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Methods are presented for modeling the failure and repair of transmission equipment and their impact on subtransmission system reliability. The methods account for arbitrary load variation and nonexponential downtime distribution for components. The effects of single independent outages common-mode outages and independent overlapping outages are studied. The results are used to identify conditions when nonexponentially distributed downtimes can lead to significant errors if the method of analysis does not take this factor into account  相似文献   
The moisture-uptake kinetics of a hygroscopic powder, sodium heparin contained in a cylindrical container, was determined using a novel moisture-uptake measuring device under a constant convective air flow. The amount of moisture uptake increased with the increase in the relative humidity of the air. The effect of powder-bed height on the total amount of moisture uptake was found to be significant only at the highest relative humidity (75%) evaluated in this study. However, the percent of weight increase of the powder as a result of moisture uptake decreases as the height of the powder bed increases. The results of this study are explained by the dynamic nature of the moisture-uptake process associated with the instrument.  相似文献   
The first measurement of a turnover rate with respect to surface intermediate concentration in a high pressure heterogeneous catalytic reaction is reported. By using infrared-visible sum frequency generation to study the hydrogenation of ethylene on Pt(111), it was found that the surface concentration of -bonded ethylene, the key reaction intermediate, represented approximately 4% of a monolayer. Thus the absolute turnover rate per surface adsorbed ethylene molecule is 25 times faster than the rate measured per platinum atom. To explain these results, we propose a model of weakly adsorbed ethylene intermediates reacting on atop sites.  相似文献   
交流信号可由多种信号源产生,其中不少信号源与诸如TTL等最常用的接口电压不兼容。人们通常使用电容来耦合AC信号,因为电容耦合能滤除直流分置电平。但是电容耦合有时不适用,这是因为被耦合的信号电压在地电平上下摆动,所以必须增加直流偏置,以使被耦合的信号与接口电压兼容。此外,被耦合的信号所含的直流电压分量V_(DC)随脉冲宽度变化而变化。当被耦合的信号振幅较大时,这种直流变化会对接口电压产生干扰。本电路能测量  相似文献   
无线USB的前途似乎无与伦比——它能消除那些把大家桌面弄得像鼠窝一样小小的不怎么灵便的电缆。但事实上,只有需要大量的外设时无线USB设备才有优势,而且它必须非常微型而廉价,否则带来的麻烦远多于缠绕的电缆。因此,插在PC USB端口作为无线基站的硬件锁就必须有尽可能高的集成度。但一片芯片中要包含USB有线接口、控制器、无线基带和RF电路,技术上还无法实现。下面我们将看到一家供应商Wisalr的一种可量产参考设计,它是如何接近于解决这个问题的。  相似文献   
A new robust method for the approximation of physiological signals is proposed. The noise must satisfy only one condition: that the probabilities for positive and negative values are equal. The authors' results illustrate that the proposed method provides a more accurate approximation of signals than either the least square error or the least absolute deviation method in cases that include unknown noise density  相似文献   
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