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In the past 50 years, the electronic and communication industries have grown exponentially, which has caused major concerns about electromagnetic (EM) pollution. In recent years, more thrust has been given to development of polymer composites to lessen electromagnetic interference (EMI) pollution. In the present work, porous polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) composite foams based on cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) are produced through the ammonium bicarbonate template approach. The resulting foams possess increased EMI shielding effectiveness via the absorption-dominated mechanism due to the fact that PDMS foam functions as a three-dimensional (3D) network, rGO offers the requisite conductive channel, and CoFe2O4 produces the necessary magnetic loss. The total EMI shielding effectiveness (SE) of PDMS/rGO composite foams without CoFe2O4 is 24 dB, however, with different weight percentages of CoFe2O4 added (3%, 6%, and 9%), the EMI SE increases to 41 dB for 3 mm thickness. The heat insulation performance of the material is also studied, and the measured thermal conductivity is 0.0391 Wm−1 K−1, which is very low value. The attributes of the composite foam underscore its excellent thermal insulation performance and its capacity for EMI shielding, rendering it highly suitable for diverse applications across various fields.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown the worldwide presence of six congeners of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in marine biota (BDE-28, -47, -99, -100, -153 and -154). The objective of the present study was to document their presence, their level and their transfer in the food web of two major estuaries in France, the Loire and the Seine. PBDEs were quantified in eight principal species from the Loire, representing primary consumers (the bivalve Scrobicularia plana), omnivores (the worm Nereis diversicolor, the shrimps Crangon crangon, Palaemon elegans and Palaemon serratus, the flatfish Platichthys flesus and Solea solea) and supercarnivores (the eel Anguilla anguilla). In the Seine, only worms, bivalves, sole and eels have been studied. Parameters, which can interfere with the interpretation of contamination data (organ distribution, influence of weight or size of specimens, lipid richness, intrinsic variability), have been examined. BDE-47 was the predominant congener in all biota. Higher contamination was observed in most of the species collected from the Seine, in agreement with the higher human presence and economic activity in the Seine than in the Loire basin. PBDEs have been shown to biomagnify in both of the studied estuarine food webs. However, assessment of PBDE transfer from seafood products exposed to contaminants in the Seine estuary showed that human daily intake is far below the no observed adverse effect levels.  相似文献   
This paper defines stock transfer organisations and argues that they have a pivotal role in accessing funding for the social and economic regeneration of their communities. It places housing and regeneration policy within the changing policy context of ‘new localism’, which, at least rhetorically, emphasises improvement in public services, multi-level governance structures and devolution of decision making. For stock transfer housing organisations this means an increasing need to engage in a wide range of partnerships and policy forums. Bourdieu's notion of habitus, i.e. social, economic and cultural capital, is used to explore the possible reasons for the differential approach of stock transfer organisations to regeneration and the variable success at engaging in a wide range of regeneration activity and attracting additional resources.  相似文献   
Acute liver injury (ALI) is a severe disorder resulting from excessive hepatocyte cell death, and frequently caused by acetaminophen intoxication. Clinical management of ALI progression is hampered by the dearth of blood biomarkers available. In this study, a bioinformatics workflow was developed to screen omics databases and identify potential biomarkers for hepatocyte cell death. Then, discovery proteomics was harnessed to select from among these candidates those that were specifically detected in the blood of acetaminophen-induced ALI patients. Among these candidates, the isoenzyme alcohol dehydrogenase 1B (ADH1B) was massively leaked into the blood. To evaluate ADH1B, we developed a targeted proteomics assay and quantified ADH1B in serum samples collected at different times from 17 patients admitted for acetaminophen-induced ALI. Serum ADH1B concentrations increased markedly during the acute phase of the disease, and dropped to undetectable levels during recovery. In contrast to alanine aminotransferase activity, the rapid drop in circulating ADH1B concentrations was followed by an improvement in the international normalized ratio (INR) within 10–48 h, and was associated with favorable outcomes. In conclusion, the combination of omics data exploration and proteomics revealed ADH1B as a new blood biomarker candidate that could be useful for the monitoring of acetaminophen-induced ALI.  相似文献   
