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华风气象影视大楼总面积4万平方米,根据空间功能不同分为办公大楼和商务写字楼两部分,办公大楼是集演播室、制作机房、办公室为一体的九层综合性建筑。设计师杨宇在刚接触到这个项目的时候,面对的是一个既成事实的建筑。  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate two methods of assessing the productivity and quality impact of Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) and Fourth Generation Language (4GL) technologies: (1) by the retrospective method; and (2) the cross-sectional method. Both methods involve the use of questionnaire surveys. Developers' perceptions depend on the context in which they are expressed and this includes expectations about the effectiveness of a given software product. Consequently, it is generally not reliable to base inferences about the relative merits of CASE and 4GLs on a cross-sectional comparison of two separate samples of users. The retrospective method that requires each respondent to directly compare different products is shown to be more reliable. However, there may be scope to employ cross-sectional comparisons of the findings from different samples where both sets of respondents use the same reference point for their judgements, and where numerical rather than verbal rating scales are used to measure perceptions.  相似文献   
We present the theory and design of a tapered line distributed photodetector (TLDP). In the previously demonstrated velocity-matched distributed photodetector (VMDP), high electrical bandwidth is achieved by proper termination in the input end to absorb reverse traveling waves, sacrificing one-half of the quantum efficiency. By utilizing the tapered line structure and phase matching between optical waves and microwaves in our analyzed structure, a traveling-wave photodetector is more realizable and ultrahigh bandwidth can be attained due to removal of the extra input dummy load that sacrifices one-half of the total quantum efficiency. To investigate the advantages of TLDP over VMDP, we calculate their electrical bandwidth performances by using an analytic photodistributed current model. We adopted low-temperature-grown (LTG) GaAs-based metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) traveling-wave photodetectors as example unit active devices in the analytic bandwidth calculation for their high-speed and high-power performances. Both VMDP and TLDP in our simulation are assumed to be transferred onto glass substrates, which would achieve high microwave velocity/impedance and make radiation loss negligible. The simulated bandwidth of a properly designed LTG GaAs MSM TLDP is /spl sim/325 GHz, which is higher than the simulated bandwidth of the LTG GaAs MSM VMDP with an open-circuit input end (/spl sim/240 GHz) and is almost comparable to the simulated bandwidth of an input-terminated LTG GaAs MSM VMDP (/spl sim/330 GHz). This proposed method can be applied to the design of high-bandwidth distributed photodetectors for radio-frequency photonic systems and optoelectronic generation of high-power microwaves and millimeter waves.  相似文献   
This study empirically examined the organisational learning effects of the nonfinancial performance information provided by management accounting information systems (MAISs) under advanced manufacturing technology (AMT). In this study, a target costing system and the frequent and quick reporting of information were considered the facilitators of learning. First, we examined the relationships between AMT level and the amount of nonfinancial performance information produced by MAISs. The empirical results showed that there are significant positive relationships between the level of AMT and nonfinancial performance information. With a systems approach, we also proved the impact of the relationships among AMT levels, nonfinancial performance information and learning facilitators on the organisational performance of a firm. The results of our research suggest that under a high level of AMT, for the provision of information to result in an increase of performance through organisational learning, a target costing system must be introduced and a large amount of information should be provided frequently and quickly. The results of this study also showed that although AMT level may be low, fairly well-arranged facilitators and a moderately large amount of information may be necessary for the improvement of performance. In conclusion, effective organisational learning depends on the provision of relevant information as well as efficient learning support mechanisms.  相似文献   
Biodegradable multiblock poloxamers (BMPs) with gel duration of 8 h to several weeks were prepared by varying their molecular weights from 4000 to 40 000 g mol?1. The molecular weight of the BMP was controlled by changing the poloxamer to coupling agent ratio. Assuming a micelle packing model of the BMP gel, as in the case of a poloxamer gel, the micelle properties and critical gel concentration of BMPs were investigated on the basis of the scaling concept. The findings suggest that the control of molecular weight by hydrolyzable groups can be a facile approach to optimize the gel properties for biomedical applications. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Temperature and pH‐responsive interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) hydrogels, constructed with poly(methacrylic acid) (PMAA) and poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), by a sequential IPN method, were studied. The characterization of IPN hydrogels was investigated by Fourier‐transform infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and swelling under various conditions. The IPN hydrogels exhibited relatively high swelling ratios, in the range 230–380 %, at 25 °C. The swelling ratios of the PMAA/PVA IPN hydrogels were pH and temperature dependent. DSC was used for the quantitative determination of the amounts of freezing and non‐freezing water. The amount of free water increased with increasing PMAA content in the IPN hydrogels. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Hydrate formation rate plays an important role in making hydrates for the storage and transport of natural gas. Micellar surfactant solutions were found to increase gas hydrate formation rate and storage capacity. With the presence of surfactant, hydrate could form quickly in a quiescent system and the energy costs of hydrate formation reduced. Surfactants (an anionic surfactant, a non‐ionic surfactant and their mixtures) and liquid hydrocarbons (cyclopentane and methylcyclohexane) were used to improve hydrate formation. The experiments of hydrate formation were carried out in the pressure range 3.69–6.82 MPa and the temperature range 274.05–277.55 K. The experimental pressures were kept constant during hydrate formation in each experimental run. The effect of anionic surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)) on natural gas storage in hydrates is more pronounced compared to a non‐ionic surfactant (dodecyl polysaccharide glycoside (DPG)). The induction time of hydrate formation was reduced with the presence of cyclopentane (CP). Cyclopentane and methylcyclohexane (MCH) could increase hydrate formation rate, but reduced hydrate storage capacity The higher methylcyclohexane concentration, the lower the hydrate storage capacity. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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