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The short contact time dissolution of vitrinite and inertinite concentrates of an Australian bituminous coal was studied under isothermal conditions with tetralin as solvent. The reactivity of the two maceral types and the yields and nature of the products were determined for a range of reaction temperatures (400, 420 and 440 °C) and reaction times (2–20 min). The dissolution of vitrinite proceeded at a significantly greater rate than for inertinite and was associated with greater selectivity to soluble non-gaseous products. At very short reaction times (2 min), the vitrinite underwent solubilizing reactions to yield products of higher molecular weight and greater oxygen functionality than was the case for inertinite, for which changes in the chemical nature of the products were negligible over the range of conditions studied. At longer reaction times (5 min), the composition of the vitrinite-derived products was similar to that of the inertinite-derived products.  相似文献   
Calcium is the most important in-situ catalyst for gasification of US coal chars in O2, CO2 and H2O. It is a poor catalyst for gasification of chars by H2. Potassium and sodium added to low-rank coals by ion exchange and high-rank coals by impregnation are excellent catalysts for char gasification in O2, CO2 and H2O. Carbon monoxide inhibits catalysis of the CH2O reaction by calcium, potassium and sodium; H2 inhibits catalysis by calcium. Thus injection of synthesis gas into the gasifier will inhibit the CH2O reaction. Iron is not an important catalyst for the gasification of chars in O2, CO2 and H2O, because it is invariably in the oxidized state. Carbon monoxide disproportionates to deposit carbon from a dry synthesis gas mixture (3 vol H2 + 1 vol CO) over potassium-, sodium- and iron-loaded lignite char and a raw bituminous coal char, high in pyrite, at 1123 K and 0.1 MPa pressure. The carbon is highly reactive, with the injection of 2.7 kPa H2O to the synthesis gas resulting in net carbon gasification. The effect of traces of sulphur in the gas stream on catalysis of gasification or carbon-forming reactions by calcium, potassium, or sodium is not well understood at present. Traces of sulphur do, however, inhibit catalysis by iron.  相似文献   
The fatty acid selectivity of several commercial lipases was evaluated in the hydrolysis of high-erucic acid rapeseed oil (HEARO). The lipase ofPseudomonas cepacia catalyzed virtually complete hydrolysis of the oil (94–97%), while that ofGeotrichum candidum discriminated strongly against erucic acid, especially in esterification. A two-step process is suggested for obtaining a highly enriched erucic acid in which theG. candidum lipase is employed to selectively esterify the fatty acid residues of unsaturated C-18, and shorter chain acids, from a mixture of HEARO fatty acids obtained from total hydrolysis of the oil withP. cepacia lipase.  相似文献   
Glass fiber reinforced PVC has several distinctive and useful properties. Its tensile strength can be twice that of unreinforced PVC. Excellent coupling of the glass fibers to the PVC matrix is required for good retention of tensile strength when exposed to warm water, Its modulus can be twice that of unreinforced PVC and equal to that of wood. PVC's high load carrying capability is not significantly increased to higher temperatures by adding glass fibers as judged by its 264 psi heat deflection temperature. However, by changing the polymeric matrix, glass reinforced vinyl with an increased HDT of 86°C has been produced for higher use temperature. The coefficient of linear thermal expansion of PVC can be cut in half by the addition of glass fibers and has a coefficient equal to that of aluminum. Glass fiber reinforced PVC has exceptionally good resistance to crack propagation and resists shattering as judged by sawing, punching, stapling, and hammering. When properly formulated for weathering resistance, glass fiber reinforced PVC has good color retention, impact retention, and outstanding dimensional stability. As for all glass fiber reinforced plastics, processing equipment must be built for high abrasion resistance for long economical manufacturing runs.  相似文献   
The case of an irreversible first order catalytic reaction is considered in a transport-line reactor, via a model which assumes plug flow of both the solid and gas phases, to investigate reactor performance as a function of major operating variables. Under certain fluid mechanical assumptions, a detailed study is made of the effect of catalyst particle size on reactor conversion.  相似文献   
Thermal diffusivity and conductivity values for several Al2O3-SiC whisker composites were determined. The thermal diffusivity values spanned the range from 373 to 1473 K, and thermal conductivity data wre obtained between 305 and 365 K. The thermal diffusivity decreased with increasing temperature and increased with SiC-whisker content. An estimate of the thermal conductivity of the whiskers was obtained from the direct thermal conductivity measurements, but attempts to derive whisker conductivity values from the thermal diffusivity data were not successful because the laser flash method lacks the required accuracy and precision. Specimens were subjected to two different thermal quench experiments to investigate the effect of thermal history on diffusivity. In the most severe case, multiple 1073- to 373-K quenches, radial cracks were observed in the test specimens; however, there was no change in diffusivity. The lack of sensitivity to thermal cycling appears to be related to the sample size.  相似文献   
Oxyethylated amides that are good wetting agents have been prepared as mixtures by allowing amides to react with ethylene oxide under base catalysis. Individual components of such mixtures can be synthesized by allowing 1-alkylaziridines to react with p-toluenesulfonic acid in monomethylethers of di-, tri- and tetraethylene glycol used as solvents. The aminoethers are then acylated, and the methylether group is removed with trimethylsilyliodide from the resulting amide ethers. The sequence should allow the synthesis of specific wetting agents of quite varied structure (alkyl, aryl groups) with an option for isotopic labeling for more detailed analysis of the wetting properties.  相似文献   
Reactivities of sixteen 40 × 100 (U.S.) mesh U.S. coals charred to 1000 °C were measured in carbon dioxide at 900 °C. Chars derived from coals with less than 80% carbon, on a dry-ash-free basis, were the most reactive. These chars also gave the widest spread in reactivity. Plots of inorganic element content in the chars versus reactivity showed that magnesium and calcium are important to char reactivity. Six coals were acid-washed with hydrochloric acid and four coals were further demineralized with hydrofluoric acid. Most acid-treated coals showed a decrease in reactivity; but two coals of high rank increased in reactivity. This increase in reactivity is attributed to the creation of additional porosity as a result of mineral matter removal and thus a reduction in resistance to carbon dioxide diffusion to reactive sites. Two demineralized and two original coals were divided into four size ranges and chars were produced from each size of each coal. Gasification rates increased monotonically with decreasing particle size reacted.  相似文献   
The plasticizing effect of n-pentane on the rate of bulk free radical polymerization of styrene and molecular weight distribution development has been modeled on the basis of the free volume theory for both monofunctional and bifunctional initiation. A strong decrease in the reaction rate in the late stages of the polymerization, due to the displacement of the onset of the gel effect, has been observed for both types of initiation. This decrease in the polymerization rate limited the terminal conversion to values well below 100% for mono-functional initiation. However, in bifunctionally initiated polymerization, terminal conversions close to 100% were obtained in spite of the decrease in reaction rate. Contrary to what was expected, the molecular weight distribution obtained at terminal conversion was almost completely insensitive to these changes in polymerization rate. This phenomenon is explained in terms of limited transfer to monomer reactions when n-pentane is present in the system. In suspension polymerization, the limiting conversion and plasticizing effects of n-pentane in monofunctionally initiated systems, caused enhanced coalescence leading to suspension set-up. In bifunctionally initiated systems this enhanced coalescence was completely overcome by the short duration of the particle growth stage, owing to high polymerization rates, and stable suspensions were achieved. For these systems the particle size distributions obtained were similar to that of suspension polystyrene without n-pentane. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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