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An extended logistic model with a varying asymptotic upper bound for long-range peak demand forecasting is described. The model has been applied to a typical fast growing system, the Saudi Consolidated Electric Company. The forecasts are compared with actual demands and with those obtained from classical forecasting methods. The model gave relatively accurate peak demand forecasts compared with other classical methods. The model with a single load observation is capable of producing several peak demand forecasts corresponding to different levels of maximum temperature and various levels of social activity. The forecasts produced by the model were also stable irrespective of the length of the ex-post simulation period  相似文献   
A systematic and straightforward procedure is developed for the synthesis and analysis of transformer-isolated power converters. The procedure can be used to determine the ranges of duty-ratio over which the transformer-isolated power converters of a given class can be operated without transformer saturation. The procedure can also be used to study the dependence of the power converter switch stresses on duty-ratios. This information is useful in the selection of the transformer-isolated power converter most suitable for a given application and in the design of this power converter with minimum switch stresses, high power density, and low cost  相似文献   
Carboxyl-terminated butadiene-acrylonitrile-rubber decreases modulus and yield stress of the studied epoxy but increases fracture toughness. The addition of glass bead compensates for the loss in modulus but has little effect on yield stress. However, it significantly contributes to the fracture toughness by providing additional mechanisms for toughening of both the unmodified and rubber-modified epoxy. For the toughened epoxies studied, fracture surfaces gave only limited information on fracture mechanisms since significant energy absorption also occurs in the material below the fracture surface. Suggestions for suitable material compositions for fiber composite matrices are given.  相似文献   
Many current implementations of protocols such as the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) are inefficient because data are often accessed more frequently than necessary. Three techniques that reduce the need for memory bandwidth are proposed. The techniques are copy-on-write, page remapping, and single-copy. Afterburner, a network-independent card that provides the services that are necessary for a single-copy protocol stack, is described. The card has 1 MByte of local buffers and provides a simple interface to a variety of network link adapters, including HIPPI and asynchronous transfer mode (ATM). Afterburner can support transfers to and from the link adapter card at rates up to 1 Gbit/s. An implementation of TCP/IP that uses the features provided by Afterburner to reduce the movement of data to a single copy is discussed. Measurements of the end-to-end performance of Afterburner and the single-copy implementation of TCP/IP are presented  相似文献   
An apparent decrease in total phosphorus concentrations of approximately 4.l μgP/L has been reported recently for the spring values of 1977 and 1978 in Lake Ontario. Investigation of the loading reduction for this period independent of sedimentation factors can account for only 10% of the change. The results indicate that changes in the sedimentation rate of total phosphorus during this period offer an explanation for the majority of the change in concentration.  相似文献   
This paper demonstrates the use of computer simulation for topological design and performance engineering of transparent wavelength-division multiplexing metropolitan-area networks. Engineering of these networks involves the study of various transport-layer impairments such as amplifier noise, component ripple, chirp/dispersion, optical crosstalk, waveform distortion due to filter concatenation, fiber nonlinearities, and polarization effects. A computer simulation methodology composed of three main simulation steps is derived and implemented. This methodology obtains performance estimations by applying efficient wavelength-domain simulations on the entire network topology, followed by time-/frequency-domain simulations on selected paths of the network and finally Q-budgeting on an identified worst case path. The above technique provides an efficient tool for topological design and network performance engineering. Accurate simulation models are presented for each of the performance impairments, and the computer simulation methodology is used for the design and engineering of a number of actual metro network architectures  相似文献   
Pre-metal-deposition reactive ion etching (RIE) was performed on an Al0.3Ga0.7N/AlN/GaN heterostructure in order to improve the metal-to-semiconductor contact resistance. An optimum AlGaN thickness for minimizing contact resistance was determined. An initial decrease in contact resistance with etching time was explained in terms of removal of an oxide surface layer and/or by an increase in tunnelling current with the decrease of the AlGaN thickness. The presence of a dissimilar surface layer was confirmed by an initial nonuniform etch depth rate. An increase in contact resistance for deeper etches was experienced. The increase was related to depletion of the two-dimensional (2-D) electron gas (2-DEG) under the ohmics. Etch depths were measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The contact resistance decreased from about 0.45 Ωmm for unetched ohmics to a minimum of 0.27 Ωmm for 70 Å etched ohmics. The initial thickness of the AlGaN layer was 250 Å. The decrease in contact resistance, without excessive complications on device processing, supports RIE etching as a viable solution to improve ohmic contact resistance in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs  相似文献   
Since code division multiple access systems in multipath environments suffer from multiple access interference (MAI), multiuser detection schemes should be used in the receivers. Parallel interference cancellation (PIC) is a promising method to combat MAI due to its relatively low computational complexity and good performance. It is shown that the complexity of PIC is still high for realistic scenarios in terms of the symbol rate, the number of users, spreading gain, and multipath components. However, two novel methods are introduced to reduce significantly the complexity without sacrificing performance. The first approach, called reduced PIC, takes advantage of the composition of the interference to concentrate interference cancellation only on significant terms. The second approach, called differential PIC, exploits the multistage character of PIC to avoid unnecessary double calculations of certain terms in consecutive stages. It is shown that a combination of both approaches leads to a performance very close to the single-user bound whereas the complexity can be kept on the order of the conventional RAKE receiver  相似文献   
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