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Fe-doped TiO2 particles responding to visible light were synthesized by impregnation and calcination method using TiO2 particle and Ti element, respectively. The optical and the chemical properties were characterized by measuring the X-ray diffraction (XRD) and UV–visible spectroscopy. The onset of absorption shifted to longer wavelengths on doping TiO2 by the calcination process, which showed a better response as compared to the impregnation method. The photocatalytic reactivity was evaluated by the degradation of phenol with impregnated Fe-doped (0.5% w/w in Fe) and calcined Fe-doped (FexTi1 xO2, x ¼ 0.005 (Fe/Ti molar ratio)) TiO2 separately in distilled and tap water. The characterization results have confirmed the advanced possibility of correlation between photoactivity and the special property of sulfur-containing calcined Fe-doped TiO2. In case of the coagulation of the undoped A-I and the Fe-doped B-I, the photoactivity showed a decrease due to the presence of natural electrolytes and due to the high pH of tap water, whereas in the case of the coagulation of calcined Fe-doped TiO2 prepared from sulfides (FexTiS2), the photoactivity showed an increase. In this study, highest catalytic activity was found to be strongly dependent both on catalyst structure and on the type of water used.  相似文献   
A comprehensive set of fine structure energy levels, oscillator strengths (f), line strengths (S), and radiative decay rates (A) for bound-bound transitions in Fe XV is presented. The allowed electric dipole (E1) transitions were obtained from the relativistic Breit-Pauli R-matrix method which is based on the close coupling approximation. A total of 507 fine structure energy levels with n ? 10, l ? 9, and 0 ? J ? 10 are found. They agree within 1% with the available observed energies. These energy levels yield a total of 27,812 E1, same-spin multiplets and intercombination transitions. The A values are in good agreement with those compiled by NIST and other existing values for most transitions. Forbidden transitions are obtained from a set of 20 configurations with orbitals ranging from 1s to 5f using the relativistic code SUPERSTRUCTURE (SS) in the Breit-Pauli approximation. From a set of 123 fine structure levels, a total of 6962 S and A values are presented for forbidden electric quadrupole (E2), electric octupole (E3), magnetic dipole (M1), and magnetic quadrupole (M2) transitions. The energies from SS calculations agree with observed energies to within 1-3%. A values for E2, M1 transitions agree very well with the available values for most transitions while those for M2 transitions show variable agreement. The large set of transition parameters presented should be applicable for both diagnostics and spectral modeling in the X-ray, ultraviolet, and optical regions of astrophysical plasmas.  相似文献   
For fabrication of flexible electronics using standard microelectronics toolsets, a temporary bond-debond method has been developed that requires minimization of the distortion of bonded flexible substrate and bow of bonded system (flexible substrate-adhesive-carrier) during processing. To elucidate the critical parameters of the adhesive used in the bonding that control the stress (bow) and distortion, adhesives with different viscoelastic properties are examined systematically. By blending a high modulus adhesive into a low modulus adhesive, the storage modulus, loss modulus and loss factor of the adhesive can be tuned by orders of magnitude. Detailed examination of the impact of these three rheological parameters on the stress and distortion of bonded system reveals that the relative viscoelastic flow properties of the bonding adhesive to that of the bonded flexible substrate are directly correlated to bow and distortion. When the loss factor of the adhesive is less than that for the plastic substrate, precise registration of layers during photolithography is observed. These results provide insight into the rheological parameters critical to the adhesive formulations for the temporary bond-debond method in the fabrication of flexible electronics.  相似文献   
Chloramphenicol (CAP), a bacteriostatic antibiotic, is used for the treatment of bacterial infections in human and animals. Continual exposure of CAP residues into animal tissues may lead to antibiotic resistance. For the protection of humans and animals from this problem, a fast and highly sensitive analytical method based on ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC–MS/MS) was developed and validated in this study for the quantitative determination of CAP in poultry meat and beef samples. Quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe (QuEChERS) method was used for the extraction of CAP residues. The developed method was validated in terms of linearity, accuracy, precision, and specificity. Poultry meat and beef samples were extracted with 20 ml water–acetonitrile (1:1, v/v) and cleaned up by MgSO4, primary secondary amine, and C18 powder. The method was found to be linear in a wide concentration range, with correlation coefficient of higher than 0.999. The repeatability and reproducibility of this method were satisfactory. The achieved limit of detection and limit of quantification were 0.16 and 0.50 ng/g, respectively. Recoveries were estimated at 5 and 10 ng/g spiking levels in the range of 99%–111% with the coefficient of variation 0.48%–12.48% for spiked samples, and the matrix enhancement effects were mild in the range of 80%–85%. In this study, the levels of CAP residue in tested real samples were found below the detection limit. The method proved to be suitable for CAP determination in all kinds of samples tested and also efficient for the application of routine analysis.  相似文献   
