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The sticking effect between hydrophilic surfaces occurring at increasing relative humidity (RH) is an everyday phenomenon with uncountable implications. Here experimental evidence is presented for a counterintuitive monotonous decrease of the capillary adhesion forces between hydrophilic surfaces with increasing RH for the whole humidity range. It is shown that this unexpected result is related to the actual shape of the asperity at the nanometer scale: a model based on macroscopic thermodynamics predicts this decrease in the adhesion force for a sharp object ending in an almost flat nanometer-sized apex, in full agreement with experiments. This anomalous decrease is due to the fact that a significant growth of the liquid meniscus formed at the contact region with increasing humidity is hindered for this geometry. These results are relevant in the analysis of the dynamical behavior of nanomenisci. They could also have an outstanding value in technological applications, since the undesirable sticking effect between surfaces occurring at increasing RH could be avoided by controlling the shape of the surface asperities at the nanometric scale.  相似文献   
Honey legislation has been addressed to establish the minimum marketing level of the product and the need for consumer protection through correct denominations. Research oriented toward assessment of floral origin and physicochemical properties may increase the commercial value of these products. The characteristics of thirty‐one honeys produced in the Entre‐Douro e Minho region in Portugal were studied. Pollen features and some physicochemical parameters (moisture, ash, pH, free acidity, electrical conductivity, hydroxymethylfurfural contain, apparent sucrose, reducing sugars and diastase activity) were determined. The samples were found to meet international honey specifications. The present study found a linear regression between the ash content of honeys and their specific conductivity. Five samples are listed as Eucalyptus honey, one sample as Citrus honey, and twenty‐five samples as multifloral honeys. Of the total, 87.1% exceeded the quality parameters and should be labelled as ‘virgin’ honey.  相似文献   
Ethylene is a plant hormone controlling a wide range of physiological processes in plants. During postharvest storage of fruit and vegetables ethylene can induce negative effects including senescence, over-ripening, accelerated quality loss, increased fruit pathogen susceptibility, and physiological disorders, among others. Apart from the endogenous ethylene production by plant tissues, external sources of ethylene (e.g. engine exhausts, pollutants, plant, and fungi metabolism) occur along the food chain, in packages, storage chambers, during transportation, and in domestic refrigerators. Thus, it is a great goal in postharvest to avoid ethylene action. This review focuses on tools which may be used to inhibit ethylene biosynthesis/action or to remove ethylene surrounding commodities in order to avoid its detrimental effects on fruit and vegetable quality. As inhibitors of ethylene biosynthesis and action, good results have been found with polyamines and 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) in terms of maintenance of fruit and vegetable quality and extension of postharvest shelf-life. As ethylene scavengers, the best results can be achieved by adsorbers combined with catalysts, either chemical or biological (biofilters).  相似文献   
The effect of including distilled rosemary leaf in the diet of pregnant ewes on subsequent lamb meat quality was studied. Thirty-six Segureña ewes were randomly assigned to three homogeneous groups. One group was fed a basal diet (BD) as control while the diet of the other two groups was modified by substituting 10% (R1) and 20% (R2) of the BD with a pellet made from 50% barley and 50% of distilled rosemary leaves (DRL). Meat spoilage (TVC, PSY and MYC), TBARS, CIELab coordinates and the sensory characteristics contribution of fresh lamb meat packed in MAP (70% O2:30% CO2) were analyzed on days 0, 7, 14 and 21. In general, R1 and R2 had higher a* values, better scores for meat and fat colour (P < 0.05) and lower TBARS and rancid odour (P < 0.05), than the control samples. The total viable count was lower in meat DRL. No statistically significant differences were detected between the two treatments (10–20% DRL).  相似文献   
The aim of this research was to evaluate changes in the phenolic compounds, isoflavones and antioxidant activity of soymilk following in vitro gastrointestinal digestion (including dialysis). Gastric digestion significantly influenced the release of bioactive substances from the soymilk matrix, increasing the concentration of total phenolic components (35% as the sum of individuals and 14% by Folin–Ciocalteu [F–C] method), total isoflavone content (22%) and total antioxidant activity (76%). The concentration of all those compounds was reduced significantly in the duodenal fraction in comparison to gastric digestion and their lowest concentration was observed in the dialysed fraction, where phenolic acids were not detected. The bioaccessibility of soymilk phenolic compounds was 15% as the sum of individuals and 20% by F–C assay; isoflavones 36% and constituents with antioxidant activity 27%. Results suggest that most of these compounds were sufficiently available to be absorbed and could contribute health benefits.  相似文献   
