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We investigated accuracy in discriminating between constant and variable angular velocities for orthographic projections of three-dimensional rotating objects. The reported judgments of "constant" or "variable" angular velocity were only slightly influenced by the projected angular velocities, but they were greatly affected by the variations of the deformation, a first-order component of the optic flow. When viewing either a rotating ellipsoidal volume or a planar surface that accelerated and decelerated over the course of rotation, observers' tendencies to report a variable angular velocity were increased when the temporal phase of the acceleration pattern increased the range of variation of the median deformation; the tendencies were decreased when the same acceleration pattern was used to decrease the range of variation of the median deformation. These results provide evidence contrary to the hypothesis that the visual system performs a mathematically correct analysis of the optic flow.  相似文献   
In non-invasive thermal diagnostics, accurate correlations between the thermal image at skin surface and interior human physiology are desired. In this work, an estimation methodology to determine unknown geometrical parameters of an embedded tumor is proposed. We define a functional that represents the mismatch between a measured experimental temperature profile, which may be obtained by infrared thermography on the skin surface, and the solution of an appropriate boundary problem. This functional is related to the geometrical parameters through the solution of the boundary problem, in such a way that finding the minimum of this functional form also means finding the unknown geometrical parameters of the embedded tumor. Sensitivity analysis techniques coupled with the adjoint method were considered to compute the shape derivative of the functional. Then, a nonmonotone spectral projected gradient method was implemented to solve the optimization problem of finding the optimal geometric parameters.  相似文献   
The problem of classifying ventricular arrhythmias from intracardial electrograms is considered. Standard statistical discrimination procedures are applied using a simple parametric model for the shape of the pulse near its peak. This approach makes simultaneous use of the model parameters, has well known statistical properties, and involves computations that can be carried out efficiently. Preliminary analyses of real data sets, using both linear and quadratic discrimination functions, yield promising results  相似文献   
Results for nonblocking distribution networks are generalized for the multirate environment in which different user connections share a switch's internal data paths for arbitrary fractions of the total capacity. Conditions under which network proposed by Y.P. Ofman (1965), C.D. Thompson (1978), and N. Pippenger (1973) lead to multirate distribution networks are derived. The results include both rearrangement and wide-sense nonblocking networks. The complexity of the rearrangement multirate network exceeds that of the corresponding space-division network by a log log factor, while the complexity of the wide-sense nonblocking network is within a factor of two of the corresponding space-division network  相似文献   
Tapered lasers fabricated from a GaInAsSb-AlGaAsSb single-quantum-well structure are reported. The laser structure, grown by molecular beam epitaxy, has broad-stripe pulsed threshold current densities as low as 50 A/cm2 at room temperature. Tapered lasers have exhibited diffraction-limited continuous-wave output power up to 600 mW  相似文献   
Geothermal waters from the Tertiary aquifers located at 1000–3000 m beneath Xi’an city, Shaanxi Province, China, show unique isotopic composition as compared to local groundwaters from shallower Quaternary aquifers. Positive oxygen shifts of as much as 8‰ VSMOW are observed, while the corresponding δ2H values remain essentially constant at about −80‰ VSMOW, which is significantly different from those of waters in the Quaternary aquifers with a mean δ2H value of −60‰ VSMOW. The strong 18O shift is a result of isotope exchange between geothermal water and carbonate minerals such as calcite over a residence time of several thousand years up to 30,000 years, based on 14C dating. A comparison of the isotopic composition of geothermal waters with neighbouring groundwater units on both sides of the Guanzhong Basin indicates that the geothermal reservoirs are recharged by rain that falls on the northern slope of the Qinling Mountains, south of the Xi’an geothermal field, but not from the North Mountains to the north of the field. Based on chemical geothermometers the highest temperature estimated for the Tertiary aquifers of the Xi’an area is around 130 °C.  相似文献   
SIR-C data quality and calibration results   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The SIR-C/X-SAR imaging radar took its first flight on the Space Shuttle Endeavour in April 1994 and flew for a second time in October 1994. This multifrequency radar has fully polarimetric capability at L- and C-band, and a single polarization at X-band (X-SAR). The Endeavour missions were designated the Space Radar Laboratory-1 (SRL-1) and -2 (SRL-2). Calibration of polarimetric L- and C-band data for all the different modes SIR-C offers is an especially complicated problem. The solution involves extensive analysis of pre-flight test data to come up with a model of the system, analysis of in-flight test data to determine the antenna pattern and gains of the system during operation, and analysis of data from over fourteen calibration sites distributed around the SIR-C/X-SAR orbit track. The SRL missions were the first time a multifrequency polarimetric imaging radar employing a phased array antenna has been flown in space. Calibration of SIR-C data products involved some unique technical problems given the complexity of the radar system. In this paper, the approach adopted for calibration of SIR-C data is described and the calibration performance of the data products is presented  相似文献   
Neuronal cell networks have been reconstructed on planar microelectrode arrays (MEAs) from dissociated hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Microcontact printing (microCP) and a photoresist-liftoff method were used to selectively localize poly-L-lysine (PLL) on the surface of MEAs. Haptotaxis led to the organization of the neurons into networks localized adjacent to microelectrodes. Various grids of PLL with 2-25-microm-wide lines spaced by 50-200 microm with 15-25-microm nodes at intersection points were used to guide cell body attachment and neurite outgrowth. Bursting activity with spike amplitude attenuation was observed, and multichannel recordings detected instances of coincident firing activity. Finally, we present here an extracellular recording from a approximately 2 microm bundle of guided neurites.  相似文献   
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