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To survey the hygienic quality and freshness of fresh fish and shellfish, 533 specimens of fish and shellfish were collected from fishing piers, traditional markets and supermarkets (including warehouses) in northern Taiwan during the winter (January-February) and summer (July-August) seasons for hygienic quality and freshness examinations. The indicators included total bacterial count, fecal coliform, Escherichia coli, volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) and K value judged from ATP-related compounds. It was found that the hygienic quality and freshness of fish and shellfish decreased in summer, especially for clam and mussel. The ratio of unacceptable hygienic quality or freshness of fish and shellfish was the highest in fecal coliform, followed by E. coli and others. The fecal coliform count in products from the traditional markets was the highest, followed by those from supermarkets and fishing piers. Secondary contamination seems to be the most important problem for hygienic quality and freshness of fish and shellfish.  相似文献   
区分气载放射性碘的选择性吸附剂吸附性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了用于区分三种气载放射性碘的选择性吸附剂的吸附性能。由3层高效玻璃纤维滤纸、3cm 厚5%CdI_2浸渍的6201型惰性担体和两段3cm 厚5%TEDA 浸渍的椰壳活性炭组成的取样器,可以选择性区分气溶胶态、气态单质和甲基碘态的放射性碘。  相似文献   
Brazzein is an attractive sweetener candidate because of its sugar-like taste, high sweetness, and good stability at high temperature and wide pH range. This study was aimed to express and purify bioactive recombinant brazzein (rBrazzein). The rBrazzein gene was synthesized according to the preferred codons of Bacillus subtilis and successfully expressed in Escherichia coli and Bacillus licheniformis. In E. coli host, lower induction temperature of 30°C increased soluble rBrazzein (Ebrazzein) at high level. In B. licheniformis host, two signal peptides (Sec type and Tat type) were evaluated for the expression of rBarzzein in B. subtilis and B. licheniformis. However, only the Sec-type signal peptide guided the secretion expression of rBrazzein in B. licheniformis. The rBrazzein was expressed steadily and the highest yield reached about 57 mg/L at 36 h by small-scale fermentation. The purification procedure of rBrazzein by B. licheniformis (Bbrazzein) was thus established. Approximately 5 mg/L purified rBrazzein was obtained and the purity was 85%. The conformational state of rBrazzeins was confirmed by circular dichroism. The bioactivities of rBrazzeins were evaluated by sweet taste testing. The Bbrazzein and Ebrazzein were 266 times and 400 times sweeter than sucrose on a weight basis, respectively. The formation of disulfide bonds were both confirmed by LC/MS/MS and MALDI-TOF. The CD analysis indicated that Ebrazzein has a similar secondary structure with natural brazzein, which explained why Ebrazzein had a higher intensity of sweetness. This study demonstrated that B. licheniformis system is useful to produce active recombinant brazzein, and has potential food industry applications.  相似文献   
基于Deform 3D的高速车削加工仿真研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
基于有限元分析软件Deform 3D对高速车削加工进行仿真研究,通过实例分析了车削过程中切屑的形成过程,切削力大小、切削温度及应力应变的分布情况。该仿真结果对车削工艺效果的预测和优化具有现实的指导意义。  相似文献   
The kinetics of phase‐transfer catalyzed etherification of sodium phenoxide with ethyl 2‐bromoisobutyrate to produce ethyl 2‐phenoxyisobutyrate in a solid–liquid system has been investigated. Being catalyzed by the quaternary ‘onium salts, the reaction was carried out in a stirred batch reactor to explore the effects of various operating variables. At a temperature of 80 °C and a molar ratio of tetra‐n‐butylammonium bromide to sodium phenoxide equal to 0.372, 94% conversion was obtained after 4 h, and no other side products were observed. A kinetic model of pseudo‐first‐order reaction accompanied by catalyst deactivation was proposed to describe the overall reaction. A deactivation function was employed to evaluate the kinetic parameters. The decay of catalytic activity was mainly caused by the deposition of the salts produced on the surface of solid particles. The results show that the initial reaction rate was not influenced by the agitation rate when exceeding 350 rpm, but the deactivation rate increased with increasing stirring speed and the amount of catalyst used. The intrinsic organic reaction was conducted by the phase‐transfer catalytic intermediate. The order of reactivity for different phase‐transfer catalysts was determined as tetra‐n‐butylphosphonium bromide > tetra‐n‐butylammonium bromide > tetra‐n‐butylammonium iodide ≈ tetra‐n‐butylammonium hydrogen sulfate ≈ Aliquat 336. The apparent activation energy for tetra‐n‐butylammonium bromide was estimated as 51.4 kJ mol−1. This work provides an improved method for synthesizing phenolic substances in solid–liquid phases and preventing unfavorable side reactions. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Polycarbonate (PC) nanofibers are prepared using the air blowing‐assisted electrospinning process. The effects of air blowing pressure and PC solution concentration on the physical properties of fibers and the filtration performance of the nanofiber web are investigated. The air blowing‐assisted electrospinning process produces fewer beads and smaller nanofiber diameters compared with those obtained without air blowing. Uniform PC nanofibers with an average fiber diameter of about 0.170 μm are obtained using an applied voltage of 40 kV, an air blowing pressure of 0.3 MPa, a PC solution concentration of 16%, and a tip‐to‐collection‐screen distance (TCD) of 25 cm. The filtration efficiency improvement of the air blowing‐assisted electrospun web can be attributed to the narrow distribution of fiber diameter and small mean flow pore size of the electrospun web. Performance results show that the air blowing‐assisted electrospinning process can be applied to produce PC nanofiber mats with high‐quality filtration. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2011  相似文献   
