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Friction-stir processing (FSP) of twin-roll cast (TRC) Al-Mg-Sc alloy resulted into ultrafine-grained microstructure. The alloy was processed in as-received and aged (563 K [290 °C], 22 hours) conditions and at three different tool rotation rates: 800, 400, and 325 rpm. The microstructural features were characterized using electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The grain size varied from 0.89 μm to 0.39 μm depending on the processing and initial thermo-mechanical conditions of the alloy. The TRC alloy processed at 325 rpm in aged condition had all the grains less than 1 μm, and 95 pct of grains had high-angle grain boundaries (HAGBs). In all the cases, the fraction of HAGBs were more than 80 pct. The variation of misorientation angle distribution was similar to the theoretical MacKenzie distribution for cubic crystal materials. Grain size analysis at different sections and locations on the transverse section of the dynamically recrystallized zone showed a homogeneous and equiaxed microstructure. The average dispersoid (Al3(Sc,Zr)) size was ~8.0 nm in diameter obtained using high-resolution TEM. Grain size reduction was observed with increase in Zener–Hollomon parameter. It was shown that under the current microstructural and deformation conditions, dynamic recrystallization via particle-stimulated nucleation might not be possible during FSP.  相似文献   
City logistics is a discipline specialized to cope with the sustainability problems encountered in urban freight transport. A key characteristic of it is the heterogeneity of the stakeholders involved. Besides the traditional logistics actors such as shippers, carriers and receivers that share consistent interests (i.e. price and quality), city logistics highly respect the interests of public administrators and citizens that care more about the social welfare. To reach an optimal balance between private and public benefit, it is necessary to understand and in turn forecast the behavior pattern of different groups. In recent years, agent-based modeling has been practiced as an unconventional tool to fulfill this task for its strong capability on capturing the dynamic behavior of individual stakeholders and their interconnections. Referring to other domains (e.g. energy system) where the application of agent-based modeling is relatively mature, a following urgency is to achieve interoperability and in turn reusability between models via introducing formal ontology as a shared template with which developers can standardize their models. This paper introduces an initiative of developing an ontology that formalizes the domain knowledge of city logistics.  相似文献   
The genetic algorithm (GA) is adapted and used to obtain optimal temperature histories for methyl methacrylate polymerizations. The reaction time is minimized, while simultaneously requiring the attainment of design values of the final monomer conversion and number average chain length. The technique is robust, and gives near-global optimal solutions. As such, it can easily be used for on-line optimizing control of free radical polymerization reactors in which the reaction is associated with the Trommsdorff effect. The results obtained from GA can be improved further if these are provided as initial guesses to a computer code using the Pontryagin minimum principle with the first order control vector iteration method. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
A model-predictive software sensor was developed for on-line estimation of monomer conversion and average molecular weight during bulk polymerization of systems exhibiting a gel effect. The viscosity and temperature of the reaction mass are the measured secondary variables, which when used with the model allow the state of the system to be estimated. The viscometer-reactor assembly was modified so as to measure the viscosity of the reaction mass during bulk polymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) at temperatures higher than those reported in our earlier work (Mankar, R. B.; Saraf, D. N.; Gupta, S. K. Ind Eng Chem Res 1998, 37, 2436).The viscosity data were curve-fitted using the modified Martin equation. Optimal temperature histories were then computed off-line, using a genetic algorithm, and implemented on the viscometer-reactor assembly in which the bulk MMA polymerization was carried out. The fact that the model tuned with the data obtained under the isothermal reactor operation can be used to predict the viscosity for nonisothermal (optimal or otherwise) reactor conditions without further tuning establishes the efficacy of the software sensor. This study can now be extended to investigate, experimentally, the on-line optimizing control of bulk MMA polymerizations. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 73: 2309–2326, 1999  相似文献   
