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One of the major challenges in the fields of computer vision and computer graphics is the construction and representation of life-like virtual 3D scenarios within a computer. The VISIRE project attempts to reconstruct photo-realistic 3D models of large scenarios using as input multiple freehand video sequences, while rendering the technology accessible to the non-expert. VISIRE is application oriented and hence must deal with multiple issues of practical relevance that were commonly overlooked in past experiences. The paper presents both an innovative approach for the integration of previously unrelated experiences, as well as a number of novel contributions, such as: an innovative algorithm to enforce closedness of the trajectories, a new approach to 3D mesh generation from sparse data, novel techniques dealing with partial occlusions and a method for using photo-consistency and visibility constrains to refine the 3D mesh. Tomas Rodriguez was born in Madrid in 1961. Bachelor in Physics and Master in Electronics by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He started his career in the private R&D sector in 1987, when he specialized in computer vision and parallel processing systems. In the early nineties he participated in the EVA project; one of the most outstanding traffic monitoring system of the time. For more than 10 years, he has been involved in international research projects within the ambit of EUREKA, ESPRIT, V and VI Framework programmes. During this time, he coordinated eight international projects (CAMELOT, CITRONE, ON-LIVE, SAID, VISIRE, EVENTS, ITALES, HOLONICS) and acted as principal investigator in two additional ones (CITRUS and VICTORIA). Since the early days, he had the opportunity to collaborate with some of the most prestigious research institutions in Europe: Franhoufer Inst., INRIA, CNRS, University of Oxford, University of Lund, DFKI, Siemens C-Lab, Philips Research Labs, etc. Evaluator of R&D projects for the Spanish Ministry for Science and reviewer of international scientific journals, he is currently the R&D manager and coordinator for European projects at Eptron SA. His recent interests include: computer vision, real time software, industrial control, parallel processing, iTV, and mobile technologies, etc.  相似文献   
The technique of vicarious calibration is used in connection with an atmospheric correction to improve the Sea viewing Wide Field of view Sensor (SeaWiFS) normalized water-leaving radiance by the first determination of mean vicarious calibration coefficients from in situ measurements in the Baltic Sea. A necessary adjustment of the SeaWiFS pre-flight calibration slope was found to be +3.5%, +0.3%, ?1.7%, ?0.4%, +0.8% and ?1.3% for the first six SeaWiFS channels. The derived mean vicarious calibration coefficients are higher than the coefficients in the standard SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS) software but with similar shape and good agreement with other research results. The coefficients were used to obtain better normalized water-leaving radiance from SeaWiFS measurements in the Baltic Sea. The deviations of calculated to measured radiances in the open Baltic Sea are between 3% and 47% in the channels 412 to 670?nm, with the trend of higher deviations in the blue channels. The objective of radiance determination in all SeaWiFS channels with a maximum uncertainty of 5% in clear water regions is probably not reachable in the turbid water of the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   
Ubiquitous computing is about to become part of our everyday lives by integrating hundreds of “invisible” to us computing devices in our environment, so that they can unobtrusively and constantly assist us. This will imply more and smaller “invisible” sensors, homogeneously distributed and at the same time densely packed in host materials, responding to various stimuli and immediately delivering information. In order to reach this aim, the embedded sensors should be integrated within the host material, heading towards sensorial materials. The first step is to omit all parts that are not needed for the sensorial task and to find new solutions for a gentle integration. This is what we call function scale integration. The paper discusses sensor embedding in the human hand as an example of integration in nature, new technological applications and main challenges associated with this approach.  相似文献   
J Voges  V Sturm  R Lehrke  H Treuer  C Gauss  F Berthold 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,40(2):263-9; discussion 269-70
