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The thermodynamics of butanol steam reformation for the production of hydrogen were simulated using a Gibbs free-energy-minimisation method with water–butanol molar feed ratios (WBFR) between 1 and 18, a pressure range of 1–50 bar and reaction temperatures from 300 to 900 °C. The differences in H2 and CO production were calculated as functions of WBFR and temperature at 1 bar. On the basis of the equilibrium calculations with higher-hydrocarbon compounds excluded, the optimal operating conditions obtained were 600–800 °C, 1 bar and WBFR = 9–12. At these conditions, the yield of hydrogen and carbon monoxide was maximised and methane selectivity minimised. The yield of hydrogen was in the range of 75.13–81.27% (wet basis) with selectivities of 46.20–54.96%. This was achieved at a temperature of 800 °C and WBFR from 9 to 12. Carbon monoxide yield ranged between 65.48 and 55.57% (wet basis), with selectivities ranging from 14.56 to 10.66%. The formation of coke was completely inhibited at these operating conditions. In order to evaluate the effect of methane on coke formation at lower temperatures, simulations were performed in two sets, i.e., primary products (H2, CO, CO2 and C) including or excluding methane. The results indicate that some coke can be hydrogenated to methane at 300 °C and WBFR = 3, and that higher pressure favours hydrogenation reactions. Higher pressure had a negative effect on hydrogen and carbon monoxide yields.  相似文献   
Investigations are made on the performance and hot electron degradation of sub-μm MOS transistors fabricated with an improved selectively doped substrate (SDS) and with the conventional deep punch through implant (DPI) structures. The sub-μm gate length of the transistor was defined by a novel subtractive photolithography technique. The technique is described and the process details are given. The sub-μm transistor performance is characterised by electron mobility, inverse subthreshold slope, substrate sensitivity and drain induced barrier lowering (DIBL) for the two structures. The substrate current and hot electron degradation effect (HED) were measured and the results are compared for SDS and DPI techniques. It is shown that SDS structure reduces HED and surface punchthrough effects in sub-μm MOS transistors.  相似文献   
We propose a novel refractive index sensor based on multimode microfiber knot-type loop (NL) interferometer. The middle portion (~5 cm) of a 15 cm long multimode fiber is etched in 48% hydrofluoric acid to reduce its diameter to ~12 μm. A NL of diameter <1 mm is made from the etched fiber. The ends of etched fiber are spliced with single-mode fibers for launching and detecting light from the NL interferometer. The NL introduces path differences to produce interferometric spectra with free spectral range ~16 nm. The spectrum shifts as the surrounding refractive index of the loop is changed by adding chemicals. We observe the highest sensitivity of the NL interferometer ~172 nm/RIU (refractive index unit) at a refractive index value 1.370 as obtained experimentally using commonly available chemicals. The design could be used as simple, low cost, and highly sensitive biological and chemical sensor.  相似文献   
The development of a contactless postcolumn spotter technology capable of rapidly and accurately depositing LC eluent onto another platform (e.g., 1536-well microtiter plates) is described. Many detection methodologies are suitable for online analysis, such as mass spectrometry, UV-vis, and fluorescence. In some cases, when online analysis is less suitable, off-line postcolumn analysis is the methodology of choice and usually relies on LC-based fractionation prior to detection (e.g., MALDI-MS, Raman spectrsocopy, biochemical assays). As fractionation generally involves loss in resolution, the technology described here allows high-resolution contactless fractionation by tailoring the fractionation frequency to the chromatographic peaks and mixing in of postcolumn reagents. Droplet ejection at frequencies of at least 6 Hz could be performed in the nanoliter to low microliter range with repeatabilities of ~6%. Furthermore, multiple droplets can be ejected at the same position thereby allowing adjustment of fractionation volume and speed. The technology was evaluated, optimized, and validated prior to two proof-of-principle demonstrations comprising off-line chemical detection of injected fluorescein and off-line postcolumn biochemical detection of acetylcholine-binding protein ligands, both based on 1536-well plate reader analysis.  相似文献   
A novel potentiometric urea biosensor has been fabricated with urease (Urs) immobilized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) embedded in silica matrix deposited on the surface of indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass plate. The enzyme Urs was covalently linked with the exposed free –COOH groups of functionalized MWCNTs (F-MWCNTs), which are subsequently incorporated within the silica matrix by sol–gel method. The Urs/MWCNTs/SiO2/ITO composite modified electrode was characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and UV–visible spectroscopy. The morphologies and electrochemical performance of the modified Urs/MWCNTs/SiO2/ITO electrode have been investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and potentiometric method, respectively. The synergistic effect of silica matrix, F-MWCNTs and biocompatibility of Urs/MWCNTs/SiO2 made the biosensor to have the excellent electro catalytic activity and high stability. The resulting biosensor exhibits a good response performance to urea detection with a wide linear range from 2.18 × 10? 5 to 1.07 × 10? 3 M urea. The biosensor shows a short response time of 10–25 s and a high sensitivity of 23 mV/decade/cm2.  相似文献   
Dry matter, ash, lignin, starch and soluble and insoluble dietary fibre contents of the edible parts of seven fruits of Bangladesh were determined. Analysis of the low molecular weight carbohydrates showed that all the fiuits, except lukluki and hogplum, contained substantial amounts of these materials of which glucose and fiuctose were the main components. The main constituent of the polysaccharides in all the fruits was glucose. The dietary fibre contents of the dry fruits ranged from 29% to 79%. Lukluki has by far the best combination of low fiee sugars and high dietary fibre, and pineapple the worst.  相似文献   
Hafnium oxide (HfO2) has emerged as the most promising highkdielectric for MOS devices. As-deposited sputtered HfO2 thin films have large number of defects resulting in increased oxide charge and leakage current. In this paper the effect of sputtering voltage, bias sputtering and post deposition thermal annealing is investigated. The I–V and C–V characteristics of the dielectric film are studied employing Al–HfO2–Si MOS capacitor structure. It is found that oxide charge increases with increasing sputtering voltage. Thermal annealing in oxygen reduces the interface/oxide charges and leakage current. It is shown that applying substrate bias during film deposition leakage current is further reduced by an order of magnitude. The microstructure of thin film is examined by AFM. The reduction in surface roughness with bias sputtering is shown. The experimental results are presented and discussed for device application.  相似文献   
Energy savings in relation to different fuels, namely firewood, coal, kerosene, LPG and electricity have been calculated for a pressurized natural circulation type solar water heater with blackboard paint and a selective surface on the absorber. The payback periods have been computed by considering 10% compound annual interest, 5% annual maintenance cost and 5% inflation per year in maintenance cost and fuel prices. The cash flow has also been worked out for both solar water heaters. The cash flow is more for a solar water heater with a selective surface. The payback periods are 2.08–8.67 years for a solar water heater with a selective surface and 2.13–8.96 years for a solar water heater with blackboard paint. The estimated life of a heater is about 15 years. This shows that use of a solar water heater for heating water is very economical.  相似文献   
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