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Toxicological effects of nanoparticles are associated with their internalization into cells. Hence, there is a strong need for techniques revealing the interaction between particles and cells as well as quantifying the uptake at the same time. For that reason, herein optical dark‐field microscopy is used in conjunction with transmission electron microscopy to investigate the uptake of gold nanoparticles into epithelial cells with respect to shape, stabilizing agent, and surface charge. The number of internalized particles is strongly dependent on the stabilizing agent, but not on the particle shape. A test of metabolic activity shows no direct correlation with the number of internalized particles. Therefore, particle properties besides coating and shape are suspected to contribute to the observed toxicity.  相似文献   
The serrated plastic flow, microstructure and residual stress of a Zr55 Cu30 Ni5 Al10 bulk metallic glass (BMG) undergone surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) have been investigated by a combina-tion of compression tests with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and the incremental hole-drilling strain-gage method.It is found that SMAT leads to various microstructural modifications and residual stress distribution in the surface layers of the Zr-based BMG due to the mechanically-induced nanocrystallization and generation of shear bands.As a re-sult, the BMG alloy exhibits a remarkable work-hardening like behavior and significant increase of plastic strain from less than 1% to 15%, and its plastic deformation dynamics yields a power-law distribution of shear avalanches.Based upon the analysis of the experimental results, it is indicated that this can be con-nected to the SMAT-induced microstructural modifications and the resulting residual compressive stress in the Zr-based BMG.  相似文献   
In recent years, the EU has been trying to increase political awareness of the energy problem. In 2007 and 2009, the first European energy strategy was adopted, the energy management standard EN 16001, which has been replaced by ISO 50001, was introduced in 2011. The introduction of an energy management standard in a company can contribute significantly to an increase of efficiency – already fixed in the Energy Efficiency Directive of the EU. The development of the Energy Pentagon – a model based on the decision-oriented business administration – allows individual industries to implement a customized holistic energy management. The model takes into account the three levels of management, namely the normative, strategic, and operational planning, and the five management functions, namely organization, personnel management, information, and control as well as the dynamic element of the development. The importance of enterprise energy management system is increasingly due to higher energy costs and a strong environmental awareness. In the future the focus should be increasingly on the implementation in SMEs and on a cost-effective analysis and evaluation of the efficiency gains particularly through the advancements in operational energy controlling.  相似文献   
The crucial barrier properties of the stratum corneum (SC) depend critically on the design and integrity of its layered molecular structure. However, analysis methods capable of spatially resolved molecular characterization of the SC are scarce and fraught with severe limitations, e.g., regarding molecular specificity or spatial resolution. Here, we used 3D time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry to characterize the spatial distribution of skin lipids in corneocyte multilayer squams obtained by tape stripping. Depth profiles of specific skin lipids display an oscillatory behavior that is consistent with successive monitoring of individual lipid and corneocyte layers of the SC structure. Whereas the most common skin lipids, i.e., ceramides, C24:0 and C26:0 fatty acids and cholesteryl sulfate, are similarly organized, a distinct 3D distribution was observed for cholesteryl oleate, suggesting a different localization of cholesteryl esters compared to the lipid matrix separating the corneocyte layers. The possibility to monitor the composition and spatial distribution of endogenous lipids as well as active drug and cosmetic substances in individual lipid and corneocyte layers has the potential to provide important contributions to the basic understanding of barrier function and penetration in the SC.  相似文献   
To defend themselves against herbivory, plants use a variety of direct and indirect strategies involving induced increases in secondary substances. Species of the Allium genus (Alliaceae), such as the leek Allium porrum (L.), produce nonprotein sulfur amino acids derived from cysteine, i.e., alk(en)yl-cysteine sulfoxides that are precursors of volatile thiosulfinates and disulfides. These defend most species including the specialist leek moth, Acrolepiopsis assectella. We determined by measuring the increase in the sulfur precursor propyl-cysteine sulfoxide (PCSO) if production of this precursor is induced in response to moth attack and mechanical wounding. The concentration of PCSO was determined by HPLC in 2- or 6-mo-old leeks after attacks of various intensity either by the specialist leek moth or by a generalist moth, Agrotis ipsilon. Injury-induced release of sulfur volatiles was measured by GC/MS after the attacks. Results showed an increase in the production of sulfur compounds in both the precursor and volatile form, occurring only in association with intensive attacks by leek moths. The increase in sulfur precursors also led to an increase in the release of sulfur volatiles. This induced response may provide an effective defense strategy against the plant’s main natural enemy, both directly and indirectly by attracting entomophagous insects.  相似文献   
The functionality and electronic properties of metal/ferroelectric systems rely heavily on the chemical and structural properties of the interface. The isotope sensitive technique of nuclear resonant scattering is used to selectively study the chemistry and magnetic state of the Fe/BaTiO3 interface. An electric polarity‐dependent modification of the metal/ferroelectric oxide interface has been systematically observed. The results show that the interface can be oxidized or reduced by inverting the polarity of the electric field applied across the interface above a threshold field value of ±400 kV m−1. Remarkably, the final interface state depends on the polarization history of the system. Based on these results, a model for the electric field induced ion transport at the Fe/BaTiO3 interface has been suggested. Such subtle structural changes at the interface deteriorate the magnetoelectric coupling. However, for certain applications where an oxide layer is required at metal/ferroelectric oxide interfaces, the electric fields can be used to control interdiffusion processes.  相似文献   
Materials science and device studies have, when implemented jointly as “operando” studies, better revealed the causal link between the properties of the device's materials and its operation, with applications ranging from gas sensing to information and energy technologies. Here, as a further step that maximizes this causal link, the paper focuses on the electronic properties of those atoms that drive a device's operation by using it to read out the materials property. It is demonstrated how this method can reveal insight into the operation of a macroscale, industrial‐grade microelectronic device on the atomic level. A magnetic tunnel junction's (MTJ's) current, which involves charge transport across different atomic species and interfaces, is measured while these atoms absorb soft X‐rays with synchrotron‐grade brilliance. X‐ray absorption is found to affect magnetotransport when the photon energy and linear polarization are tuned to excite Fe? O bonds parallel to the MTJ's interfaces. This explicit link between the device's spintronic performance and these Fe? O bonds, although predicted, challenges conventional wisdom on their detrimental spintronic impact. The technique opens interdisciplinary possibilities to directly probe the role of different atomic species on device operation, and shall considerably simplify the materials science iterations within device research.  相似文献   
The Bioaccessibility Research Group of Europe (BARGE) has carried out an inter-laboratory trial of a proposed harmonised in vitro physiologically based ingestion bioaccessibility procedure for soils, called the Unified BARGE Method (UBM). The UBM includes an initial saliva phase and simulated stomach and intestine compartments. The trial involved the participation of seven laboratories (five European and two North American) providing bioaccessibility data for As (11 samples), Cd (9 samples) and Pb (13 samples) using soils with in vivo relative bioavailability data measured using a swine model. The results of the study were compared with benchmark criteria for assessing the suitability of the UBM to provide data for human health risk assessments. Mine waste and slag soils containing high concentrations of As caused problems of poor repeatability and reproducibility which were alleviated when the samples were run at lower soil to solution ratios. The study showed that the UBM met the benchmark criteria for both the stomach and stomach & intestine phase for As. For Cd, three out of four criteria were met for the stomach phase but only one for the stomach & intestine phase. For Pb two, out of four criteria were met for the stomach phase and none for the stomach & intestine phase. However, the study recommends tighter control of pH in the stomach phase extraction to improve between-laboratory variability, more reproducible in vivo validation data and that a follow up inter-laboratory trial should be carried out.  相似文献   
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