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网络教学作为一种新的辅助教学手段,是目前教学改革主要研究的方向之一。通过对网络教学平台的功能分析,探讨了在网络教学平台上进行教学资源的建设、交流互动教学活动的开展和虚拟实验室的建设,通过应用实践证明,充分利用网络教学平台的优势,能有效地提高课堂教学质量和效率,培养学生的学习能力、实践能力和创新能力。  相似文献   
随着信息化技术的加速发展,数字化校园建设势必导致服务器数量的不断增加,给管理带来了巨大挑战.本文研究了服务器虚拟化部署方案,并将江西财经大学选课系统的WEB应用从实体服务器迁移到虚拟机上,通过对虚拟机和实体机的性能监测对比分析,发现虚拟机具有很强的替代性和推广型,为今后基于虚拟机技术构建数字化校园服务平台提供了可参考的实践依据.  相似文献   
Registration of range scans is commonly required in many localization and mapping algorithms. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach called Polar-Cartesian Hybrid Transforms for pair-wise registration of range scans. The proposed algorithm iteratively establishes correspondences by searching the points with closest polar angles in the polar coordinate frame. An angular look-up table is constructed based on the properties of the laser range finder to accelerate the searching procedure. In order to speed up the convergence, we compute the difference of polar range of every matched point pair to select the most contributing correspondences. After the correspondences are determined, the transformation is computed in Cartesian coordinate frame using a point-to-line metric. Combining the advantages of the polar and Cartesian coordinate frames, both robustness and efficiency are greatly improved compared with an up-to-date ICP algorithm.  相似文献   
With the development of intelligent optical networks and the general multi-protocol label switching (GMPLS) technique, the seamless convergence between IP network and optical network is no longer be a dream but a practical reality. Similar to the Internet, current optical networks have been divided into multiple domains each of which has its own network provider and management policy. Therefore, the development of multi-domain optical networks will be the trend of new-generation intelligent optical networks, and GMPLS-based survivability for multi-domain optical networks will become a hot topic of research in the future. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the existing survivable schemes in multi-domain optical networks and analyzes the shortcomings of current research. Based on previous studies, we present possible challenges and propose new ideas to design efficient survivable schemes to guide the future work of researchers in multi-domain optical networks.  相似文献   
基于ASP.NET的水稻分子育种信息平台管理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为实现水稻生物学数据的共享、交流和利用,基于ASP.NET,结合国内外水稻分子育种研究的现状和需求,构建了水稻分子育种信息平台.系统平台设计了基因库、QTL库和Ontology等多个子库和模块,并针对生物学数据的特点,采用B/S架构,运用存储过程和分页技术等多重手段,实施了客户端和服务器端双重安全屏障.对系统的实现技术、实现方案和优化设计等进行了详细的讨论和阐述.  相似文献   
通过反例证明当决策表含不一致对象时,无法通过简化差别矩阵得到正确的核和约简.产生该问题的原因在于简化差别矩阵和简化决策表对不一致对象的处理均存在欠缺.提出新简化差别矩阵(NSDM)定义,通过利用新简化决策表把一致对象和不一致对象分开存放的特点修正了这两处缺陷.NSDM能够处理含多种不一致对象的决策表,并且能够得到正确的核和约简.利用前人的基于差别矩阵的求核和求约简算法分别以NSDM和简化差别矩阵为基础求核和约简,然后再利用核和约简的定义求核和约简,通过比较证明以NSDM为基础得到的核和约简是正确的.这说明NSDM可以有效地处理不一致对象并且通过NSDM能够得到正确的核和约简.这个实验同时验证了原有的以差别矩阵为基础的求核和求约简的算法不加改动就可以在新差别矩阵上使用.  相似文献   
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