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In this paper, a new low-frequency predictive current control is proposed for a single-phase cascaded H-bridge multilevel rectifier. The control method has been fully investigated with theoretical analysis, simulation, and experiments on a laboratory prototype with five series-connected H-bridges. However, the analysis and technique are valid for any general level structure. The simulations and experimental results presented demonstrate the excellent performance of the predictive control in terms of AC current waveform quality, power factor, and reduced switching frequency of each bridge, in comparison to traditional control schemes.  相似文献   
During summer stratification a strip-mine lake in which fish were cultured in floating cages developed black water in its anoxic zone. The blackness was evidently produced by ferrous sulfide. Two types of black water stratification were observed. In one the blackness occurred throughout the anoxic zone but was more intense in the upper part, while iron and alkalinity were high throughout this zone. In the second the black water was confined to a meter-thick stratum within the anoxic zone, and iron and alkalinity were remarkably low except in two strata: the one with black water, and the one at the top of the anoxic zone.It is suggested that both types of stratification were caused by a high rate of sulfide production in the metalimnion. The relatively high temperature there (as compared to the hypolimnion) and the presumably higher concentrations of organic matter and ammonia, resulting from fish food and fish wastes, would account for this high rate of sulfide production. Because of sharp oxygen stratification two carbonate-forming processes, photosynthesis and sulfate reduction, occurred in close proximity to each other. In especially calm weather vertical density currents could be initiated by the calcium carbonate crystals and produce the second type of stratification. If the second type of stratification could be produced at will it might be used to improve the quality of strip-mine lake water.  相似文献   
The study evaluated the interactive and individual effects of fresh pork loin (n = 679) ultimate pH (pH), intramuscular fat (IMF), Minolta L* color (L*), Warner–Bratzler shear force (WBS), and four cooked temperatures (62.8 °C, 68.3 °C, 73.9 °C, and 79.4 °C) on consumer (n = 2280) perception of eating quality (n = 13,265 observations). Data were analyzed using ordered logistical regression. Predicted mean responses were consistently near or under five on the 1–8-point end-anchored scale, indicating a neutral perception of pork eating quality regardless of fresh quality or cooked temperature. Responses improved as IMF and pH increased and WBS decreased, whereas L* did not contribute significantly to variation in responses. Increasing IMF resulted in a very small incremental improvement in responses, but was of practical size only when comparing the least (1%) to the greatest (6%) levels. Loin pH and WBS were primary contributors to consumer perceptions, whereby an incremental increase in pH (0.20 unit) and decrease in WBS (4.9 N) resulted in a 4–5% reduction in the proportion of consumers rating pork as 6 (favorable) on the 8-point scale. No interactions between quality and temperature effects were observed. Increased cooked temperature was negatively (P < 0.05) associated with Overall-Like and Tenderness ratings, but the incremental effect was small. Juiciness-Like and Level responses decreased by 0.50 units as temperature increased across the range. Consumer responses favor pork with lower WBS, greater pH and IMF, and pork cooked to a lower temperature.  相似文献   
Energy cultures: A framework for understanding energy behaviours   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Achieving a ‘step-change’ in energy efficiency behaviours will require enhanced knowledge of behavioural drivers, and translation of this knowledge into successful intervention programmes. The ‘Energy Cultures’ conceptual framework aims to assist in understanding the factors that influence energy consumption behaviour, and to help identify opportunities for behaviour change. Building on a history of attempts to offer multi-disciplinary integrating models of energy behaviour, we take a culture-based approach to behaviour, while drawing also from lifestyles and systems thinking. The framework provides a structure for addressing the problem of multiple interpretations of ‘behaviour’ by suggesting that it is influenced by the interactions between cognitive norms, energy practices and material culture.  相似文献   
The assessment of the evolution of micro-organisms naturally contaminating food must take into account the variability of biological factors, food characteristics and storage conditions. A research project involving eight French laboratories was conducted to quantify the variability of growth parameters of Listeria monocytogenes obtained by challenge testing in five food products. The residual variability corresponded to a coefficient of variation (CV) of approximately 20% for the growth rate (μmax) and 130% for the parameter K = μmax × lag. The between-batch and between-manufacturer variability of μmax was very dependent on the food tested and mean CV of approximately 20 and 35% were observed for these two sources of variability, respectively. The initial physiological state variability led to a CV of 100% for the parameter K. It appeared that repeating a limited number of three challenge tests with three different batches (or manufacturers) and with different initial physiological states seems often necessary and adequate to accurately assess the variability of the behavior of L. monocytogenes in a specific food produced by a given manufacturer (or for a more general food designation).  相似文献   
Survival of tissue engineered constructs after implantation depends on proper vascularization. The differentiation of endothelial cells into mature microvasculature requires dynamic interactions between cells, scaffold, and growth factors, which are difficult to recapitulate in artificial systems. Previously, photocrosslinked poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) hydrogels displaying collagen mimetic peptides (CMPs), dubbed PEGDA‐CMP, that can be further conjugated with bioactive molecules via CMP‐CMP triple helix hybridization were reported. Here, it is shown that a bifunctional peptide featuring pro‐angiogenic domain mimicking vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and a collagen mimetic domain that can fold into a triple helix conformation can hybridize with CMP side chains of the PEGDA‐CMP hydrogel, which results in presentation of insoluble VEGF‐like signals to endothelial cells. Presentation of VEGF‐like signals on the surface of micropatterned scaffolds in this way transforms cells from a quiescent state to elongated and aligned phenotype suggesting that this system could be used to engineer organized microvasculature. It is also shown that the pro‐angiogenic peptide, when applied topically in combination with modified dextran/PEGDA hydrogels, can enhance neovascularization of burn wounds in mice demonstrating the potential clinical use of CMP‐mediated matrix‐bound bioactive molecules for dermal injuries.  相似文献   
An information-theoretic private information retrieval (PIR) protocol allows a user to retrieve a data item of its choice from a database replicated amongst several servers, such that each server gains absolutely no information on the identity of the item being retrieved. One problem with this approach is that current systems do not guarantee availability of servers at all times for many reasons, e.g., crash of server or communication problems. In this work we design robust PIR protocols, i.e., protocols which still work correctly even if only some servers are available during the protocol's operation. We present various robust PIR protocols giving different tradeoffs between the different parameters. We first present a generic transformation from regular PIR protocols to robust PIR protocols. We then present two constructions of specific robust PIR protocols. Finally, we construct robust PIR protocols which can tolerate Byzantine servers, i.e., robust PIR protocols which still work in the presence of malicious servers or servers with a corrupted or obsolete database.  相似文献   
The Honeynet Project was founded by 30 US based security professionals with the intention of researching the techniques, tools, tactics and motives of hackers and the ‘blackhat’ community in general. A Honeynet Project is an all volunteer, non‐profit organization committed to sharing and learning the motives, tools, and tactics of the hacking community. It is comprised of a number of information security professionals dedicated to honeynet research and information security. This paper outlines the technical configuration of a honeynet, presents some of the key attacks on the honeynet to date and provides recommendations for securing networked systems. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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