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Mathematical modelling of drying processes as well as dryers has become an active and challenging area of research internationally. Despite the volume of literature published and continuing to appear on this subject, much remains to be accomplished in view of the intrinsic complexities associated with coupled heat, mass and momentum transfer with or without phase change occurring in porous media which are often deformable as well. Characterization of the solid media is still a major obstacle to modelling of drying. Since industrial drying is increasingly carried out using several modes of heat transfer (e.g. convection coupled wih conduction or microwave or infrared heating modelling of drying or dryers will remain an important research area in the years to come.

We hope that this bibliography will serve as a useful tool for both the novice as well as the experienced researcher in the subject area in locating appropriate literature for a critical evaluation.  相似文献   
In this paper we consider linear structured systems which represent a large class of parameter-dependent linear systems and we study invariants for such systems under a large group of transformations including state feedback. In this context we consider the dimension of the maximal output-nulling invariant subspace of a linear structured system, the number and structure of its invariant zeros and its structure at infinity. We give generic characterizations of the invariants in terms of properties of the directed graph that can be naturally associated with a linear structured system. Date received: March 1, 2002. Date revised: April 1, 2003. The first authors stay at the Laboratoire dAutomatique de Grenoble was supported by grants of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG) and the French Ministry of Research.  相似文献   
Cognitive control is a key tool for adaptation in dynamic situations. The aim of the study is to assess the relevance of a theoretical framework for cognitive control in dynamic situations, in order to understand brain-injured (BI) car drivers' cognitive impairment. The framework supports a cognitive control multimodality based on the crossing of two orthogonal dimensions: symbolic/subsymbolic; anticipative/reactive control. BI car drivers' behaviour was compared with that of a control group (CTRL) during driving simulator scenarios. Eye movement analysis, among other variables, revealed that BI car drivers made use of a more symbolic and reactive control than did CTRL drivers. CTRL drivers showed a more stable cognitive compromise than BI drivers. The latter became less symbolic and more reactive in the case of difficult scenarios. In addition, BI drivers focused on the main task of trajectory management, with fewer resources devoted to traffic interaction management. STATEMENT OF RELEVANCE: An explanation of differences between BI and CTRL drivers in terms of cognitive control requirements, attention and processing speed is put forward. From this, it is possible to derive some implications in terms of driver assistance (e.g. lane keeping or a warning assistance device) and rehabilitation.  相似文献   
A class of uncertain time-delay systems containing a saturating actuator is considered. These systems are characterized by delayed state equations (including a saturating actuator) with norm-bounded parameter uncertainty (possibly time varying) in the state and input matrices. The delay is assumed to be constant bounded but unknown. Using a Razumikhin approach for the stability of functional differential equations, upper bounds on the time delay are given such that the considered uncertain system is robustly stabilizable, in the case of constrained input, via memoryless state feedback control laws. These bounds are given in terms of solutions of appropriate finite dimensional Riccati equations  相似文献   
In this paper, we consider dynamical graph-based models, which are well fitted for the structural analysis of complex systems. A significant amount of work has been devoted to the controllability of such graph based models, e.g. recently for multi-agent systems or complex networks. We study here the controllability through input addition in this framework. We present several variants of this problem depending on the freedom which is left to the designer on the additional inputs. We use a unified framework, which allows us to encompass the different applications and representations (large scale systems, complex communications networks, multi-agent systems, …) and provide convenient graph tools for their analysis. Our contribution is to characterize the structural modifications of the system resulting from an input addition (or a leader selection) and of the mechanisms which lead to controllability. We provide information on the possible location of additional inputs and on the minimal number of inputs to be added for controllability.  相似文献   
If chalcopyrite is roasted with sulphur at 400–450°C pyrite and idaite or bornite are produced. Bornite plus pyrite are also prepared by roasting a 1:1 mixture of chalcopyrite and covellite. These copper-iron sulphides were leached with acidified aqueous cupric sulphate solutions containing acetonitrile or hydracrylonitrile and the results are compared with leaching with acidified cupric chloride in brine. The nitrile route has the advantage of a less corrosive sulphate medium for subsequent copper recovery processes.Bornite appears to be the most attractive product from the roasting of sulphur and chalcopyrite because much of its copper can be readily leached. Iron reports to the solution only in the latter stages of extraction. Up to 80% of the copper in this bornite is leached with CuSO4/RCN/H2O at 60°C. Copper is recovered from the resulting cuprous sulphate solution by electrowinning with inert anode. The products are copper cathodes and cupric sulphate, which is recycled. The leach residue may be used to reactivate further chalcopyrite or is leached of its copper by established routes.  相似文献   
Evaporated 0.5 to 0.7 μm thick thin films of mNaFnAlF3 or mNafnCrF3 were prepared in a 1 mPa vacuum on glass substrates kept at room temperature. Chemical analysis and AC conductivity measurement revealed that in each case studied, a high ionic conductivity plateau existed for the composition range 0.1 < n(m+n) < 0.4. The maximum conductivities at room temperature were σ = 1 × 10?6 S/mm for NaFAlF3 and σ = 2 × 10?5 S/m for NaFCrF3. Those high conductivities were discussed in terms of arrangement of MF6 octahedra.  相似文献   
Peculiar and unique growth mechanisms involved in semiconductor nanowires(NWs)pave the way to the achievement of new crystallographic phases and remarkable material properties,and hence,studying polytypism in semiconductor NWs arouses a strong interest for the next generation of electronic and photonic applications.In this context,the growth of ZnS nanowires has been investigated,as bulk ZnS compound exhibits numerous unstable polytypes at high temperatures,but their stable occurrence is highly anticipated in a nanowire due to its special quasi-dimensional shape and growth modes.In this work,the idea is to provide a change in the growth mechanism via the physical state of catalyst droplet(liquid or solid)and hence,study the induced structural modifications in ZnS nanowires.The HRTEM images of VLS(via liquid alloyed catalyst)grown ZnS NWs show periodic stacking faults,which is precisely identified as a stacking sequence of cubic or hexagonal individual planes leading to an astonishing 15R crystal polymorph.This crystallographic phase is observed for the first time in nanowires.Contrastingly,NWs grown with VSS(via solid catalyst)show crystal polytypes of zinc blende and wurtzite.We calculate and discuss the role of cohesive energies in the formation of such ZnS polytypes.Further,we present the selection rules for the crystallization of such 15R structure in NWs and discuss the involved VLS and VSS growth mechanisms leading to the formation of different crystal phases.  相似文献   
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