A series of sol‐gel derived organic–inorganic hybrid materials consisting of organic poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and inorganic titania (TiO2) were successfully synthesized by using 2‐hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) as coupling agent. In this work, HEMA is first copolymerized with methyl methacrylate monomer at specific feeding ratios by using benzoyl peroxide (BPO) as initiator. Subsequently, the as‐prepared copolymer (i.e., sol‐gel precursor) is then cohydrolyzed with various contents of titanium butoxide to afford chemical bondings to the forming titania networks to give a series of hybrid materials. Transparent organic–inorganic hybrid materials with different contents of titania are always achieved. Effects of the material composition on the thermal stability, optical properties, and morphology of neat copolymer and a series of hybrid materials, in the form of both coating and free‐standing film, are also studied by differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis, UV–Vis transmission spectra, refractometer, and atomic force microscopy, respectively. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 94: 400–405, 2004  相似文献   
The pit propagation behavior of copper (UNS C11000) was investigated from an electrochemical perspective using the artificial pit method. Pit growth was studied systematically in a range of HCO3, SO42− and Cl containing-waters at various concentrations. Pit propagation was mediated by the nature of the corrosion products formed both inside and over the pit mouth (i.e., cap). Certain water chemistry concentrations such as those high in sulfate were found to promote fast pitting that could be sustained over long times at a fixed applied potential but gradually stifled in all but the lowest concentration solutions. In contrast, Cl containing waters without sulfate ions resulted in slower pit growth and eventual repassivation. These observations were interpreted through understanding of the identity, amount and porosity of corrosion products formed inside and over pits. These factors controlled their resistive nature as characterized using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. A finite element model (FEM) was developed which included copper oxidation kinetics, transport by migration and diffusion, Cu(I) and Cu(II) solid corrosion product formation and porosity governed by equilibrium thermodynamics and a saturation index, as well as pit current and depth of penetration. The findings of the modeling were in good agreement with artificial pit experiments. Malachite, bronchantite, cuprite, nantokite and atacamite corrosion products were both observed in experiment and predicted by the model. Stifling and/or repassivation occurred when the resistance of the corrosion product layer became high enough to lower the pit bottom potential and pit current density such as 10-5 A/cm2 could be attained with thick and dense layer. The ramifications of these findings towards pit propagation characteristics in potable waters will be discussed with improved insight into the roles of Cl and SO42− ions.  相似文献   
Ha H  Payer J 《Electrochimica acta》2011,(7):2781-2791
The precipitation and growth of AgCl on silver in physiological NaCl solution were investigated. AgCl was found to form at bottom of scratches on the surface which may be the less effective sites for diffusion or the favorable sites for heterogeneous nucleation. Patches of silver chloride expanded laterally on the substrate until a continuous film formed. The ionic transport path through this newly formed continuous film was via spaces between AgCl patches. As the film grew, the spaces between AgCl patches closed and ion transport was primarily via micro-channels running through AgCl patches. The decrease of AgCl layer conductivity during film growth were attributed to the clogging of micro-channels or decrease in charge carrier concentration inside the micro-channels. Under thin AgCl layer, i.e. on the order of a micrometer, the dissolution of silver substrate was under mixed activation-Ohmic control. Under thick AgCl layer, i.e. on the order of tens of micrometers, the dissolution of silver substrate was mediated by the Ohmic resistance of AgCl layer.  相似文献   
The Mode I interlaminar fracture behavior of woven carbon fiber/epoxy composite laminates incorporating partially cured carbon nanotube/epoxy composite films has been investigated. Laminates with films containing carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in the as‐received state and functionalized with polyamidoamine were evaluated, as well as laminates with neat epoxy films. Double‐cantilever beam (DCB) specimens were used to measure GIc, the critical strain energy release rate (fracture toughness) versus crack length. Post‐fracture microscopic inspection of the fracture surfaces was performed. Results show that initial fracture toughness was improved with the amino‐functionalized CNT/epoxy interleaf films, but the important factor appears to be the polyamidoamine functionalization, not the CNTs. The initial fracture toughness remained relatively unaffected with the incorporation of neat epoxy and as‐received CNT/epoxy interleaf films. Plateau fracture toughness was unchanged with the use of functionalized CNT/epoxy interleaf films, and was reduced with the use of neat epoxy and as‐received CNT/epoxy interleaf films. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2011  相似文献   
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