This study provides innovative information on the influence of new technologies of ageing (stainless steel tanks with wood staves or wood tablets of chestnut or Limousin oak), in comparison with traditional technology (oak wooden barrels), on the extraction/oxidation kinetics of low molecular weight compounds of wine brandy. The brandy was sampled and analysed by HPLC during the first year of ageing. The results show that most of the compounds tend to increase over the time, but their extraction/oxidation kinetics depend on the ageing technology. The wooden barrels promote greater enrichment in the majority of the compounds. However, gallic acid, ellagic acid and syringaldehyde, and vanillin and 5-methylfurfural, which are strong antioxidants and key-odourant compounds, respectively, present higher contents in the brandy aged with the alternative technologies. Chestnut proves to be a suitable alternative to Limousin oak for the ageing of brandy in all the studied technologies, inducing faster evolution and high quality.  相似文献   
Juices prepared from arils of ‘Mollar’ pomegranates were analysed for naturally occurring microorganisms, CIE Lab colour parameters, total phenols, anthocyanins and punicalagins, ellagic acid content and antioxidant capacity before and after low-, mild- and high-temperature pasteurisations (LTPs, MTPs and HTPs): 65, 80 and 90 °C for 30 or 60 s. Mean aerobic plate count (APC), yeast and mold count (YMC), and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) for fresh juices were 5.7, 5.36 and 4.0 log CFU/mL, respectively. MTPs and HTPs were sufficiently effective to decrease APCs to nil or negligible levels. An increase in CIE a values and decrease in CIE b values were the characteristic colour changes in heat-treated juices. The effect of pasteurisations showed that total phenols, punicalagins and ellagic acid were not much affected by thermal processing. Total anthocyanin content and antioxidant capacity were substantially and significantly influenced by the heat treatment applied. A linear relationship was observed between Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) values and total anthocyanins, suggesting that they contributed strongly to the antioxidant capacity of pomegranate juice.  相似文献   
The present research focused on the biogenic amines (BAs) formation in skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) throughout the whole canning process. In agreement with its wide employment on this species, on‐board brine immersion freezing (BIF) was tested as post‐mortem processing. The study included fish samples corresponding to different stages of the canning process such as frozen, thawed, cooked and canned; after cooking, two kinds of tuna muscles were considered, that is, whole fillets (main product) and grated muscle (off‐product arising from small pieces). For the BAs (tryptamine, putrescine, cadaverine, histamine, spermidine and spermine) assessment, an HPLC‐DAD method was developed and validated in skipjack tuna samples, in agreement with different parameters such as suitability, linearity, limits of detection and quantification, precision, accuracy and robustness. Tuna submitted on‐board to BIF procedure provided low levels of spermine and spermidine (up to 27.6 mg kg?1), while contents on the remaining BAs maintained below the limit of detection. Throughout the different stages of the canning process, skipjack tuna showed a low formation of most BAs; interestingly, histamine content was found below 10.6 mg kg?1 level. The highest values were obtained for spermidine, these related to cooked grated tuna (from 22.6 to 66.7 mg kg?1) and canned grated tuna (from 70.6 to 104.4 mg kg?1). Values for pH assessment in all kinds of tuna samples corroborated the results obtained for BAs determination. BIF procedure proved to be an amenable post‐mortem processing to guarantee the quality of canned skipjack tuna.  相似文献   
The presence of pathogens such as Escherichia coli O157:H7 (EC) represents risks to public health and to economy of Brazilian beef industry. In this context, the application of lactic acid (LA) is an efficient practice employed to reduce bacterial count without compromising consumer safety. Our aim was to verify the inhibitory effect of LA application combined with aging and different packaging on EC and its effects on beef color. The LA effect on EC counts was concentration dependent during aging and storage, with T2 (10% of LA added) demonstrating greater (p < .05) reductions than T1 (5% of LA added). Aging did not affect (p > .05) EC counts, however reduced (p < .05) the total aerobic mesophilic bacteria. LA application promoted a decrease on beef redness (p > .05) after application and during storage. LA treatment (T2) promoted a reduction in E. coli O157:H7, despite the effects on beef color.

Practical applications

The present data evidence a breakthrough in lactic acid (LA) researches once evaluate the inhibitory effect of aging, LA concentration and package on Escherichia coli O157:H7 and the influence of these technologies in beef color. Moreover, the data presented allow clarifying the meat industry about the potential use of LA preservation on beef.  相似文献   
High planting density has been used to increase coffee production but there are few studies related to the variations it provokes in metabolite compositions. The use of 1H NMR data associated with chemometric techniques allows the determination of metabolic fingerprints and verification of metabolic changes when coffee is subjected to high planting densities. The aim of this work is to investigate 1H NMR spectral data of green bean extracts of Coffea arabica cv. IAPAR 59 grown in a square pattern at two planting densities, 6000 and 10,000 plants ha?1. Thirty extracts were obtained using a simplex centroid design with four solvents (ethanol, acetone, dichloromethane, and hexane). The lyophilized extracts were dissolved in DMSO-d6 to obtain the 1H NMR spectra. The spectral data were analyzed with principal component (PCA) and cluster analyses (CA). Significant differences between ethanolic and non-ethanolic extracts were found by PCA. Only the ethanolic mean spectrum showed characteristic chemical shifts of sugars and trigonelline. Acetone extracts were separated by cluster analysis.  相似文献   
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