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A method is described for experimentally determining the dose rate created in building bricks by incorporated natural radionuclides. It was established using the thermoluminescence dosimetry method that the measured dose rate depends on the detector thickness, the mass of the ceramic product investigated, and the irradiation geometry. The contributions to the measured dose of weakly penetrating α and β radiation and hard ψ radiation are separated, the ratio between them depending on the experimental conditions. Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 7, pp. 62–66, July, 1996.  相似文献   
This paper presents a new self-routing packet network called the plane interconnected parallel network (PIPN). In the proposed design, the traffic arriving at the network is shaped and routed through two banyan network based interconnected planes. The interconnections between the planes distribute the incoming load more homogeneously over the network. The throughput of the network under uniform and heterogeneous traffic requirements is studied analytically and by simulation. The results are compared with the results of the baseline network and another banyan network based parallel interconnection network. It is shown that, for the proposed design, a higher degree of heterogeneity results in better performance  相似文献   
Reliable multicast protocols suffer from the problem of feedback implosion. To avoid this problem, the number of receivers sending feedback in case of loss must be small. However, losses experienced by different receivers are strongly correlated, since receivers share common resources in the multicast tree. One approach to feedback implosion avoidance relies on delaying feedback at the receivers. We present deterministic timeouts for reliable multicast (DTRM), a distributed algorithm to compute optimal deterministic timeouts for each receiver in a multicast tree as a function of the tree topology and the sender-to-receiver round-trip delays. DTRM has several desirable properties. First, feedback implosion is provably avoided for a single loss anywhere in the tree, provided delay jitter is bounded. Second, the computation of the timeouts can be entirely distributed; receivers and intermediate nodes only rely on local topology information. Third, the timeouts computed by DTRM are optimal with respect to the maximum response time  相似文献   
A beam propagation method (BPM) based on the finite element method (FEM) is described for longitudinally varying three-dimensional (3-D) optical waveguides. In order to avoid nonphysical reflections from the computational window edges, the transparent boundary condition is introduced. The present algorithm using the Pade approximation is, to our knowledge, the first wide-angle finite element beam propagation method for 3-D waveguide structures. To show the validity and usefulness of this approach, numerical results are shown for Gaussian-beam excitation of a straight rib waveguide and guided-mode propagation in a Y-branching rib waveguide  相似文献   
Impact ionization is a major limiting factor to the maximum operating voltage of InGaAs-based, high-speed transistors. In this work, data on the positive temperature dependence of the electron impact ionization coefficient αn in In0.53Ga0.47As at medium-low electric fields are reported for the first time. The increase of αn with temperature is opposite to the behavior normally observed in most semiconductors. This anomalous behavior implies the onset of a positive feedback between power dissipation and avalanche generation which may adversely affect the power handling capability of In0.53Ga 0.47As-based devices, and which should be taken into account in device thermal modeling. In the experimental procedure, based on the measurement of the multiplication factor M-1 in npn In0.53Ga 0.47As/InP Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBT), particular care has been taken in order to rule out possible spurious, temperature-dependent contributions to the measured multiplication current  相似文献   
A comprehensive survey of photosensitivity in silica glasses and optical fiber is reviewed. Recent work on understanding the mechanisms contributing to germanium or aluminum doped fiber photosensitivity is discussed within the framework of photoelastic densification models  相似文献   
A novel monitoring method for plasma-charging damage is proposed. This method performs a quick and accurate evaluation using antenna PMOSFET. It was found that not only hot-carrier (HC) lifetime but transistor parameters such as initial gate current and substrate current were changed according to the degree of plasma-charging damage. However, the present work suggests that monitoring the shift of drain current after a few seconds of HC stress is a more accurate method to indicate plasma-charging damage. The monitoring method using the present test structure is demonstrated to be useful for realizing highly reliable devices  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate two methods of assessing the productivity and quality impact of Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) and Fourth Generation Language (4GL) technologies: (1) by the retrospective method; and (2) the cross-sectional method. Both methods involve the use of questionnaire surveys. Developers' perceptions depend on the context in which they are expressed and this includes expectations about the effectiveness of a given software product. Consequently, it is generally not reliable to base inferences about the relative merits of CASE and 4GLs on a cross-sectional comparison of two separate samples of users. The retrospective method that requires each respondent to directly compare different products is shown to be more reliable. However, there may be scope to employ cross-sectional comparisons of the findings from different samples where both sets of respondents use the same reference point for their judgements, and where numerical rather than verbal rating scales are used to measure perceptions.  相似文献   
The physical widths of reference features incorporated into electrical linewidth test structures patterned in films of monocrystalline silicon have been determined from Kelvin voltage measurements. The films in which the test structures are patterned are electrically insulated from the bulk-silicon substrate by a layer of silicon dioxide provided by SIMOX (Separation by the IMplantation of OXygen) processing. The motivation is to facilitate the development of linewidth reference materials for critical-dimension (CD) metrology-instrument calibration. The selection of the (110) orientation of the starting silicon and the orientation of the structures' features relative to the crystal lattice enable a lattice-plane-selective etch to generate reference-feature properties of rectangular cross section and atomically planar sidewalls. These properties are highly desirable for CD applications in which feature widths are certified with nanometer-level uncertainty for use by a diverse range of CD instruments. End applications include the development and calibration of new generations of CD instruments directed at controlling processes for manufacturing devices having sub-quarter-micrometer features  相似文献   
A new commercially available diode model is described. This unified model is capable of simulating the widest range of diode technologies of any presently available. The emphasis of this paper is on describing the model's extensive features and flexibility in the different domains of operation and is of particular interest in power applications  相似文献   
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