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Over the past few years, a large and ever increasing number of Web sites have incorporated one or more social login platforms and have encouraged users to log in with their Facebook, Twitter, Google, or other social networking identities. Research results suggest that more than two million Web sites have already adopted Facebook’s social login platform, and the number is increasing sharply. Although one might theoretically refrain from such social login features and cross-site interactions, usage statistics show that more than 250 million people might not fully realize the privacy implications of opting-in. To make matters worse, certain Web sites do not offer even the minimum of their functionality unless users meet their demands for information and social interaction. At the same time, in a large number of cases, it is unclear why these sites require all that personal information for their purposes. In this paper, we mitigate this problem by designing and developing a framework for minimum information disclosure in social login interactions with third-party sites. Our example case is Facebook, which combines a very popular single sign-on platform with information-rich social networking profiles. Whenever users want to browse to a Web site that requires authentication or social interaction using a Facebook identity, our system employs, by default, a Facebook session that reveals the minimum amount of information necessary. Users have the option to explicitly elevate that Facebook session in a manner that reveals more or all of the information tied to their social identity. This enables users to disclose the minimum possible amount of personal information during their browsing experience on third-party Web sites.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a new method for attribute filtering, combining contrast and structural information. Using hyperconnectivity based on k-flat zones, we improve the ability of attribute filters to retain internal details in detected objects. Simultaneously, we improve the suppression of small, unwanted detail in the background. We extend the theory of attribute filters to hyperconnectivity and provide a fast algorithm to implement the new method. The new version is only marginally slower than the standard Max-Tree algorithm for connected attribute filters, and linear in the number of pixels or voxels. It is two orders of magnitude faster than anisotropic diffusion. The method is implemented in the form of a filtering rule suitable for handling both increasing (size) and nonincreasing (shape) attributes. We test this new framework on nonincreasing shape filters on both 2D images from astronomy, document processing, and microscopy, and 3D CT scans, and show increased robustness to noise while maintaining the advantages of previous methods.  相似文献   
The Universal Mobile Telecommunication Standard (UMTS) is continuously evolving to meet the growing demand of modern mobile and Internet applications for high capacity and advanced features in security and quality of service. Although admittedly enhanced in terms of security when compared to 2G systems, UMTS still has weaknesses that can lead to security incidents. In this paper, we investigate the vulnerabilities of the UMTS security architecture that can be exploited by a malicious individual to mount Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. Our focus is on signaling-oriented attacks above the physical layer. We describe and analyze several novel attacks that can be triggered against both core UMTS architecture as well as hybrid UMTS/WLAN realms. An additional contribution of this paper is the presentation of an extensive survey of similar attacks in UMTS and related protocol infrastructures such as IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). Finally, we offer some suggestions that would provide greater tolerance to the system against DoS attacks.  相似文献   
手动式电磁定位及图像导航的短径癌症放射治疗系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一个用于高剂量短径癌症放射治疗的手动式电磁定们及图像导航系统,该系统主要由4个模块组成:预处理、术前规划、术内导航和术后计划,它们分别对应高剂量短径癌症放射治疗的4个流程:在术前规划阶段,用户可交互地设计探针放置位置以及三维重建病灶轮廓;在手术进行过程中,六自由度的电磁式定位技术实时而精确地跟踪探针位置,高质量的可视化技术指引医生完成手术探针放置任务;手术探针全部放置完毕后,术后计划模板计算剂量分布并利用后装机设备进行放射治疗。初步实验表明,计算机辅助的探针定位比手工定位精度提高2-3倍,手术时间减少5倍以上,同时也减轻了病人所承受的放射剂量。  相似文献   
Named-entity recognition (NER) involves the identification and classification of named entities in text. This is an important subtask in most language engineering applications, in particular information extraction, where different types of named entity are associated with specific roles in events. In this paper, we present a prototype NER system for Greek texts that we developed based on a NER system for English. Both systems are evaluated on corpora of the same domain and of similar size. The time-consuming process for the construction and update of domain-specific resources in both systems led us to examine a machine learning method for the automatic construction of such resources for a particular application in a specific language.  相似文献   
