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This paper reflects on African conflicts as compound disasters. A compound disaster is defined as an emergency situation with adverse consequences resulting from different, but related, disaster-agents (ICLA, 1996). In a natural disaster situation, for instance, an earthquake that is quickly followed by a fire outbreak, gas leakage, the disruption of water supply and the outbreak of water-borne diseases, would be regarded as a compound disaster. Similarly, armed conflicts trigger a chain of consequences. The focus of this paper is the complexity of the consequences and impact of conflicts in Africa. To a lesser extent, the paper looks at the complex causes of the conflicts themselves and, finally, examines challenges with regard to responses.  相似文献   
We consider multistage automatic transfer lines with unreliable stages, finite interstage buffer storages, and possible scrapping of workpieces. It is assumed that the first stage never idles and the last stage never becomes blocked. Assuming that uptimes and downtimes of a stage are geometrically distributed, an approximate model is developed to compute different performance measures of the transfer line. The results obtained through the approximate model are compared to the exact results for three-stage transfer lines and to simulation results for longer transfer lines. It is observed that the approximate results are good in almost all cases considered.  相似文献   
This paper introduces a generic decision-making framework for assigning resources of a manufacturing system to production tasks. Resources are broadly defined production units, such as machines, human operators, or material handling vehicles; and tasks are activities performed by resources. In the specific context of FMS, resources correspond to individual machines; tasks correspond to operations to be performed on parts. The framework assumes a hierarchical structure of the system and calls for the execution of four consecutive steps to make a decision for the assignment of a resource to a task. These steps are 1) establishment of decision-making criteria, 2) formation of alternative assignments, 3) estimation of the consequences of the assignments, and 4) selection of the best alternative assignment. This framework has been applied to an existing FMS as an operational policy that decides what task will be executed on which resource of this FMS. Simulation runs provide some initial results of the application of this policy. It is shown that the policy provides flexibility in terms of system performance and computational effort.  相似文献   
An economic model is developed, to assist in the selection of minimum cost acceptance sampling plans by variables. The quadratic Taguchi loss function is adopted to model the cost of accepting items, with quality characteristics deviating from the target value. The case of a normally distributed quality characteristic with known variance is examined, and a simple and efficient optimization algorithm is proposed. Comparisons with other methods of deriving sampling plans reveal that the cost penalties for using an inappropriate plan may be very large.  相似文献   
Insights into soot formation processes are gained from chemical sampling and thermocouple probing of co-flowing inverse diffusion flames (IDFs), with the oxidizer in the center. The transition from near-to slightly sooting flames and the effects of flame temperature, fuel concentration, and fuel structure (using methane, ethene, propene and 1-butene) are investigated. The aromatic content of IDFS scales with the fuel's sooting tendency, and suggests that the formation of the aromatic ring is a controlling step in soot formation. In addition to the relatively well-established reactions involving C4 and C2 species, benzene may form directly from two C3 species for fuels that readily produce C3 species during pyrolysis and/or oxidative pyrolysis. The total concentration of growth species increases almost linearly with fuel concentration, but depends more weakly on flame temperature than would be expected if pure pyrolysis governed the intermediate hydrocarbon behavior.  相似文献   
A time‐dependent coefficient of heat transfer is proposed for the computation of thermal power required, so that a room temperature reaches a desired value within a given time. A mathematical formulation of the room heating transient phenomenon is constructed in a dimensionless form. Using an integral approximate solution an analytical expression for this coefficient is provided and it is verified by diagrams adopted by DIN 4701. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Independently of the creativity movement, others have demonstrated the benefits of creating positive fields. I have reviewed a number of cases involving field below and added some from my own creativity experiences. I then explore the psychological explanation of why such fields are effective and go on to the findings of recent brain research, which not only reinforce the benefits of positive fields but also throw light on the difficulty of creating them. Finally, I offer some suggestions from my own experience of what can be done to create positive fields. I believe that this should now be the focus of our efforts: to the extent that we are successful, we should get the creativity and innovation we need as a by‐product.  相似文献   
A new dynamic model of corn drying based on compartmental structure and quality prediction was built up from a thin layer model to industrial scale. From the system analysis to the programming, we focus mainly on numerical resolution of the equations and on the ergonomy of the software.  相似文献   
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