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Toxic organic pollutants in the aquatic environment cause severe threats to both humans and the global environment. Thus, the development of robust strategies for detection and removal of these organic pollutants is essential. For this purpose, a multifunctional and recyclable membrane by intercalating gold nanoparticles and graphitic carbon nitride into graphene oxide (GNPs/g‐C3N4/GO) is fabricated. The membranes exhibit not only superior surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) activity attributed to high preconcentration ability to analytes through π–π and electrostatic interactions, but also excellent catalytic activity due to the enhanced electron–hole separation efficiency. These outstanding properties allow the membrane to be used for highly sensitive detection of rhodamine 6G with a limit of detection of 5.0 × 10?14m and self‐cleaning by photocatalytic degradation of the adsorbed analytes into inorganic small molecules, thus achieving recyclable SERS application. Furthermore, the excellent SERS activity of the membrane is demonstrated by detection of 4‐chlorophenol at less than nanomolar level and no significant SERS or catalytic activity loss was observed when reusability is tested. These results suggest that the GNPs/g‐C3N4/GO membrane provides a new strategy for eliminating traditional, single‐use SERS substrates, and expands practical SERS application to simultaneous detection and removal of environmental pollutants.  相似文献   
Memristive systems present a low-power alternative to silicon-based electronics for neuromorphic and in-memory computation. 2D materials have been increasingly explored for memristive applications due to their novel biomimetic functions, ultrathin geometry for ultimate scaling limits, and potential for fabricating large-area, flexible, and printed neuromorphic devices. While the switching mechanism in memristors based on single 2D nanosheets is similar to conventional oxide memristors, the switching mechanism in nanosheet composite films is complicated by the interplay of multiple physical processes and the inaccessibility of the active area in a two-terminal vertical geometry. Here, the authors report thermally activated memristors fabricated from percolating networks of diverse solution-processed 2D semiconductors including MoS2, ReS2, WS2, and InSe. The mechanisms underlying threshold switching and negative differential resistance are elucidated by designing large-area lateral memristors that allow the direct observation of filament and dendrite formation using in situ spatially resolved optical, chemical, and thermal analyses. The high switching ratios (up to 103) that are achieved at low fields (≈4 kV cm−1) are explained by thermally assisted electrical discharge that preferentially occurs at the sharp edges of 2D nanosheets. Overall, this work establishes percolating networks of solution-processed 2D semiconductors as a platform for neuromorphic architectures.  相似文献   
Nutritional research is currently entering the field of personalized nutrition, to a large extent driven by major technological breakthroughs in analytical sciences and biocomputing. An efficient launching of the personalized approach depends on the ability of researchers to comprehensively monitor and characterize interindividual variability in the activity of the human gastrointestinal tract. This information is currently not available in such a form. This review therefore aims at identifying and discussing published data, providing evidence on interindividual variability in the processing of the major nutrients, i.e., protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, along the gastrointestinal tract, including oral processing, intestinal digestion, and absorption. Although interindividual variability is not a primary endpoint of most studies identified, a significant number of publications provides a wealth of information on this topic for each category of nutrients. This knowledge remains fragmented, however, and understanding the clinical relevance of most of the interindividual responses to food ingestion described in this review remains unclear. In that regard, this review has identified a gap and sets the base for future research addressing the issue of the interindividual variability in the response of the human organism to the ingestion of foods.  相似文献   
Widespread use of coccidiostats, in spite of beneficial control of protozoan infections in poultry, implies a risk of residues in edible tissues, and there is increasing interest in the development of strategies for prevention of veterinary drugs residue in food-producing animals. The aim of this study is assigned to clarify the impact of silymarin addendum in the diet on lasalocid concentration in the liver and breast muscles from the broiler. Four groups of chickens received a feed with lasalocid at levels between 75 and 200 mg kg?1. Other four groups received a feed with lasalocid (75–200 mg kg?1) plus silymarin. Significant differences of lasalocid concentrations between the liver and breast muscles were observed. Moreover, the chickens from the groups supplemented with silymarin shown significant decreases of lasalocid concentrations in the analysed tissues. The herbal substance did not counteract the ionophore in the treatment of coccidiosis and did not change biochemical parameters of blood. These findings suggest that silymarin might be used in chicken feeding in order to reduce the risk from lasalocid contamination of the broiler edible tissues.  相似文献   
A mobile medical information system (MMIS) is an integrated application (app) of traditional hospital information systems (HIS) which comprise a picture archiving and communications system (PACS), laboratory information system (LIS), pharmaceutical management information system (PMIS), radiology information system (RIS), and nursing information system (NIS). A dynamic resource allocation table is critical for optimizing the performance to the mobile system, including the doctors, nurses, or other relevant health workers. We have designed a smart dynamic resource allocation model by using the C4.5 algorithm and cumulative distribution for optimizing the weight of resource allocated for the five major attributes in a cooperation communications system. Weka is used in this study. The class of concept is the performance of the app, optimal or suboptimal. Three generations of optimization of the weight in accordance with the optimizing rate are shown.  相似文献   
A review of literature about the effect of oil pockets on improvement of sliding elements tribological performance as well as about the changes of surface topography during “zero-wear” process is shown. The paper presents also the results of experimental investigations done in the Department of Manufacturing Processes and Production Organisation of Rzeszow University of Technology, connected with the creation of oil pockets on sliding surfaces. In order to simulate a deterministic surface a program for the visualisation of pits was written. The procedures for assessment of the oil pocket size of specific shape and oil pockets coverage are presented. The tendencies of changes of surface topography and oil pockets dimensions during “zero-wear” process are also described.  相似文献   
In the diffusion welding (DW) of difficult-to-deform materials (such as composites and intermetallics), the application of intermediate multilayer foils (MF), which have alternating layers of elements that form intermetallics, allows for production of a permanent joint under milder conditions. In this paper, the processes occurring in the joint zone (JZ) during DW of Al–5 wt.%Mg+27 wt.%Al2O3 composite material through the Al/Cu interlayer were studied. It was shown that, while heating of such a foil, phase transformations that are due to the reaction diffusion of elements, run in it. At MF heating under a continuously applied external load, the materials are plastically deformed. It is established that the intensity of foil plastic deformation at a specified load non-monotonically depends on temperature. It is shown that welding temperature is determined by the temperature at which MF can undergo superplastic flow under the impact of applied pressure. A mechanism of formation for a solid-phase joint of high-strength materials through interlayers based on the MF of intermetallic-forming elements is proposed.  相似文献   
The relativistic crystal field theory in case of the rare earth ion doped materials is presented. In order to calculate the values of crystal field splittings the effectively relativistic crystal field operators are applied. The matrix elements of these operators are evaluated in the non-relativistic LS scheme, whereas the radial integrals include one electron Dirac–Fock wavefunctions. The numerical results of the relativistic crystal field effects are presented for Ce3+ or Yb3+ ions in LuPO4, and they are compared with those obtained from the non-relativistic approach.  相似文献   
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