Based on an adhesive and fabric screening program, a rubber-modified resole adhesive and a flexible grade plain weave glass fabric were found appropriate for the fabrication of a glass-reinforced plastics honeycomb core material. Sandwich structures of different densities were fabricated. A linear regression analysis was performed to correlate the mechanical properties (S) with the density (p) for a wide range of sandwich structures based on honeycomb and cellular plastic core materials. An analytical model of the form S = Kρn was derived, with two empirical constants K and n. The density exponent n was between 1 ≤ n ≤ 2 in all cases. An equation was also derived to relate density with thermal conductivity. The dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) results revealed that the glass transition temperature of the resin matrix associated with the sandwich structure was higher than that of the corresponding facing laminate or near resin casting.  相似文献   
A method is reported that involves the bulk polymerization of styrene monomer in the presence of multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and polystyrene (PS) beads, for the preparation of MWCNT/PS conducting composites with a significantly lower (0.08 wt.% MWCNT) percolation threshold than previously reported. Thus, the conductivities of 7.62 × 10−5 and 1.48 × 10−3 S cm−1 were achieved in the MWCNT/PS composites through homogeneous dispersion of 0.08 and 0.26 wt.% CNTs, respectively in the in situ polymerized PS region by using 70 wt.% PS beads during the polymerization. The extent of dispersion and location of the MWCNTs in the PS matrix has been investigated with a scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The conductivity of the composites was increased with increasing wt.% of the PS beads at a constant CNT loading, indicating the formation of a more continuous network structure of the CNTs in PS matrix.  相似文献   
A wavelength-switching method for tuning a self-injection-seeded Ti3+:sapphire laser that uses an electro-optic beam deflection technique is reported. A LiNbO3 prism was employed in a tuning arm of the dual-cavity Ti3+:sapphire laser, and wavelength tuning of approximately 94 pm was attained by altering the deflection angle with the application of an electric field of 10 kV/cm to the prism. The spectral characteristics of the output laser were mainly determined by the diffraction grating in the dual-cavity laser, and the electro-optic prism just behaved as a light-beam deflector for the wavelength tuning purpose. This configuration can allow a simple tuning approach where fast and stable electronic wavelength switching is required in a narrow tuning range, on an order between a few tens of picometers to nanometers, without involving any mechanical movement.  相似文献   
Recently we have reported structural transformation features of SnO(2) upon initial charging using a configuration that leads to the sequential lithiation of SnO(2) nanowire from one end to the other (Huang et al. Science2010, 330, 1515). A key question to be addressed is the lithiation behavior of the nanowire when it is fully soaked into the electrolyte (Chiang Science2010, 330, 1485). This Letter documents the structural characteristics of SnO(2) upon initial charging based on a battery assembled with a single nanowire anode, which is fully soaked (immersed) into an ionic liquid based electrolyte using in situ transmission electron microscopy. It has been observed that following the initial charging the nanowire retained a wire shape, although highly distorted. The originally straight wire is characterized by a zigzag structure following the phase transformation, indicating that during the phase transformation of SnO(2) + Li ? Li(x)Sn + Li(y)O, the nanowire was subjected to severe deformation, as similarly observed for the case when the SnO(2) was charged sequentially from one end to the other. Transmission electron microscopy imaging revealed that the Li(x)Sn phase possesses a spherical morphology and is embedded into the amorphous Li(y)O matrix, indicating a simultaneous partitioning and coarsening of Li(x)Sn through Sn and Li diffusion in the amorphous matrix accompanied the phase transformation. The presently observed composite configuration gives detailed information on the structural change and how this change takes place on nanometer scale.  相似文献   
Accident analysis involves the use of both quantitative and qualitative data in decision-making. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the synthesis of relevant quantitative and qualitative evidence for accident analysis and for planning a large and diverse portfolio of highway investment projects. The proposed analysis and visualization techniques along with traditional mathematical modeling serve as an aid to planners, engineers, and the public in comparing the benefits of current and proposed improvement projects. The analysis uses data on crash rates, average daily traffic, cost estimates from highway agency databases, and project portfolios for regions and localities. It also utilizes up to two motivations out of seven that are outlined in the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21). Three case studies demonstrate the risk-based approach to accident analysis for short- and long-range transportation plans. The approach is adaptable to other topics in accident analysis and prevention that involve the use of quantitative and qualitative evidence, risk analysis, and multi-criteria decision-making for project portfolio selection.  相似文献   
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