The results of studying the structure and electromagnetic properties of powder construction steels of the ZhGr type with different
temper (0.03, 0.45, and 0.95 wt %) and porosity (8, 12, and 18%) after deformation by rolling to the degree of strain ɛ =
30% and a step of 0.5–6.0% are presented. The data of microstructure studies that indicate anisotropy of the structural elements
in the direction of rolling are presented, and typical types of pores are identified and described. The porosity value of
steels with any composition is halved when the strain is about 30%; here, the maximal magnetization monotonically increases
because the volumetric portion of pores decreases. 相似文献
The results of research and development in the field of monitoring and control of oxygen content (thermodynamic activity) in heavy liquid metal coolants (Pb, Pb–Bi) are presented. The properties of lead and eutectics 44.5% Pb–55.5% Bi defining the specific features of their application as coolants in nuclear power plants are considered. Data on oxygen solubility in lead and lead–bismuth melts and the empirical dependences for calculation of the kinetic characteristics of lead oxide dissolution are given. Methods and devices for monitoring and control of the oxygen content (thermodynamic activity) in heavy coolants are considered. 相似文献
A two-dimensional mathematical model of a short high-current vacuum-arc discharge is developed, according to which magnetized electrons move in a hydrodynamic regime and fast cathode ions propagate in a free flight regime in a two-dimensional electric field. The proposed model takes into account the distribution of ions with respect to their escape angles from the cathode plasma boundary. A method for calculation of the plasma density distribution in the interelectrode gap is proposed. Two-dimensional distributions of the plasma density, electric field, and discharge current density in an external magnetic field are calculated. It is shown that ion trajectories exhibit mutual intersections, partly return to the cathode, and partly rotate in the oppositely oriented electric field at the side boundary of plasma. A decrease in the applied magnetic field intensity leads to a decrease in the number of ion trajectories reaching the anode (ion starvation), which can result in the violation of a stationary current transfer. 相似文献
The problems of a slow Newtonian-fluid flow in channels formed by coaxial cones with or without a common apex are solved.
Convenient relations for calculating the drop in pressure and velocity are obtained.
Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 71, No. 6, pp. 1092–1098, November–December, 1998. 相似文献
We report polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)-based hybrid membranes composed of salt of lignin sulfonic acid (LSA) and tetraethyl orthosilicate. The concentration of LSA with respect to PVA varied from 10% to 40%. The hybrid membranes showed water uptake (WU) in the range of 122–210%, ion exchange capacities in the range of 0.32–0.75 mmol g?1, dialysis coefficient (UOH) from 0.0068 to 0.0119 m h?1, and selectivity (S) from 15 to 26. The hybrid membranes also showed thermal and mechanical stability. 相似文献
The effect of alloying elements Mn, Cr, and Si on the magnetic hysteresis properties of cementite and model steels with a carbon concentration of 0.6 wt % has been studied. It has been shown that alloying with carbide-forming elements (Mn, Cr) reduces the coercive force and the Curie temperature of cementite. Measurements of the temperature dependences of the coercive force of the model steels with carbon content of 0.6 wt % alloyed with manganese, chromium, or silicon have been performed in the temperature range of ?196 to +300°C. It has been established that the local maximum of the coercive force of these steels in this temperature range coincides with the Curie point of the precipitates of the carbide phases. Based on an analysis of the temperature dependences of the coercive force, the content of the alloying element in the precipitates of cementite of steels tempered at different temperatures has been estimated. It has been shown that the character of the dependence of the coercive force of alloy steels on the temperature of tempering in the temperature range of 250–700°C is mainly determined by the coercivity and by the kinetics of the formation of cementite precipitates. 相似文献
Lactose crystallization may occur during spray drying, depending on the operating conditions for drying, and this work reviews previous and new evidence for the effects of different additives or plasticizers on retarding or accelerating the rate of crystallization. The effects of different operating conditions during spray drying are also considered in the experimental work reviewed and performed here, which was mainly carried out with Buchi B-290 laboratory-scale spray dryers (Buchi, Flawil, Switzerland), although some work on pilot-scale equipment is also discussed. The additives used and reviewed in this article include milk proteins, such as casein and whey protein isolate, polyethylene glycol, and ascorbic acid. The key physical properties, such as glass transition temperature and drying characteristics of the material, are discussed, allowing degrees of amorphicity in spray-dried lactose to be controlled over a wide range, from close to 0% to nearly 100%. 相似文献
Cellulose microfibers were modified with two different bi‐functional monomers. Composites of EVA copolymer with modified and unmodified cellulose were prepared by melt mixing. The samples were analyzed by SEM, XRD, FT‐IR, DSC, TGA, DMTA and tensile mechanical tests. SEM showed that the presence of reactive groups on cellulose surface enhanced the compatibility, improving the fiber/matrix interfacial adhesion. FT‐IR disclosed the occurrence of chemical reactions between the functionalized cellulose and polymer chains. The incorporation of fibers affected the crystallization behaviour and crystallinity of the polymer matrix. Composites with GMA modified cellulose displayed better compatibility, higher thermal and mechanical properties.
Heavy alloy parts from W-8%Ni-2%Cu powder mix were fabricated by MIM using a feedstock with 50 vol.% binder. The binder was removed by solvent de-binding followed by thermal de-binding. Sintering of the heavy alloy brown parts was investigated by employing various thermoanalytical techniques such as DIL, TGA and DTA up to 1460 °C. During sintering, the evolved gases were analyzed in a mass spectrometer which was coupled to the dilatometer. Thermal analysis helps to understand the sintering process regarding phase transformation, melting of alloy matrix and chemical reactions. From these thermoanalytical measurements, a kinetic analysis was made. High sintered density (> 99%) and fine-grained homogeneous microstructures were achieved by rate controlled sintering as confirmed by metallographic analysis. 相似文献