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Rapid pyrolysis was conducted in a drop tube reactor using seven coals under various operating conditions. In addition to dense char, porous chars (network char and cenospheric char) were formed by the rapid pyrolysis under certain conditions. Porous char was mainly composed of film-like carbon and skeleton carbon. The pyrolyzed coal char particles were characterized in detail. Morphology and bulk density of porous char were quite different from the dense char formed under the same conditions, but elemental composition and BET surface area were similar to each other. CO2 gasification reactivity of porous char was lower than dense char in the later gasification stage, and this was ascribed to the low reactivity of skeleton carbon.  相似文献   
Bis(triethoxysilyl)-substituted oligothiophene with a moderate π-conjugation length was newly synthesized and polymerized to give a polysilsesquioxane network having oligothiophene units dispersed homogeneously without phase separation. The polymer was fixed on glass or ITO substrate by spin-coating and annealing. The resulting film exhibited a high mechanical strength due to the covalent bonding with the substrates, and was electrochemically stable even after 300 redox cycles in electrolyte solution. Chemical oxidation of the polymer films yielded electrically conductive and almost transparent films.  相似文献   
After the recent discovery of bacterial riboswitches, synthetic riboswitches have been engineered by using natural and artificial RNA aptamers. In contrast to natural riboswitches, the majority of synthetic riboswitches in bacteria reported to date are ON switches that activate gene expression in response to the aptamer ligand. In this study, we adopted a mechanism‐guided approach to design libraries predisposed to contain OFF riboswitches that respond to thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP). The first library design exploited a pseudo‐Shine‐Dalgarno (SD) sequence located near the 3′‐end of the TPP aptamer, which would be less accessible to the ribosome when the aptamer is bound to TPP. In the second library, an SD sequence was strategically placed in the aptamer's P1 stem, which is stabilized upon ligand binding. OFF riboswitches were obtained by dual genetic selection of these libraries. The results underscore the importance of effective library design to achieve desired riboswitch functions.  相似文献   
Surface‐initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) from poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) film was studied. Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), poly (acrylamide) (PAAM), and their diblock copolymer (PMMA/PAAM) on the surface of PET film were successfully prepared by surface‐initiated ATRP. The structures and properties of the modified PET film were characterized by FT‐IR/ATR, X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), measurements of contact angles, and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). The results indicate that the surface properties of PET film were greatly improved by grafted polymer. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2008  相似文献   
High-toughness and high-strength lead zirconate titanate (PZT) composites that contain fine silver particles were successfully fabricated at low sintering temperatures. Addition of silver to a PZT matrix did not result in unwanted reaction phases; however, some silver diffused toward the perovskite crystal structure. A small quantity of silver accelerated the sinterability of the PZT composites. The formation of oxygen vacancies due to the partial substitution of silver appeared to enhance the sinterability of the PZT. Fracture toughness depended on the size and degree of sphericity of the silver particles, and SEM observations on crack propagation suggested that the toughening mechanism in the PZT/Ag composites involves crack bridging resulting from the ductile behavior of silver particles. It is proposed that high fracture strength in PZT/1 to 5 vol% Ag composites results from the relaxation of transformation-induced internal stress by the silver particles.  相似文献   
It has been considered that dry-out occurs easily in boiling heat transfer for a small channel, a mini- or microchannel, because the channel was easily filled with coalescing vapor bubbles. In the present study, the experiments of subcooled flow boiling of water were performed under atmospheric conditions for a horizontal rectangular channel for which the size is 1 mm height and 1 mm width, with a flat heating surface of 10 mm length and 1 mm width placed on the bottom of the channel. The heating surface has a top of copper heating block and is heated by ceramic heaters. In the high heat flux region of nucleate boiling, about 70–80% of the heating surface was covered with a large coalescing bubble and the boiling reached critical heat flux as observed by high-speed video. In the beginning of transition boiling, coalescing bubbles were collapsed to many fine bubbles and microbubble emission boiling was observed at liquid subcooling higher than 30 K. The maximum heat flux obtained was 8 MW/m2 (800 W/cm2) at liquid subcooling of higher than 40 K and a liquid velocity of 0.5 m/s. However, the surface temperature was very much higher than that of a centimeter-scale channel. The high-speed video photographs indicated that microbubble emission boiling occurs in the deep transition boiling region.  相似文献   