OBJECTIVE: Long-term follow-up data were analyzed to assess the value of intracavitary irradiation with stereotactically applied beta-emitting radioisotopes for the treatment of craniopharyngioma cysts. METHODS: Sixty-two of 70 consecutive patients with predominantly cystic craniopharyngiomas were selected for retrospective analysis. Beta-Emitting isotopes were injected intracystically using a computed tomography-guided and computer-assisted three-dimensional stereotactic treatment planning and application system (cumulative dose to the inner surface of the cyst wall, 200 Gy). RESULTS: The tumor response rate gained with yttrium-90-labeled silicate (66 of 78 cysts) or phosphorous-32-labeled chromic phosphate (8 of 78 cysts) was 79.5%. Four cysts treated with rhenium-186-labeled sulfate did not respond. Mean survival after intracavitary irradiation was 9.0 +/- 0.9 years (median follow-up, 11.9 yr). In patients with solitary cysts, the mean survival was 12.5 +/- 1.4 years (actuarial 5- and 10-yr survival rates, 80 and 64%, respectively). Six months postoperatively, visual deficits (38 of 62 patients) had improved in 23 patients and were stable in 15 patients. The side effects that occurred 6 to 12 months after treatment with yttrium-90 were complete blindness (three patients), worsening of visual field cuts (one patient), third nerve palsy (one patient), and diabetes insipidus and/or panhypopituitarism (three patients). CONCLUSIONS: Intracavitary irradiation using yttrium-90 or phosphorous-32 is highly effective in the treatment of cystic craniopharyngiomas. If applied as initial treatment in patients with solitary cysts, it is the only required therapy over a long period.  相似文献   
提出可以增加集合住宅受欢迎度的共鸣设计方法策略,这些策略不仅考虑到建筑本身的一些可能性,同时考虑到在空间和社会环境方面的要求,涵盖了物理的、心理的以及社会的因素;指出这类策略的应用带来了高度的用户接受度并使得适应性建筑在一个长时期内可以保持其价值.阐释在设计方法的帮助下,建筑物被记录和相互比较.  相似文献   
Thermal insulation and mechanical resistance play a crucial role for the performance of an intumescent coating. Both properties depend strongly on the morphology and morphological development of the foamed residue. Small amounts (4 wt%) of fiberglass, clay and a copper salt, respectively, are incorporated into an intumescent coating to study their influence on the morphology and performance of the residues. The bench scale fire tests were performed on 75 × 75 × 2 mm3 coated steel plates according to the standard time–temperature curve in the Standard Time Temperature Muffle Furnace+ (STT Mufu+). It provided information about foaming dynamics (expansion rates) and thermal insulation. Adding the copper salt halved the expansion height, whereas the clay and fiberglass change the height of the residue only moderately. The time to reach 500°C was improved by 31% for clay and 15% for the other two fillers. Nondestructive micro computed tomography is used to assess the inner structure of the residues. A transition of the residue from a black, carbonaceous foam with closed cells into an inorganic, residual open cell sponge occurs at high temperatures. This transition is due to a loss of carbon; the change in microstructure is analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Additional mechanical tests are performed and interpreted with respect to the results of the morphology analysis. Adding clay or copper salt improved the mechanical resistance tested by a factor 4. The additives significantly influence the thickness and foaming dynamics as well as the inner structure of the residues, whereas their influence on insulation performance is moderate. In conclusion, different modes of action are observed to achieve similar insulation performance during the fire test.  相似文献   
Multiphoton lithography (MPL), an emerging truly 3D microfabrication technique, exhibits substantial potential in biomedical applications, including drug delivery and tissue engineering. Fabricated micro-objects are often expected to undergo shape morphing or bending of the entire structure or its parts. Furthermore, ensuring precise property tuning is detrimental to the realization of the functionality of MPL microstructures. Herein, novel MPL materials based on interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs) are presented that effectively combine the advantages of acrylate and epoxy systems. IPNs with varying component ratios are investigated for their microfabrication performance and structural integrity with respect to thermal and micromechanical properties. A variety of high-resolution techniques is applied to comprehensively evaluate IPN properties at the bulk, micron, and segmental levels. This study shows that the MPL laser scanning velocity and power, photoinitiator content, and multi-step exposure can be used to tune the morphology and properties of the IPN. As a result, a library of 3D MPL IPN microstructures with high 3D structural stability and tailored thermal and micromechanical properties is achieved. New IPN microstructures with Young's moduli of 3–4 MPa demonstrate high-to-fully elastic responses to deformations, making them promising for applications in morphable microsystems, soft micro-robotics, and cell engineering.  相似文献   
In this paper an empirical Bayes model is developed to monitor and analyse discrete data generated in a manufacturing process for printed circuit boards. A key feature of this analysis is the use of the current observation at time t and the posterior estimates of the distribution of the proportion nonconforming at time t – 1 to obtain a new, updated estimate of the posterior distribution at time t. The derived approach is widely applicable to statistical process control and provides a simple and fast algorithm for updating.  相似文献   
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