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For images with partial blur such as local defocus or local motion, deconvolution with just a single point spread function surely could not restore the images correctly. Thus, restoration relying on blur region segmentation is developed widely. In this paper, we propose an automatic approach for blur region extraction. Firstly, the image is divided into patches. Then, the patches are marked by three blur features: gradient histogram span, local mean square error map, and maximum saturation. The combination of three measures is employed as the initialization of iterative image matting algorithm. At last, we separate the blurred and non-blurred region through the binarization of alpha matting map. Experiments with a set of natural images prove the advantage of our algorithm.  相似文献   
A new approach, based on the waveform relaxation technique and fast Walsh transform, is first presented for the analysis of lossy coupled transmission lines (LCTL) with arbitrary terminal networks. The simulation accuracy of the new method can be greatly improved, the disadvantage which always exists in previous methods [1]–[7] can be avoided and a considerable saving in time and memory of CPU is obtained.  相似文献   
基于LEAD平台研发了与MRT核磁共振测井仪器配套的测井数据处理解释软件,从MRT数据采集、数据处理、储层参数计算3个方面详细阐述了MRT数据预处理、T2谱反演、T2谱分析、时域分析、孔隙度渗透率饱和度参数计算的原理和方法。现场应用表明,该软件处理速度快、精度高,处理效果符合地层规律,经过和Petrosite软件测试对比,处理效果达到国外同类软件水平。  相似文献   
Shark  L.-K. Qi  D. 《Electronics letters》1997,33(24):2011-2012
The authors present a new method for the design of wavelet-like filter banks using arbitrary lowpass filter response functions, thereby providing a flexible alternative to the implementation of the wavelet transform. The proposed wavelet-like filter banks are shown to offer superior reconstruction performance and possess the property of almost linear phase  相似文献   
第一届国际石油技术大会(IPTC)于2005年11月21日至23日在卡塔尔首都多哈召开。该届会议由美国石油地质学家协会(AAPG)、欧洲地球科学家和工程师协会(EAGE)、勘探和地球物理学家学会(SEG)和石油工程师学会(SPE)这四家当前油气行业最权威的学术和技术机构主办,是一次国际石油技术综合性会议。本次大会的主题是:“世界的可持续发展——科技与人”,旨在从科技与人力资源两个角度,探讨当前油气工业和世界能源供需所面临的机遇和挑战。会议包括了勘探、油藏、钻井、生产、天然气中游和人力资源等内容。大会吸引了来自油公司、国际组织、学术机构和资源国政府的一千多名与会者。  相似文献   
可靠性试验评定中专家信息的描述及转化方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
专家信息是小子样条件下装备可靠性试验评定中验前信息的重要来源.将专家信息的提供过程分为专家信息的描述、收集、转化、融合等4个步骤,将专家信息的描述划分为3类(统计、模糊和其它方式)共9种描述形式,并分别就每一种描述形式给出了转化为Bayes验前分布的方法.  相似文献   
戚宇恒  陈钦昌 《电子质量》2004,(4):J013-J014
本文介绍了一种用于便携式GPS系统的彩色STN(超扭曲型)图形液晶显示电路的设计.文中首先介绍了彩色STN图形液晶的结构和控制电路,然后阐述这些电路与单片机共同组成一个液晶图形显示控制系统.  相似文献   
A dedicated CW chemical oxygen iodine mini-laser is constructed and used to probe the two-dimensional (2-D) distribution of small-signal gains in a supersonic CW chemical oxygen iodine laser (CW COIL). The uneven lateral gain distribution may possibly be explained by boundary layer effects  相似文献   
本文介绍了多媒体电子邮件系统的实现方案。  相似文献   
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