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Zinc phosphate glass is considered to be the main constituent of tribofilms generated under boundary lubrication with zinc dialkyldithiophosphate (ZDDP), a well-known antiwear additive. The reaction occurring during friction between zinc phosphate glasses and steel native iron oxide layer is investigated by both an experimental approach and by Molecular Dynamics simulations (MD). The importance of this “tribochemical” reaction in the general ZDDP antiwear process is discussed.  相似文献   
The article formalizes and measures the impact of club size on the quality of the public good provided to its members. Under a general framework we describe various functional forms that allow either network or crowding effects. Mechanisms of provision are that of a political process in which both the demand and the supply sides are considered. Estimations use the whole set of French municipalities. The supply model performs better than the demand model in the case of small municipalities, while for large cities the demand model has higher explanatory power. In so far as impact of city size on the quality of club goods is concerned, crowding does appear, but it does so in different patterns. For small towns marginal congestion first decreases then increases with population. Marginal congestion is decreasing for cities of intermediate size. For larger cities no significant effects are observed. Received: 27 June 2000 / Accepted: 20 August 2001 RID="*" ID="*" We have received particularly helpful comments from the editor-in-chief and two anonymous referees. We also thank Danièle Moret-Bailly for her friendly computational assistance.  相似文献   
Inorganic fullerene-(IF)-like nanoparticles made of metal dichalcogenides (IF-MoS2, IF-WS2) have been known to be effective as anti-wear and friction modifier additives under boundary lubrication. The lubrication mechanism of these nanoparticles has been widely investigated in the past and even if the exfoliation and third body transfer of molecular sheets onto the asperities constitute the prevalent mechanism for the improved tribological behavior of IF nanoparticles, it has also been suggested that a rolling friction process could also play a role for well crystallized and spherical particles. In this study, in situ Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) observations of the behavior of single IF-MoS2 nanoparticles were conducted using a sample holder that combines TEM and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) which simultaneously can apply normal and shear loads. It was shown that depending on the test conditions, either a rolling process or a sliding of the fullerenes could be possible. These in situ TEM observations are the first carried out with IF nanoparticles.  相似文献   
In this study, we are interested in the anti-wear properties of zinc dialkyl phosphate additive (ZP) in comparison with ‘classical’ zinc dialkyldithiophosphate (ZDDP). Friction tests were performed on a reciprocating tribometer using both ball-on-flat and cylinder-on-flat configurations under a Hertzian contact pressure of 0.9 GPa. Experiments were carried out as a function of temperature (25 and 100 °C), sliding speed (25, 50 and 100 mm/s) and additives concentrations. Ball wear scar diameters as well as friction coefficient were measured. In order to better understand the anti-wear mechanisms of these additives, friction tests were followed by surface analyses such as AES (Auger Electron Spectroscopy) and XPS (X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy). Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) observations of the ZDDP and ZP tribofilms were also carried out to visualise the generated layers. The anti-wear capability of ZP molecule is discussed.  相似文献   
The study of odor dispersion, particularly its modeling, is an important decision tool for estimating the impact of human activities on the environment and its populations. In this sense, software to model the dispersion of odorous gases was developed and is presented. It is based on the theory established by H?gstr?m on the odor dispersion of puff emissions. This theory is applied to Gaussian models and takes the frequency of values for odor intensity over any time period into account. Such a model is able to consider the instantaneous characteristics of odor perception by human beings. Nine approaches that explore several solutions within the Gaussian domain for the atmospheric dispersion problem are proposed in software named ODODIS (ODOr DISpersion Software). This software was developed to test the different solutions. Four of these solutions are based on the punctual (or point source) emission or classic equation; two are based on the instantaneous punctual emission equation; and the other three, on the prolonged punctual emission equation (puff models). Measuring units used for the input data may be g s(-1) or OU (Odor Units). The software developed here satisfies the need to obtain instantaneous data of either a passive or an odorous gas at a specific point of an area. The simulation time varies depending on the purpose of the analysis. Mean concentration values may be obtained by integrating the instantaneous results generated by the model.  相似文献   
Gaullier JM  Berven G  Blankson H  Gudmundsen O 《Lipids》2002,37(11):1019-1025
CLA mixtures are now commercially available. They differ from each other with respect to their content of CLA isomers and their degree of purification. As a group of natural FA, CLA have been widely assumed to be safe. However, the suspected presence of both impurities and particular isomers might induce undesirable side effects. Despite this potential health risk, only a few CLA preparations have been tested under rigorous conditions for clinical efficacy and safety. Based on the limited results available, it is possible to suggest that preparations enriched in c9,t11 and t10,c12 isomers are preferable for human consumption compared to preparations containing four isomers, in terms both of safety and efficacy.  相似文献   
To comply with the new regulations on particulate matter, car manufacturers more and more commonly use diesel particulate filters (DPF). The working of these systems needs to periodically burn soot that has been accumulated during the loading of the DPF. This paper describes the kinetics of the non-catalytic and catalytic oxidation of real diesel soot with oxygen. From these experiments, mechanisms for catalyzed and non-catalyzed soot oxidation have been proposed.  相似文献   
The quality of the gate oxide is a central parameter for power MOSFET devices dedicated to automotive applications. Reliability is systematically evaluated through electrical tests. The purpose of this study is to apply the QBD test directly at probe–die–wafer level and to correlate its results with reliability test conclusions. In other words, this new kind of QBD test is a monitor of power MOSFET robustness which helps identify extrinsic failures and the process steps responsible. In summary, it is an accurate and fast measurement method of identifying weakened parts and enhancing device quality.  相似文献   
Oxidation stability is a parameter of great importance for biodiesel quality control to both producers and subsequent consumers. To maintain the quality of biodiesel, currently the most effective and economical method is the addition of antioxidants that prevent or retard the biofuel oxidation reaction. In this study, efficiency and cost of synthetic antioxidants added to B100 biodiesel from soybean oil and pork fat were evaluated, using butylhydroxyanisole (BHA), butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) and tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), in pure form or in mixtures, according to a simplex-centroid mixture experimental design. Results demonstrate an increased induction period (IP) in all trials when compared to the control sample, and TBHQ was the only antioxidant alone that met all the specification standards, while BHT and BHA alone met only the American standard specifications. The antioxidant mixture that presented the highest synergistic effect was that of TBHQ and BHA. Multi-response optimization indicated an optimum formulation containing 75 % TBHQ and 25 % BHA with an IP of 7.27 h at 110 °C and the antioxidant mixture cost of 31.31 USD, to be added for a ton of biodiesel. This simplex-centroid mixture experimental design shows an ability to be applied in the biodiesel, oils and fats industry to evaluate the oxidation stability and the occurrence of synergism between different mixtures of synthetic or natural antioxidants and their costs.  相似文献   
A combined strategy to obtain a partial NMR assignment of the neuronal Tau protein is presented. Confronted with the extreme spectral degeneracy that the spectrum of this 441 amino acid long unstructured protein presents, we have introduced a graphical procedure based on residue type-specific product planes. Combining this strategy with the search for pairwise motifs, and combining the spectra of different Tau isoforms and even of peptides derived from the native sequence, we arrive at a partial assignment that is sufficient to map the interactions of Tau with its molecular partners. The obtained assignments equally confirm the absence of regular secondary structure in the isolated protein.  相似文献   
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