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The ease with which populations of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae can be synchronized using the mating pheromone α-factor has been invaluable for studies of the cell cycle. The α-factor response pathway has also remained an important model to study the molecular mechanism of G-protein coupled receptor signalling. α-Factor is a 13 amino acids long peptide that is readily available by automated peptide synthesis. However, only cells of the a mating type respond to α-factor. Cells of the opposite α mating type respond to a-factor, a farnesylated and C-terminally methylated 12 amino acids peptide. Because of its more difficult chemical synthesis, a-factor is not readily available and consequently the a-factor response is less well understood. Here we describe an improved strategy for producing a-factor, based on solid-phase peptide synthesis, followed by two simple steps in solution that show favourable characteristics and good yield. We demonstrate the successful use of the resulting a-factor to synchronize cell cycle progression of α cells. Notably, the a-factor concentrations required for cell synchronization are an order of magnitude lower than typically used α-factor concentrations. Despite a similar cell cycle response, shmoo formation was less pronounced compared to α-factor-treated a cells. Our protocol makes a-factor widely accessible, extending the ease of cell cycle synchronization to budding yeast cells of both mating types and facilitating the study of a-factor signalling.  相似文献   
This paper documents the development of an empirically-basedsystem implemented in Prolog that automatically resolves severalkinds of anaphora in Spanish texts. These are pronominalreferences, surface-count anaphora, one-anaphora and ellipticalzero-subject constructions (i.e., sentences that omit theirpronominal subject). The resolution is based onrepresentations resulting from either partial or full parsing. Thesystem developed can also work on the output of a POStagger or with different dictionaries, without changing thegrammar. This grammar represents the syntactic information of eachlanguage by means of the Slot Unification Grammar formalism. The different kinds of information used for anaphora resolution in full and partial parsing are shown, as wellas evaluation results. The system has been adapted toEnglish texts, obtaining encouraging results that prove that itcan be applied with only a very few refinements to other languagesas well as Spanish and English. In addition, the differencesbetween English and Spanish anaphora are noted.  相似文献   
A review of literature about the effect of oil pockets on improvement of sliding elements tribological performance as well as about the changes of surface topography during “zero-wear” process is shown. The paper presents also the results of experimental investigations done in the Department of Manufacturing Processes and Production Organisation of Rzeszow University of Technology, connected with the creation of oil pockets on sliding surfaces. In order to simulate a deterministic surface a program for the visualisation of pits was written. The procedures for assessment of the oil pocket size of specific shape and oil pockets coverage are presented. The tendencies of changes of surface topography and oil pockets dimensions during “zero-wear” process are also described.  相似文献   
Electrodeposited Ni/SiC composite coatings were obtained in a Watts-type bath. The effect of fine SiC particles on polarization curves of the cathodic reduction of nickel ions was discussed. The incorporation of the particles into the deposit with respect to current density and SiC concentration in the bath was tested. Cathodic current efficiencies were also calculated. Structure of as-plated and heat-treated Ni/SiC composites were examined by means of metallography observations as well as scanning and transmission electron microscopy methods. Two phase transformations in the temperatures range of 20-700 °C were found. For annealed samples, Ni2Si and Ni3Si2 phases were identified. Hardening of the Ni/SiC composites as a function of the particle content in the deposit and annealing temperature was determined by means of the microhardness testing method.  相似文献   
The relativistic crystal field theory in case of the rare earth ion doped materials is presented. In order to calculate the values of crystal field splittings the effectively relativistic crystal field operators are applied. The matrix elements of these operators are evaluated in the non-relativistic LS scheme, whereas the radial integrals include one electron Dirac–Fock wavefunctions. The numerical results of the relativistic crystal field effects are presented for Ce3+ or Yb3+ ions in LuPO4, and they are compared with those obtained from the non-relativistic approach.  相似文献   
Metal matrix composite coatings obtained by electrodeposition are one of the ways of improving the surfaces of materials to enhance their durability and properties required in different applications. This paper presents an analysis of the surface topography, microstructure and properties (residual stresses, microhardness, wear resistance) of Ni/Al2O3 nanocomposite coatings electrodeposited on steel substrates from modified Watt’s-type baths containing various concentrations of Al2O3 nanoparticles and a saccharin additive. The residual stresses measured in the Ni/Al2O3 coatings decreased with an increasing amount of the co-deposited ceramics. It was established that the addition of Al2O3 powder significantly improved the coatings’ microhardness. The wear mechanism changed from adhesive-abrasive to abrasive with a rising amount of Al2O3 particles and coating microhardness. Nanocomposite coatings also exhibited a lower coefficient of friction than that of a pure Ni-electrodeposited coating. The friction was found to depend on the surface roughness, and the smoother surfaces gave lower friction coefficients.  相似文献   
In the diffusion welding (DW) of difficult-to-deform materials (such as composites and intermetallics), the application of intermediate multilayer foils (MF), which have alternating layers of elements that form intermetallics, allows for production of a permanent joint under milder conditions. In this paper, the processes occurring in the joint zone (JZ) during DW of Al–5 wt.%Mg+27 wt.%Al2O3 composite material through the Al/Cu interlayer were studied. It was shown that, while heating of such a foil, phase transformations that are due to the reaction diffusion of elements, run in it. At MF heating under a continuously applied external load, the materials are plastically deformed. It is established that the intensity of foil plastic deformation at a specified load non-monotonically depends on temperature. It is shown that welding temperature is determined by the temperature at which MF can undergo superplastic flow under the impact of applied pressure. A mechanism of formation for a solid-phase joint of high-strength materials through interlayers based on the MF of intermetallic-forming elements is proposed.  相似文献   
The behaviours of several cationic polyelectrolytes (chitosan; polyquaternium-4; diethylaminoethyl dextran; polyquaternium-10, and aminoacrylmethacrylate copolymer, Eudragit® E100) at a polarised liquid/liquid interface are analysed and compared in the present paper. Based on the analysis of the voltammetric results, it was possible to determine some of the relationships between polymer structure and the tendency to adsorb at the interface. It was also possible to determine the substitution degree of a polymer comprising a chitosan main chain modified with glycidyltrimethylammonium chloride, and the values obtained are in agreement with those calculated using other methodologies. Finally, we report a comparative study concerning the effect of cationic (chitosan) and anionic (dextran sulphate) polyelectrolytes on the compactness of a phospholipid film.  相似文献   
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