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Particles breakage occurs in many industrial applications. During the last decade many works have been devoted for modelling and simulating such processes. A new and innovative procedure of empirical comminution functions for Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulations (Kalman et al. in Granul Matter 11(4):253–266, 2009) posed the question how to introduce the fragments of the broken particle back into the computational domain. Daughter particles (Fragments) spawning and interaction imposes several problems during DEM simulation. Some of the main problems are: seeding (allocating) daughter particles and their initial conditions i.e. fragments locations, velocities and physical properties. This work focuses on the daughter particles seeding and the interaction between “sibling” particles for spherical particles. Fragments spawning and interaction algorithm for particle breakage during DEM simulation was developed. The algorithm enables prediction of particle comminution/attrition processes using DEM applications. The new algorithm can utilize any breakage function allowing unlimited fragment size fractions. In the proposed model, sibling particles can overlap without increasing the energy of the system in the simulation. Particle-particle and particle-wall interactions are calculated using the standard DEM calculations. Daughter particles interactions were calculated using the developed temporary contact radius model. The model was utilized to predict particle comminution in jet milling and particle attrition during pneumatic conveying with great successes.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the incipient motion velocity of individual particles in horizontal conveying systems. The first part presents a wide range of experimental measurements and an empirical analysis on incipient motion velocity (a type of pickup velocity) for a variety of particulate solids, sizes and shapes. Results from the literature for incipient motion of individual particles in gases and liquids are taken into account in the final empirical analysis. It was found that all the results for the single particle incipient motion velocity could be presented with a high accuracy by a simple relationship between the Reynolds and the Archimedes numbers. Furthermore, the friction coefficient should be taken into account for large particles by modifying the Archimedes number.The incipient motion velocity was added to a generalized master curve, which included various threshold velocities such as: pickup velocity from a layer of particle in gas and liquid, minimum pressure velocity, boundary saltation velocity, terminal velocity and minimum fluidization velocity. The different threshold velocities are presenting in this master curve through modified Reynolds and Archimedes numbers. The Reynolds number is modified by taking into account the effect of the pipe diameter and the Archimedes number is modified by taking into account various properties that affect each threshold mechanism. The incipient motion velocity was also compared to the boundary saltation velocity (saltation velocity of single particles) and some hysteresis was found. However, this hysteresis is larger for fine powders than for coarse particles.  相似文献   
The origin of the slew rate asymmetry found experimentally in FET-input LF355 op amps is analysed in order to explain why macromodels based on a strict build-up technique can fail when used to simulate the behaviour of amplifiers driven by out-of-band large voltage signals. These simulations may be very important in predicting the effects of electromagnetic interferences conveyed to the circuit input port. Other performances of op amp macromodels designed either by build-up techniques or by simplification/build-up techniques are also compared and discussed.  相似文献   
A comprehensive use of particle–fluid conveying systems for a wide range of industries requires a deep understanding in all interactions of the particular conveying process. One of the most common particle motions occurring in conveying systems is the saltating motion of particles. Although the literature abounds with theoretical, empirical and numerical studies that investigate the saltation phenomenon, there remain many questions and misunderstandings. Some of the recently solved issues are: which non-dimensional groups are introducing the particle saltating motion, how the saltation length might be predicted, how the pipe diameter and the coefficient of restitution influence the saltation velocity and length.The present work investigates the motion of individual saltating particles and presents a wide range of experimental measurements of the conveying length for a variety of particulate solids, sizes and shapes. The total conveying length was divided into three lengths: the first flight, the rebound and the rolling/sliding and each one of them is theoretically and empirically analyzed and compared. This phenomenological study presents the theoretical evidence to previously empirical findings. The theoretical analysis is further used to define the border conditions between various mechanisms. The results show that for coarse particles the rebound and rolling/sliding motions might be presented by a simple relationship between the Reynolds and Archimedes numbers. Additionally we find that the preferred saltation mode of fine powders depends on the conveying system length and diameter. For example for large pipe diameters and short length the first flight mode is the dominant; however, for small pipe diameters and long systems length the rebound mode is the dominant.  相似文献   
The heat transfer between a vertical pipe wall and turbulent gas-particle flow is numerically investigated according to the Eulerian-Lagrangian approach and the k-ε turbulence model. The particles are introduced homogeneously into the simulation volume by a unique technique referred to as an artificial feeding volume. The numerical code using additional computer programs is validated with available experimental results for the constant heat flux boundary condition. An average deviation of about 4% and a maximum deviation of about 7% were attained from the numerical predictions for various particle and pipe diameters. The effect of the geometrical parameters and the flow parameters on the gas/particle temperature, the convection heat transfer coefficient between the wall and the gas-particle mixture, and the thermal entry length were studied. An increase in particle diameter (loading ratio ≈ 0.5) extended the thermal entry length and decreased the bulk mixed temperature, particle temperature, and convection heat transfer coefficient. Increasing the pipe diameter led to a significant reduction in bulk mixed temperature and thermal entry length, in addition to a decrease in particle temperature and Nusselt number. Increasing the loading ratio up to 2.36 led to a reduction in wall temperature and bulk mixed temperature, in addition to an increase in the convective heat transfer coefficient and thermal entry length.  相似文献   
Flow-induced properties of nanotube-filled polymer materials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are under intense investigation in materials science owing to their potential for modifying the electrical conductivity sigma, shear viscosity eta, and other transport properties of polymeric materials. These particles are hybrids of filler and nanoscale additives because their lengths are macroscopic whereas their cross-sectional dimensions are closer to molecular scales. The combination of extended shape, rigidity and deformability allows CNTs to be mechanically dispersed in polymer matrices in the form of disordered 'jammed' network structures. Our measurements on representative network-forming multiwall nanotube (MWNT) dispersions in polypropylene indicate that these materials exhibit extraordinary flow-induced property changes. Specifically, sigma and eta both decrease strongly with increasing shear rate, and these nanocomposites exhibit impressively large and negative normal stress differences, a rarely reported phenomenon in soft condensed matter. We illustrate the practical implications of these nonlinear transport properties by showing that MWNTs eliminate die swell in our nanocomposites, an effect crucial for their processing.  相似文献   
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