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The turbulent passive scalar fluxes were studied by separately considering the contributions of small-eddy motions and large-eddy ones.Explicit algebraic approximation was achieved for both small-eddy and large-eddy scalar fluxes.Especially, the large-eddy scalar flux was modelled with complex diffusivity.The singular difficulties in usual algebraic scalar models, do not occur any more in this model.In addition, this new model provides a new way to reasonably describe the negative transport phenomena appearing in asymmetric turbulent flows.  相似文献   
The increasing proportion of distributed photovoltaics(DPVs) and electric vehicle charging stations in low-voltage distribution networks(LVDNs) has resulted in challenges such as distribution transformer overloads and voltage violations.To address these problems, we propose a coordinated planning method for flexible interconnections and energy storage systems(ESSs) to improve the accommodation capacity of DPVs. First, the power-transfer characteristics of flexible interconnection and ESSs are analyzed. The equipment costs of the voltage source converters(VSCs) and ESSs are also analyzed comprehensively, considering the differences in installation and maintenance costs for different installation locations. Second, a bilevel programming model is established to minimize the annual comprehensive cost and yearly total PV curtailment capacity. Within this framework, the upper-level model optimizes the installation locations and capacities of the VSCs and ESSs, whereas the lower-level model optimizes the operating power of the VSCs and ESSs. The proposed model is solved using a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm with an elite strategy(NSGA-II). The effectiveness of the proposed planning method is validated through an actual LVDN scenario, which demonstrates its advantages in enhancing PV accommodation capacity. In addition, the economic benefits of various planning schemes with different flexible interconnection topologies and different PV grid-connected forms are quantitatively analyzed, demonstrating the adaptability of the proposed coordinated planning method.  相似文献   
对球面渐开线斜齿锥齿轮齿面生成原理进行了分析;根据齿面生成过程中基圆锥相切平面上的发生线在基圆锥上纯滚动生成的基本原理,提出了一种齿面铣削加工新方法,该方法以圆盘铣刀刀刃端面圆与基平面相垂直相交得到的结交线为齿面发生线,利用齿面生成的相对运动关系实现刀具与工件的相对运动;通过对齿面的展成运动进行分析,建立了机床刀具与工件的加工运动过程模型,通过机床三轴联动的方式实现对齿面的切削;设计了斜齿锥齿轮切削试验的装置,通过切齿试验验证了该方法的正确性和可行性。  相似文献   
陆畅  陈奇  侯庆伟  唐查强 《机械传动》2022,46(8):172-176
为了解决乏油工况下的齿轮润滑问题,探究使用油气润滑的齿轮传动效果和最佳油气参数。通过设计5水平正交试验,分析了在不同转速、负载工况下,供油量、供气量和喷嘴高度对齿轮传动平台润滑效果的影响程度和齿面温度,进而获得最佳的水平设置和油气参数最优解,并与传统浸油润滑效果进行了对比试验。结果表明,供气量对油气润滑效果影响最大且存在最佳供气量;供油量影响次之;适当增加供油量有利于润滑,但超过一定数值后润滑效果提升有限;喷嘴高度影响最小,其数值存在最佳值,为保安全可将喷嘴适当远离啮合区放置。油气润滑降温效果好,其传动效率在相同载荷工况下优于浸油润滑。本文的研究可对油气润滑在齿轮传动中的应用提供技术指导。  相似文献   
基于人体颈椎牵引康复机理以及颈椎部位精密易受损的特点,提出一种3自由度2-UPR/RPS颈椎牵引康复机构;对该机构进行了误差分析与补偿,以避免颈椎遭受二次损伤。首先,基于封闭矢量法对其误差建模,并根据全局误差灵敏度确定了11个重要误差;然后,根据给定的误差范围,分析了当z=600mm、z=650mm时动平台的全局位姿误差以及局部误差;最后,基于粒子群算法,得出4组误差补偿的最优解,并通过Matlab以及Adams软件对其进行了联合实验仿真分析。结果表明,该机构误差补偿效果明显,其全局位姿误差、垂直牵引局部误差分别降低了59.14%、89.47%,可有效保障患者颈椎的安全。  相似文献   
为了减小齿轮啮合冲击,研究了齿轮修形三要素确立方法和探讨了修形曲线优化方式。建立渐开线标准齿轮三维啮合模型,进行有限元接触分析,将啮合线方向综合弹性变形作为修形量,再对比短、长修形方式下齿面接触应力分析结果,发现短修形具有更好的修形效果。并针对二次曲线和正弦曲线下齿轮修形结果的各自优缺点,将两者组合成新的优化曲线对齿轮修形,分析该设计方案的仿真效果和特点,研究表明,该种修形方式消除了齿轮啮入和啮出冲击时的应力突变现象,为渐开线齿轮提供了新的修形曲线。  相似文献   
建立了考虑时变啮合刚度和齿侧间隙的行星轮系非线性平移扭转耦合动力学模型,分析了误差及误差相位角分布在单个或多个构件上时系统的动态均载特性变化情况。结果表明,中心构件的安装和偏心误差以及行星轮的偏心误差使均载系数周期变化;行星轮的安装误差使啮合副出现持续的偏载,且其误差相位角沿切向分布时系统的不均载现象最严重;行星轮的误差对均载系数影响最大,应尽量避免误差分布在行星轮上;误差作用在相邻行星轮上时,均载性能比作用在不相邻的行星轮或单个行星轮上好;各行星轮的误差和相位角分别相等时,其对均载系数的影响可大大降低。  相似文献   
Lu MA 《等离子体科学和技术》2018,20(10):105503-105503
In this paper, the effect of dielectric-barrier discharge plasma excitation characteristics on turbulent boundary layer separation over a hump is investigated using computational fluid dynamics. Four different turbulence models were used for verification. The Reynolds stress model showed the best agreement with the experimental data, in general. Based on the verification and validation, the effect of duty cycle and excitation frequency on the turbulent flow separation were investigated. The results showed that the pulsed plasma excitation could effectively suppress the flow separation by mixing augmentation. With increasing duty cycle and excitation frequency, the flow separation first increased, then decreased again. The optimal duty cycle was 0.75 and the optimal excitation frequency was 50 Hz.  相似文献   
心血管疾病已成为人类健康  相似文献   
全局光照的计算是真实感绘制的重要部分,基于点的全局光照算法(PBGI)是一种高效的全局光照计算方法,虽然该方法绘制质量有偏,但以其快速高效、无噪声而被广泛地应用于影视动漫行业.文中总结了PBGI相关工作,并将其分为更复杂的绘制效果、基于点的绘制优化、基于众核的加速优化和PBGI存储优化4类方法进行对比分析;进一步地,从绘制速度、绘制质量、算法并行度、绘制场景规模和算法实验难度5个方面对上述4类PBGI方法进行对比分析;最后指出该方法目前面临的问题和挑战,为后期的研究提供思路.  相似文献   
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