Charge/discharge behavior of electric double-layer capacitors composed of activated carbon fiber cloth (ACFC) electrodes and an organic electrolyte was investigated. The modification of the ACFC electrodes was performed using cold plasma generated in argon-oxygen atmosphere. The effect of the cold plasma treatment of the ACPC electrodes on the capacitor performance was discussed on the basis of the physical and chemical properties of the ACFC surface such as pore radius distribution and surface atom concentration.  相似文献   
We conducted this study to elucidate a factor causing a poor sign of parturition and prolonged gestation, which is frequently observed in cows carrying somatic clone fetuses. Pre-partum rises in concentrations of plasma estrone and estradiol-17beta in the recipient cows pregnant with clones were subtle. By contrast, the plasma concentration of estrone sulfate in clone pregnancies increased gradually from pre-initiation of parturition induction whereas control cows that received in vivo-derived embryos showed a significant increase at parturition. Therefore, in clone pregnancies, the ratio of estrone/estrone sulfate was low during the pre-partum period compared with control. Messenger RNA expression of estrogen sulfotransferase (SULT1E1) in the placenta at parturition was significantly higher in clone pregnancies than control pregnancies and was localized in binucleate cells (BNC). SULT1E1 mRNA abundance was negatively and positively correlated with concentrations of maternal estrone and estrone sulfate at parturition respectively. Messenger RNA expressions of estrogen sulfatase (STS) and aromatase (CYP19) were similar between clone and control pregnancies and were localized in BNC and caruncular epithelial cells. STS and CYP19 mRNA abundances showed positive correlations with maternal estradiol-17beta concentration. The population of BNC in the placenta did not differ between clone and control pregnancies. Plasma cortisol concentration of vaginally delivered newborn clone calves was comparable with those of control, although cesarean section delivered clone calves showed a low concentration. These results suggest that excess estrogen sulfoconjugation is the reason for the perturbed low ratio of active to inactive estrogens and the resulting hormonal imbalance contributes to the lack of overt signs of readiness for parturition in cows pregnant with clones.  相似文献   
Hair diameters and bending stresses were measured for chemically untreated regions of hair close to the scalp, collected from 38 Japanese female (age range: 26–51) and 35 Caucasian female (age range: 20–40) volunteers. For the bending stress measurements, a new methodology to obtain averaged Young's modulus has been developed in which 50 fibres are measured together to give reproducible data, overcoming the individual differences in each hair fibre. By comparing the resulting data of the fibres collected from the panelists younger than 40 years of age, no significant difference in Young's modulus between Japanese and Caucasian hair was recognized, and the modulus was c. 10 GPa, regardless of the hair diameter. On the other hand, there existed cases in which fibres showed lower Young's moduli, and these fibres were from senior panelists who were conscious of the decrease in hair volume and bounce with ageing. This result indicates that the decrease in volume and bounce in hair with ageing is not only caused by a decrease in hair diameter and fewer hairs per square centimetre of scalp but also by some internal change in the hair.  相似文献   
In the chopper control system for electric railcars, it is effective to adopt high operational frequency of the chopper for achievement of the following: 1) decrease of higher harmonic current induced in the trolley wire, 2) reduction of weight for reactors and capacitors in the traction circuit, and 3) improvement of control response. Through development of reverse-conducting thyristors with very short turn-off time and a repulsion type two-phase chopper, we finally realized production of a new standard high-frequency chopper equipment with regenerative braking for 1500-V dc railcars. Technical achievements mentioned previously were completely realized as a result of adoption of high frequency, 660 Hz, in the equipment. The newly developed standard high-frequency chopper equipment for 30 cars were delivered to the Chiyoda Line of Teito Rapid Transit Authority in Tokyo, and they have been operated satisfactorily in revenue service since March 1971. This paper also describes: 1) the chopper circuit using fast-switching reverse-conducting thyristors and series saturable reactors, 2) analysis of commutation circuit and methods of suppressing reapplied forward voltage increasing rate (dv/dt) and shortening commutation period, 3) the composition of the traction circuit including the protection system, such as protection for overvoltage at the regenerative braking, and 4) test results on the Chiyoda Line of Teito Rapid Transit Authority.  相似文献   
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