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Based on the Winkler model, a mechanic model was established with formulas derived concerned with the deformations before and after a roof breakage at places in front of and at the back of the working face. In accordance with the theory for rock beam breakage, the beam breaking position in front of the working face is specified. In addition, the formulas were developed for the velocity of the subsidence at observatory point A in front of the working face when the coal wall serves as the coordinate center and the advance distance at time t as the dynamic coordinate. In the application of the above-mentioned achievements to the practice of Xieqiao Mine and the mines of the Eastern Panji Company of Huainan Mining(Group) Co. Ltd., the results concerned with the velocity with which the roof stratum tends to subside before and after breakage as derived from the mechanic model are well compatible to the results based on in-situ observations and measurements.  相似文献   
颜拥军  孟冶成  王喜宗 《同位素》2010,23(2):102-106
本工作以MATLAB软件仿真的方式,探索用软件方法实现延迟符合法分辨氡同位素;并改变延迟时间和开门时间寻找较好的分辨效果。结果显示,该方法可降低测量成本,延迟时间调整方便,并可用于低水平活度氡同位素测量。  相似文献   
文中提出了一种三维药柱燃面退移计算近似算法,并用UG软件的二次开发功能执行此算法,达到了快速准确的获得药柱肉厚-燃面曲线的目的。UG二次开发通过MFC和UGAPI函数交叉使用实现,MFC制作对话框界面,UGAPI函数执行燃面退移算法。最后以某型号发动机装药为例,运用此方法和传统方法对比,验证了该方法的正确性和高效性。  相似文献   
通过热动力学分析、理论计算和实验,确定在碱性条件下用NaClO作氧化剂,Na2S和FeSO4作还原剂处理混合电镀废水的工艺流程,并通过计算和实验确定了Na2S与FeSO4的最佳药剂比:Na2S为80%~90%,FeSO4为10%~20%.Na2S+FeSO4比单独使用FeSO4少产生60%~70%的污泥.该工艺在实际工程运行过程中效果良好.  相似文献   
Based on ranging intersection theory, a new method which is simple and easy to operate was proposed for data collection in the mine surface deformation monitoring with GPS-RTK centering rod measurements. It can fully eliminate the inevitable shaking error and the vertical deflection, and to some extent weaken the multipath effect on the estimates of coordinates in a relatively short period of time, using high-frequency observations. The results show that three-dimensional coordinates with a height accuracy better than 1 cm, horizontal accuracy better than 2-4 cm can be achieved through only 15-30 s continuous observation by 20 Hz high-frequency and effectively improve the measurement accuracy and efficiency of RTK, fully satisfying the high-speed and high-precision data acquisition in mine surface subsidence deformation monitoring.  相似文献   
粉煤灰基矿物聚合物的强度影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过实验研究了粉煤灰基矿物聚合物的水胶比、胶砂比、养护制度、水玻璃模数、碱性激发剂中NaOH的百分含量等因素对强度的影响,找出了最佳配合比及养护制度,并对其原因进行了机理分析.结果表明粉煤灰基矿物聚合物的最佳配合比及养护制度为:水胶比为0.4,胶砂比为1∶ 3,碱性激发剂中的NaOH含量为20%~24%,水玻璃的模数为1.4时抗压强度最高达到48.4 MPa;高温养护前,试块在室温条件下静置24 h有利于强度的发展;高温养护的时间并非越长强度越高,65 ℃高温养护最佳时间为48 h,48 h以后强度增长缓慢.  相似文献   
A modeling and control approach for an advanced configured large civil aircraft with aeroservoelasticity via the LQG method and control allocation is presented.Mathematical models and implementation issues for the multi-input/multi-output(MIMO) aeroservoelastic system simulation developed for a flexible wing with multi control surfaces are described.A fuzzy logic based optimization approach is employed to solve the constrained control allocation problem via intelligently adjusting the components of output v...  相似文献   
Drying of sewage sludge is an effective way for treatment and utilization of sewage sludge,where reduction of energy consumption is one of the major technical challenges.So we experimentally investigated the possibility of the hydrothermal treatment.We have found that treatment of sewage sludge by saturated steam with the temperature of 190°C and pressure of 20 bar can dramatically improve the dehydration performance of the slurry like product.And the water content can be reduced down to about 55% by a mech...  相似文献   
分析了电力施工企业在境外承包工程中存在的问题,介绍了HSE管理应遵循的原则,并在此基础上探讨了解决这些问题的对策。  相似文献   
用循环伏安(CV)、恒电流充放电(GC)、扫描电镜(SEM)以及傅里叶红外光谱(FT-IR)方法研究了添加剂碳酸亚乙烯酯(VC)对锂离子电池负极界面膜性质及电池循环性能的影响。研究表明,在首次充电过程中VC参与了SEI膜的形成,形成的膜主要成分为Li2CO3以及VC的还原聚合物。充放电实验结果表明电解液中加入少量VC能显著提高电池的初始放电容量,电池的循环稳定性也有所提高。  相似文献   
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