The Na/K-ATPase is the specific receptor for cardiotonic steroids (CTS) such as ouabain and digoxin. At pharmacological concentrations used in the treatment of cardiac conditions, CTS inhibit the ion-pumping function of Na/K-ATPase. At much lower concentrations, in the range of those reported for endogenous CTS in the blood, they stimulate hypertrophic growth of cultured cardiac myocytes through initiation of a Na/K-ATPase-mediated and reactive oxygen species (ROS)-dependent signaling. To examine a possible effect of endogenous concentrations of CTS on cardiac structure and function in vivo, we compared mice expressing the naturally resistant Na/K-ATPase α1 and age-matched mice genetically engineered to express a mutated Na/K-ATPase α1 with high affinity for CTS. In this model, total cardiac Na/K-ATPase activity, α1, α2, and β1 protein content remained unchanged, and the cardiac Na/K-ATPase dose–response curve to ouabain shifted to the left as expected. In males aged 3–6 months, increased α1 sensitivity to CTS resulted in a significant increase in cardiac carbonylated protein content, suggesting that ROS production was elevated. A moderate but significant increase of about 15% of the heart-weight-to-tibia-length ratio accompanied by an increase in the myocyte cross-sectional area was detected. Echocardiographic analyses did not reveal any change in cardiac function, and there was no fibrosis or re-expression of the fetal gene program. RNA sequencing analysis indicated that pathways related to energy metabolism were upregulated, while those related to extracellular matrix organization were downregulated. Consistent with a functional role of the latter, an angiotensin-II challenge that triggered fibrosis in the α1r/rα2s/s mouse failed to do so in the α1s/sα2s/s. Taken together, these results are indicative of a link between circulating CTS, Na/K-ATPase α1, ROS, and physiological cardiac hypertrophy in mice under baseline laboratory conditions.  相似文献   
Mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells represent a distinct T cell population restricted by the MHC-class-I-related molecule, MR1, which recognizes microbial-derived vitamin B2 (riboflavin) metabolites. Their abundance in humans, together with their ability to promptly produce distinct cytokines including interferon γ (IFNγ) and tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα), are consistent with regulatory functions in innate as well as adaptive immunity. Here, we tested whether the alarmin interleukin 33 (IL-33), which is secreted following inflammation or cell damage, could activate human MAIT cells. We found that MAIT cells stimulated with IL-33 produced high levels of IFNγ, TNFα and Granzyme B (GrzB). The action of IL-33 required IL-12 but was independent of T cell receptor (TCR) cross-linking. MAIT cells expressed the IL-33 receptor ST2 (suppression of tumorigenicity 2) and upregulated Tbet (T-box expressed in T cells) in response to IL-12 or IL-33. Electronically sorted MAIT cells also upregulated the expression of CCL3 (Chemokine C-C motif ligand 3), CD40L (CD40 Ligand), CSF-1 (Colony Stimulating Factor 1), LTA (Lymphotoxin-alpha) and IL-2RA (IL-2 receptor alpha chain) mRNAs in response to IL-33 plus IL-12. In conclusion, IL-33 combined with IL-12 can directly target MAIT cells to induce their activation and cytokine production. This novel mechanism of IL-33 activation provides insight into the mode of action by which human MAIT cells can promote inflammatory responses in a TCR-independent manner.  相似文献   
Fungal species of genus Sepedonium are rich sources of diverse secondary metabolites (e.g., alkaloids, peptaibols), which exhibit variable biological activities. Herein, two new peptaibols, named ampullosporin F (1) and ampullosporin G (2), together with five known compounds, ampullosporin A (3), peptaibolin (4), chrysosporide (5), c(Trp-Ser) (6) and c(Trp-Ala) (7), have been isolated from the culture of Sepedonium ampullosporum Damon strain KSH534. The structures of 1 and 2 were elucidated based on ESI-HRMSn experiments and intense 1D and 2D NMR analyses. The sequence of ampullosporin F (1) was determined to be Ac-Trp1-Ala2-Aib3-Aib4-Leu5-Aib6-Gln7-Aib8-Aib9-Aib10-GluOMe11-Leu12-Aib13-Gln14-Leuol15, while ampullosporin G (2) differs from 1 by exchanging the position of Gln7 with GluOMe11. Furthermore, the total synthesis of 1 and 2 was carried out on solid-phase to confirm the absolute configuration of all chiral amino acids as L. In addition, ampullosporin F (1) and G (2) showed significant antifungal activity against B. cinerea and P. infestans, but were inactive against S. tritici. Cell viability assays using human prostate (PC-3) and colorectal (HT-29) cancer cells confirmed potent anticancer activities of 1 and 2. Furthermore, a molecular docking study was performed in silico as an attempt to explain the structure-activity correlation of the characteristic ampullosporins (1–3).  相似文献   
In this paper, we define solutions for hybrid systems with prespecified hybrid inputs. Unlike previous work where solutions and inputs are assumed to be defined on the same domain a priori, we consider the case where intervals of flow and jump times of the input are not necessarily synchronized with those of the state trajectory. This happens in particular when the input is the output of another hybrid system, for instance, in the context of observer design or reference tracking. The proposed approach relies on reparametrizing the jumps of the input in order to write it on a common domain. The solutions then consist of a pair made of the state trajectory and the reparametrized input. Our definition generalizes the notions of solutions of continuous‐time and discrete‐time systems with inputs. We provide an algorithm that automatically performs the construction of solutions for a given hybrid input. In the context of hybrid interconnections, we show how the solutions of the individual systems can be linked to the solutions of a closed‐loop system. Example illustrate the notions and the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   
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