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超高速开关磁阻电动机设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
开关磁阻电机结构简单坚固,转子上无永磁体和绕组,特别适合超高速运行。针对超高速电机的运行特点,对超高速开关磁阻电机的多物理场一体化设计方法进行探讨,研制了一台6/2结构超高速开关磁阻样机,样机最高转速为130 000 r/min,功率为1 kW。为提高样机的起动转矩,改进了样机的转子结构,并基于有限元法对样机的电磁性能和动力学性能进行优化。采用自主开发的具有角度控制功能的开关磁阻电机专用集成电路SR3P10K07A作为控制系统的控制核心。最后对样机进行了实验,实验结果表明本文采用的设计方法、转子结构和专用芯片是可行和有效的。  相似文献   
The multilayer thin-film systems of Cu/Ti/Si and Au/Cu/Al2O3 were diffusion-soldered at temperatures between 250°C and 400°C by inserting a Sn thin-film interlayer. Experimental results showed that a double layer of intermetallic compounds (IMCs) η-(Cu0.99Au0.01)6Sn5/δ-(Au0.87Cu0.13)Sn was formed at the interface. Kinetics analyses revealed that the growth of intermetallics was diffusion-controlled. The activation energies as calculated from Arrhenius plots of the growth rate constants for (Cu0.99Au0.01)6Sn5 and (Au0.87Cu0.13)Sn are 16.9 kJ/mol and 53.7 kJ/mol, respectively. Finally, a satisfactory tensile strength of 132 kg/cm2 could be attained under the bonding condition of 300°C for 20 min.  相似文献   
林萍  韩闯 《微电子学》2003,33(2):124-126
文章从粒子碰撞噪声检测(PIND)试验的原理入手,着重阐述了影构PIND试验的因素和提高PIND试验可靠性的途径。通过对PIND试验的波形分析来提高PIND试验的可靠性,使试验数据更客观、准确,以此来保证和提高产品质量。  相似文献   
根据小波变换用于图像消噪的原理,结合微光图像噪声的闪烁颗粒性特点,对小波变换用于微光图像消噪时的小波基及小波分解层次的选取进行了分析,得出采用Haar小波进行一层分解即可满足微光图像消噪要求的结论。为了选取小波消噪的系数阈值,通过对三幅微光图像小波系数的直方图分析,设计了阈值选取算法,并针对微光图像,得出了消噪的经验阈值。经过仿真实验及算法复杂度的时间分析,在实时性和微光图像消噪效果之间取得了平衡。  相似文献   
提出了一种改进型螺旋微带谐振单元(SCMRC)的结构.该改进型螺旋微带谐振单元具有微带并联开路线,在低频通带内通过设计达到50Ω的端口阻抗.同时,并联的微带开路线在SCMRC结构的禁带中谐振,来实现更强的慢波效应和更宽的禁带.实际设计、制作和测试了该改进型螺旋微带谐振单元,该滤波器在低频通带内具有低插入损耗、改善的回波损耗,以及在较小面积下的宽禁带.  相似文献   
Active queue management (AQM) is proposed to enhance end-to-end congestion control through purposefully dropping packets in the intermediate nodes. In this letter, a novel packet dropping mechanism is developed through designing a binary controller applying the robust control theory. The new mechanism can simplify the manipulation on the AQM router so as to be helpful for implementing the high performance router. The numerical simulation results show that the binary controller can satisfy with the technical requirements for AQM  相似文献   
李彤  屈金标  岳杰  李闯 《通信技术》2012,45(1):84-86,89
针对目前对CAN总线网络测试手段仅仅采用专用总线接口芯片采用监听方式获知总线完好的数据帧,车载总线因畸变、干扰等造成的错误、异常数据帧都被专用总线协议芯片过滤掉,没办法对总线物理层的传输波形进行测试,总线上出现故障节点无法定位故障节点等问题,这里提出了车载CAN总线在环测试技术,设计了在环测试实验方案,并利用测试节点仿真设备验证了该技术在故障定位方面的可行性。  相似文献   
Analysis of a liquid crystal Fabry-Perot etalon filter: a novel model   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The authors propose a novel analysis method to investigate the characteristics of an electrically tunable liquid-crystal Fabry-Perot interferometer (LC-FPI). Based on the solution of deformation analysis of the liquid crystal in an electric field and the assumption of small refractive index variation in the Fabry-Perot cavity, the voltage-dependent equivalent refractive index of the cavity has been derived. Tuning behaviors of the LC-FPI filter were simulated by means of the dependence. The calculated result and the experimental measured data agree well with each other.  相似文献   
本文设计了一种基于BP神经网络的人脸识别系统,并对其进行了性能分析.该系统首先利用离散小波变换获取包含人脸图像大部分原始信息的低频分量,对图像数据进行降维;再由PCA算法对人脸图像进行主成分特征提取,进一步降低图像数据的处理量;最后使用经过训练后的BP神经网络对待测人脸进行分类识别.详细介绍了离散小波变换、PCA特征提取以及BP神经网络分类设计.通过系统仿真实验与分析发现:人脸特征的提取是该系统的关键;同时,由于人脸灰度信息的统计特征与有监督训练BP神经网络分类器,使该系统只在固定类别,并且光照均匀的人脸识别应用场景中具有较高的识别准确率.因此,很难在复杂环境中应用.  相似文献   
The tensile strengths of bulk solders and joint couples of Sn-3.5Ag-0.5Cu, Sn-3.5Ag-0.07Ni, and Sn-3.5Ag-0.5Cu-0.07Ni-0.01Ge solders and the shear strengths of ball grid array (BGA) specimens, solder-ball-attached Cu/Ni/Au metallized substrates were investigated. The tensile strength of the bulk is degraded by thermal aging. The Ni-containing solder exhibits lower tensile strength than Sn-3.5Ag-0.5Cu after thermal aging. However, the Ni-containing solder joints show greater tensile strength than the Cu/Sn-3.5Ag-0.5Cu/Cu joint. Fracture of the solder joint occurs between the intermetallic compound (IMC) and the solder. The shear strength and fracture mechanism of BGA specimens are the same regardless of solder composition.  相似文献   
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