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This paper developed a stochastic linear fractional programming model for industry optimization allocation base on the uncertainty of water resources incorporating chance constrained programming and fractional programming. In this paper, the stochastic linear fractional programming is used in the real word. The development SLFP has the following advantages: (1) The model can compare the two aspects of the targets; (2) The model can reflect the system efficiency intuitively; (3) The model can deal with uncertain issues with probability distribution; (4) The model can give different optimal plans under different risk conditions. The model has a significant value for the industry optimization allocation under uncertainty in local and areas to achieve the maximum economic benefits and the full use of the water resources.  相似文献   
Odourous emissions from sewer networks and wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) can significantly impact a local population. Sampling techniques such as wind tunnels and flux hood chambers are traditionally used to collect area source samples for subsequent quantification of odour emission rates using dilution olfactometry, however these methods are unsuitable for assessing liquid samples from point sources due to the large liquid volumes required. To overcome this limitation, a gas phase sample preparation method was developed for assessing the total Odour Emission Ability (OEA) from a liquid sample. The method was validated using two volatile organic sulphur compounds (VOSCs), dimethyl-trisulphide (DMTS) and bismethylthiomethane (BMTM) that are frequently detected from sewers and WWTPs and are relatively stable compared with common VOSCs like mercaptan or methyl mercaptan. The recovery rates of DMTS and BMTM were quantified by injecting a known volume of a standard liquid sample into Tedlar bags using a static injection and a dynamic injection methodology. It was confirmed that both dynamic and static injection methods at ambient condition achieved high recovery rates with no need to consider increasing evaporation by elevating the temperature. This method can also be used to assess odour removal effectiveness of liquids by comparing the OEA before and after the treatment tests. Two application examples were presented.  相似文献   
As a novel parallel hip joint simulator, the 3SPS+1PS bionic parallel test platform with 4 degrees of freedom including three rotations and one translation is proposed. SPS denotes the spherical-prismatic-spherical leg and PS denotes the prismatic-spherical leg where only the prismatic joint is actuated and hence underlined. By means of the unit quaternion method, the formulae for solving the inverse/forward displacement, the inverse/forward velocity and the inverse/forward acceleration kinematics are derived. Using the unit quaternion to represent the position and orientation of a moving platform, singularities caused by Euler angles can be avoided. Combining the topological structure characteristics of the 3SPS+1PS bionic parallel test platform and letting the three-dimensional (3-D) motion of a human hip joint as its output movement, the displacement trajectories of three active legs are constructed based on the inverse displacement kinematics. The forward kinematic tests whose data are recorded by a 3-D orientation capture system are carried out on the developed parallel hip joint simulator. Moreover, the results of the forward kinematic tests prove that the 3SPS+1PS bionic parallel test platform can approximately represent human hip joint motion and provide more reliable experimental data for hip joint prostheses in clinical application.  相似文献   
Primarily motivated by some characteristics of the human visual cortex (HVC), we propose a new facial expression recognition scheme, involving a statistical synthesis of hierarchical classifiers. In this scheme, the input images of the database are first subjected to local, multi-scale Gabor-filter operations, and then the resulting Gabor decompositions are encoded using radial grids, imitating the topographical map-structure of the HVC. The codes are fed to local classifiers to produce global features, representing facial expressions. Experimental results show that such a hybrid combination of the HVC structure with a hierarchical classifier significantly improves expression recognition accuracy when applied to wide-ranging databases in comparison with the results in the literature. Furthermore, the proposed system is not only robust to corrupted data and missing information, but can also be generalized to cross-database expression recognition.  相似文献   
An accurate closed form solution is proposed to estimate camera pose by several mirrored reference object images acquired via a planar mirror under different unknown poses. Compared with state-of-the-art methods, our method is more accurate when there are more than three images and has explicit geometric meanings. This method also properly handles cases in which some of the mirror poses are parallel. The central idea is to minimize an error metric based on all reflections of rotation, which enables the camera rotation to be estimated directly by SVD of sum of mirrored camera rotations. After that, the camera translation is computed by solving a large system of linear equations to minimize object space collinearity error. Both synthesized data and real data experiments show the advantages of our approach.  相似文献   
静电式准液膜的破裂和溶胀研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Single crystals of 4-dimethylamino β-nitrostyrene (DMNS) were grown from solution by a falling temperature technique. Growth conditions are given. The quality of crystals obtained was studied by X-ray diffraction methods.
DMNS : orthorhombic - class mmm - space group : Pcaba : b : c = 7,3 : 10,15 : 25,10 A? Z=8
Bovine immunoglobulins (IgG1 type) have been isolated from colostral whey. Hydrolysis by pronase, trypsin and (or) chymotrypsin yield several glycopeptides structural studies of which lead to the following results. 1. IgG1 colostral immunoglobulins possess two glycan moieties which are linked to the peptidic chain by an N-(beta-aspartyl)-N-acetylglucosaminylamine bound. 2. The peptidic sequence around the linkage region has been determined by classical methods and is as follows: Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg-Glu-Glu-Gln-Phe-Asn(Glycan)-Ser-Thr-Tyr-Arg. 3. The following procedures: partial acidic hydrolysis, periodic oxidation, hydrazinolysis-nitrous deamination, methylation and use of specific glycosidases allowed us to determine the structure of the glycan moieties which fit with the general following scheme: (see article) Thus they could be related to the general glycan structure so-called of "N-acetyllactosamine type" because they possess the pentasaccharidic core common to numerous glycoproteins Man alpha 1 leads to [Man alpha 1 leads to 6] Man beta 1 leads to 4 GlcNAc beta 1 leads to 4 GlcNAc beta 1 leads to Asn on which are conjugated 2 N-acetyllactosamine residues. Besides they present a microheterogeneity which is due to the varying number of additional N-acetylneuraminic acid and fucose residues. 4. These structures are compared to various immunoglobulin structures proposed by others: bovine serum IgG and human serum IgG, IgE and IgA.  相似文献   
Besides space laboratories for in-orbit experimentation, Earth based facilities for laboratory experimentation are of paramount importance for the enhancement on liquid bridge knowledge. In spite of the constraints imposed by simulated microgravity (which force to work either with very small size liquid bridges or by using the Plateau tank technique, amongst other techniques), the availability and accessibility of Earth facilities can circumvent in many cases the drawbacks associated with simulated microgravity conditions. To support theoretical and in orbit experimental studies on liquid bridges under reduced gravity conditions, several ground facilities were developed at IDR. In the following these ground facilities are briefly described, and main results obtained by using them are cited.  相似文献   
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