Various synchronization algorithms have been introduced in literature during the last decades to deal with the firing squad synchronization problem on cellular automata (CA). Among others defective CA algorithms, where the CA cell is able to transmit information without previous processing, have been also presented. In our case, originating from the classical Mazoyer’s paper, where a minimum-time solution is presented with 6 states, a one-dimensional CA where one cell may permanently fail is presented. In the proposed algorithm, the defective cell can neither process nor transmit information any longer, while it is considered that such dynamic defects may become apparent in any time step of computation. A thorough analysis of the synchronization, in terms of location and time at which cell fails, for the cells found in both sides of defective cell is delivered to decipher the corresponding maximal possible number of synchronized cells in each part of the cut, due to defect, CA array. The proposed algorithm is properly extended to consider more than one defective cells that may occur in the under study one-dimensional CA. Based on the aforementioned analysis, we provide the generalization of synchronization with multiple totally defective cells, while application examples of the generalized CA algorithm in case of two defective cells are also presented. Finally, another intriguing aspect refers to handling of states that could be tentatively characterized as unknown, in a confrontation similar to the previous defective state but also different, since now this(these) cell(s) are not stated as faulty but unknown. As a result, a new one-dimensional CA with less states, compared to the previous CA defective algorithms, able to synchronize the maximal possible number of cells in each part occurs.  相似文献   
Nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT) is the gold standard for infectious disease diagnostics. Currently NAATs are mainly limited to centralized laboratories, while paper-based antigen tests are used for rapid home-based diagnostics. DNA extraction, the initial sample preparation step in NAATs, remains a bottleneck that hinders its development toward home-based kits. This step requires the use of compounds detrimental to the enzymes in downstream DNA amplification. Here, this work overcomes this bottleneck by immobilizing the enzyme achromopeptidase (ACP) on nitrocellulose, to both store and enable the separation of the enzymes from the other steps. This work provides proof-of-concept that immobilized ACP is effective at lysis and release of amplifiable DNA from gram-positive Staphylococcus epidermidis and enables the use of the lysate directly for DNA amplification, without the need for heat deactivation of the enzyme. This sample preparation method requires only incubation at 37 °C and mild agitation, which allows to implement it with fully disposable and affordable equipment. Consequently, this work enables to combine the paper-based DNA extraction method with the isothermal recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) followed by lateral flow detection to demonstrate a sample-to-answer NAAT packaged as an instrument free self-test kit expanding the capabilities of home-testing beyond antigen tests.  相似文献   
In ad hoc wireless networks, devices that normally cannot directly communicate route their messages through intermediate nodes. The number of those nodes is called hop count, a useful metric in estimating the distance between 2 nodes. Current methods usually depend on special nodes, called anchors, that need accurate localization information, in order to calculate an estimate for the average distance traversed per hop. The drawback of this approach is that anchor nodes increase the overall cost and complexity of the system. To address this problem, this letter proposes a novel, anchor node–free algorithm that can achieve a useful estimate for actual distance between 2 nodes, by analytically finding an estimate for the average maximum distance traveled per hop and multiplying with the hop count. The only requirement is the a priori knowledge of the networks' node density and the node range. The performance of our method is compared with a recent anchor node–based method and is shown to yield similar location estimation accuracy, despite the fact that it does not use anchor nodes.  相似文献   
The chemical functionalization of fullerene single molecule magnet Tb2@C80(CH2Ph) enables the facile preparation of robust monolayers on graphene and highly oriented pyrolytic graphite from solution without impairing their magnetic properties. Monolayers of endohedral fullerene functionalized with pyrene exhibit magnetic bistability up to a temperature of 28 K. The use of pyrene terminated linker molecules opens the way to devise integration of spin carrying units encapsulated by fullerene cages on graphitic substrates, be it single-molecule magnets or qubit candidates.  相似文献   
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