % Fe). Fe(II) sorption site density was severalfold lower on these natural solids (0.2-1.1 Fe(II) nm(-2)) compared tothe synthetic Fe(lII) oxides (1.6-3.2 Fe(II) nm(-2)), which may explain the poor U(VI) reduction in the natural solid-containing systems. Addition of the reduced form of the electron shuttling compound anthrahydroquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AH2DS; final concentration 2.5 mM) to the natural solid suspensions enhanced the rate and extent of U(VI) reduction, suggesting that AH2DS reduced U(VI) at surface sites where reaction of U(VI) with sorbed Fe(II) was limited. This study demonstrates that abiotic, Fe(II)-driven U(VI) reduction is likely to be less efficient in natural soils and sediments than would be inferred from studies with synthetic Fe(III) oxides.  相似文献   
Wet agglomeration mechanisms developing in low shear mixers have been described considering a fractal morphogenesis process that links the median size of the agglomerates with their solid volume fraction via a fractal dimension. It appears fundamental to integrate the polydispersity of the generated structures (nuclei, agglomerates, dough pieces) in the analysis of the agglomeration process in order to approach the industrial problems. The objective of this study is to correlate the influence of the physicochemical characteristics of several liquid binders, on the fractal agglomeration mechanisms. To do so, we considered the values of the fractal model parameters. The obtained results confirmed that semolina wet agglomeration follows a fractal morphogenesis for the different applied liquid binders. Our results also showed a marked influence of the studied physicochemical properties of the liquid binder on the value of the fractal model parameters. During wet agglomeration in low shear mixers, the mechanisms implied during agglomeration (wetting, nucleation and growth) do not occur consecutively, but they coexist throughout at each water contents.  相似文献   
Multilayer emulsions containing lipid droplets coated by lactoferrin (LF) - anionic polysaccharide layers have improved resistance to environmental stresses (such as pH, salt, and temperature), but their behavior within the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is currently unknown. The objective of this research was therefore to monitor changes in the physicochemical properties and digestibility of these systems under simulated GIT conditions. Primary emulsions (5% corn oil, 0.5% LF) were prepared using a high-pressure homogenizer. Secondary emulsions (5% corn oil, 0.5% LF, 0.5% polysaccharide) were prepared by incorporating alginate, low methoxyl pectin (LMP) or high methoxyl pectin (HMP) into primary emulsions. Emulsions were then subjected to simulated gastric fluid (SGF) and simulated intestinal fluid (SIF) conditions in sequence. LF, LF-LMP and LF-HMP emulsions were stable to droplet aggregation in the stomach but aggregated in the small intestine, whereas LF-alginate emulsions aggregated in both the stomach and small intestine. The presence of a dietary fiber coating around the initial lipid droplets had little influence on the total extent of lipid digestion in SIF, but LF-alginate emulsions had a slower initial digestion rate than the other emulsions. These results suggest that the dietary fiber coatings may become detached in the small intestine, or that they were permeable to digestive enzymes. Pepsin was found to have little influence on the physical stability or digestibility of the emulsions. The knowledge obtained from this study is important for the design of delivery systems for encapsulation and release of lipophilic bioactive ingredients.  相似文献   
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