The atomic parameters–oscillator strengths, line strengths, radiative decay rates (AA), and lifetimes–for fine structure transitions of electric dipole (E1) type for the astrophysically abundant ion Ne IV are presented. The results include 868 fine structure levels with n≤n 10, l≤l 9, and 1/2≤J≤J 19/2 of even and odd parities, and the corresponding 83,767 E1 transitions. The calculations were carried out using the relativistic Breit–Pauli R-matrix method in the close coupling approximation. The transitions have been identified spectroscopically using an algorithm based on quantum defect analysis and other criteria. The calculated energies agree with the 103 observed and identified energies to within 3% or better for most of the levels. Some larger differences are also noted. The AA-values show good to fair agreement with the very limited number of available transitions in the table compiled by NIST, but show very good agreement with the latest published multi-configuration Hartree–Fock calculations. The present transitions should be useful for diagnostics as well as for precise and complete spectral modeling in the soft X-ray to infra-red regions of astrophysical and laboratory plasmas.  相似文献   
Studies on the Formation of Hydrocarbons in Fatty Acids and Fatty Acid Esters Irradiated with UV Rays The investigation of volatile compounds in unsaponifiable matter and in steam distillates of UV-irradiated saturated fatty acids and fatty acid esters has shown that by irradiation in the presence of air as well as under vacuum, along with other substances, unsaturated hydrocarbons are formed. They are most probably 1,2 alkenes whose chains are shorter than the corresponding fatty acids by 2 C-atoms. The volatile compounds in the unsaponifiable matter of the UV-irradiated oleic acid comprise predominantly of carbonyle compounds.  相似文献   
To establish a sensitive noncompetitive immunoassay for thyroxine (T4), we attempted to isolate anti-T4 antibodies from a phage display library based on a phagemid pDong1 ( Dong et al. Anal. Biochem.2009, 36, 386 ), which was designed to enable open-sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (OS-ELISA) after selection on immobilized antigen. After the Fab-displaying phage library made from the splenocytes of T4-KLH immunized mice was subjected to biopanning on T4-BSA, two T4-specific clones were obtained. When they were assayed by indirect competitive ELISA, both clones showed low IC(50) (5-13 ng/mL), indicating their high affinity to T4. When they were used for OS-ELISA that detects antigen-dependency of the interaction between variable domains V(H) and V(L), a clone successfully detected 1 ng/mL of T4 with a working range superior to that of competitive IA. OS-ELISA was also performed with maltose binding protein (MBP)-fused V(H)/V(L) of this clone, which showed a detection limit less than 0.1 ng/mL T4. Moreover, the assay showed cross-reactivity with T3 similar to that of competitive ELISA, and also gave a reasonable total serum T4 concentration (90 ng/mL) from ethanol-extracted sample serum using the recombinant proteins. This is the first direct construction of an OS-ELISA system bypassing hybridoma, which will be applicable to the detection of many other small molecule antigens.  相似文献   
As a widely accepted concept, bitumen consists of four fractions that can be distinguished by their polarity. Highly polar asphaltene micelles are dispersed in a viscous phase of saturates, aromatics and resins (maltene phase). Different concentrations of asphaltenes in the bitumen result in a range of mechanical response properties. In an interdisciplinary study the impact of the maltene phase and asphaltenes on the linear viscoelastic behavior and the microstructure of bitumen were analyzed by creep recovery testing in a DSR and by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Therefore, bitumen was separated into the maltene and asphaltene fractions and artificial bitumen samples with different, pre-defined asphaltene concentrations were produced and investigated. It was found that the artificially produced, precipitated bitumen samples can be regarded as a representative, bitumen-like material in terms of mechanical behavior and microstructure. Asphaltenes play an important role in the typical viscoelastic behavior of bitumen being mainly responsible for stiffness and elasticity. Also, their concentration appears to be correlated to the occurrence and shape of the bee-like inclusions which can be typically observed by AFM.  相似文献   
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