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The adhesion of Staphylococcus aureus was studied using a selection of laboratory-prepared and commercially available coated glass substrates using a simple methodology. Substrates were examined by scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and water droplet contact angles. It was found that microbial adhesion was independent of surface roughness, when this was of a lower magnitude than microbial size. It was also found that microbial adhesion was greater for hydrophilic surfaces than for hydrophobic ones, but that on a photoinduced superhydrophilic surface, microbes were more spread out—a potential benefit for more effective photocatalytic disinfection. It is suggested that hydrophobic and photoinduced superhydrophilic surface coatings both have potential as a means of reducing microbial fouling of surfaces.  相似文献   
In our search for efficient Luminescent Solar Concentrators (LSC) we have prepared polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) films incorporated by ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) complex of europium and co-doped with silver nanoparticles (NPs). Steady state fluorescence was studied under weak and strong excitation. Dynamical study was performed by second harmonic of Nd laser. Under weak excitation the fluorescence of europium co-doped with silver plasmons increased by a factor of three and excited by continuous laser by a factor of 50. The lifetimes of films doped by the complex were 755 μs and co-doped with silver nanoparticles 946 μs. This is the first finding that the photon density accumulates the number of plasmons interacting with electronic states of europium increasing its transition probability resulting in the strong intensification of fluorescence. In dynamical measurements of lifetimes a single pulse does not provide enough energy to create such number of plasmons.  相似文献   
We introduce and investigate a natural extension of Dung's well-known model of argument systems in which attacks are associated with a weight, indicating the relative strength of the attack. A key concept in our framework is the notion of an inconsistency budget, which characterises how much inconsistency we are prepared to tolerate: given an inconsistency budget β, we would be prepared to disregard attacks up to a total weight of β. The key advantage of this approach is that it permits a much finer grained level of analysis of argument systems than unweighted systems, and gives useful solutions when conventional (unweighted) argument systems have none. We begin by reviewing Dung's abstract argument systems, and motivating weights on attacks (as opposed to the alternative possibility, which is to attach weights to arguments). We then present the framework of weighted argument systems. We investigate solutions for weighted argument systems and the complexity of computing such solutions, focussing in particular on weighted variations of grounded extensions. Finally, we relate our work to the most relevant examples of argumentation frameworks that incorporate strengths.  相似文献   
We report our experience with a system that utilizes changes in several biophysical characteristics of cardiac tissue to determine lesion formation and to estimate lesion size both on and off-line in vitro during radio frequency (RF) energy delivery. We analyzed the reactive and resistive components of tissue impedance and tracked the change of phase angle during RF ablation. We correlated the amount of tissue damage with these and other biophysical parameters and compared them with off-line analysis. We found that there are irreversible changes in the reactive and resistive components of impedance that occurred during tissue ablation. The irreversible changes of these components are greater in magnitude, and correlate better with the size of lesions than that of impedance alone that is currently used. Numerically, the best single on-line and off-line correlation for combined perpendicular and parallel electrode orientation was with phase angle. On-line and off-line capacitance and susceptance correlations were essentially similar suggesting that they may be useful as lesion size predictors, given these parameter's persistent change without temperature sensitivity. This study indicates that it is technically feasible to assess lesion formation using biophysical parameters.  相似文献   
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